The Quest for the Pearl
By Mitchell Mielnik
John Early Museum Magnet Middle School, 8th Grade
Percy Jackson needs to find Persephone’s Pearls so he can get to the Underworld and save his mom from the evil god Hades. The only problem is that he can’t do it alone. He needs YOUR help to be able to save his mom. You will be sent through this temple of the goddess of wisdom, Athena, to find the pearl. Your strength, smarts, and courage will be tested in this brave voyage. If you manage to find Persephone’s treasure, you will be Percy’s hero.
Hint Code
Α β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ ψ Ω
Α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς τ υ φ χ ψ ω
a b g d e z ê th i k l m n ks o p r s t u f ch ps ô
The combination of letters in this special code will not result in Greek words, but will be a special device for decoding the clues, Use a pencil to decipher the code.
Your adventure starts outside the building, but remember to hang onto to your ticket so you can get back in.
1. Percy Jackson is doing a history project and needs your help. Which pediment has Zeus seated in the middle?
2. Percy gets to use flying shoes when he visits the Parthenon. Soar to his height and count how many gods and goddesses you can see on the pediment in front of you.
Now go inside and proceed upstairs to the Athena/Treasury Level.
3. In the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson slayed a monster that would turn you to stone if you looked her in the eyes. She is located in three places in the building. Where are they? Hint: ον Αθηνά ανδ ιν θη τρεςὐρη
4. Luke steals the lightning bolt in The Lightning Thief. His dad, who was a god, is the messenger of the gods. What is his name? Hint: Σκὐλπτρ “Η” ιν θη τρεςὐρη.
5. Percy Jackson’s father is Poseidon, in which pediment is the Lord of the Sea the center piece? Hint: Σκὐλπτρ “Μ” ιν θη Αθηνα ρὐμ.
6. Chiron is Percy Jackson’s teacher in The Lightning Thief. He is half horse-half man. How many other two-part animals can you find? Hint: 1) Αθηνα φητ. 2) γαρδς θη Τρεςρη.
7. Percy Jackson and Heracles are half-brothers. Are you as strong as Heracles? To find out move my 7.5 tons in my “Treasure Box”.
8. The Greek’s gods and goddesses are called the Olympians. The king of the Olympians’ daughter, Athena, grew out of the side of his head. Who is he? Hint: “Μι λιτνινγ βολτ ις μιμινγ”.
9. To find the pearl you must go back to the start. But do not pass the ramp because with your life will you part. Turn right and you’ll see a dart and an object the size of a large wart.
Hero! You found the pearl!!!
ήρω!!! Υὐ φονδ θη περλ!!!!!