Thomas Edison High School


Beginning Band

Lesley Earles

Band Room 004

School phone: 612-668-7082

Cell phone: 507-254-6595


*I will return your message within 24 hours. E-mail is the best way to communicate with me.

Course Description

Beginning band is a year-long instrumental music course with the focus on developing independent and group skills through playing an instrument, interacting with various musical genres and performing in many venues. Students will engaged in their course materials through individual practice, large and small group rehearsals, sectionals, projects and class discussions. It is the expectation that students will become a part of Concert Band after completing a playing exam and interview.

Course Objectives

The objective for the class is to provide opportunities for students to explore instrumental music by developing skills and technique on an instrument of their choice, performing in an ensemble, and developing practice strategies and rehearsal skills necessary for successful performances.

Overview of Units

As an IB World School, our units are organized around “inquiry questions” which help focus learning, develop curiosity, and promote critical thinking. Some of the inquiry questions we will study in this class include:

·  What does it mean to be a member of an ensemble?

·  How does my role as a musician benefit myself and the world around me?

·  What significance does music have to cultures, including my own?

Texts and Resources

Resources for this course will consist of the Standards of Excellence method book and sheet music alongside technical methods, etudes, rhythm exercises, and scales. All resources will be provided by the teacher.

Grading Policy

80% Academic Achievement Assessments- (projects, papers, Theory Thursdays, playing tests,


20% Practice- Rehearsal time

Homework Policy

Students that are absent for the class period need to consult with peers and Mrs. Earles as to the work they missed. Practicing the music that was rehearsed the day of the absence is a MUST to aid musical growth. Playing tests can be made up during advisory, before school or after school and scheduled at a time that works for both the student and Mrs. Earles. All work must be completed by the end of the semester in order to receive any credit.

Extra Credit Opportunity: If you attend a fine arts performance (music, art, dance, theater) or are involved in a form of art OUTSIDE of the school day, you can receive extra credit! You will need to write 250 words describing the event, your critique of the event and how attending the event has made you into a better artist. Extra credit points will be awarded based on complete sentences, complete thoughts, and meaningful critique of the event. The amount of points will be at the teacher’s discretion.

If you attend a scheduled performance that is not required, you may also receive extra credit. Please see Mrs. Earles should you have questions. Extra credit will be accepted up to the week before finals for each semester.

Attendance and Tardy Policy:

Regular, daily attendance is mandatory for the growth of the individual musician and the ensemble. Please show up to rehearsal every day with all equipment and materials ready and a positive attitude. Showing up late to rehearsal is disrespectful to the ensemble, lack of dedication, and poor showing of character. Please make a habit to be ready for rehearsal 3 minutes after the bell. Students with consistent tardies will be in conference with their dean and Mrs. Earles to develop an effective plan for improved involvement in the class. Students and Parents/Guardians need to inform Mrs. Earles 2 weeks prior to a performance if they are not able to attend so that time is given to adjust the performance.

Concert Performance Schedule

Thursday, January 18th, 2018- Winter Concert, 7 PM

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018- Spring Concert, 7 PM

Beginning of June, 2018- Graduation, Date and Time TBD, Minneapolis Convention Center

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018- Northeast Parade, Central Avenue, Time TBD

*Times and dates are subject to change, as well as additions of other performance opportunities. All concerts are to be held in the Thomas Edison High School Auditorium, unless noted. Changes will be announced in class and via the class website at least 2 weeks prior. Students may choose to do pepband, but it is not required. Pepband schedule will be released by the first week in November.

Concert Attire

In order to not be a distraction to the amazing music we create when we perform, our ensemble requires specific concert attire. All members must have white on top, black on the bottom, or all black attire. Dress shirts, blouses, dress pants and skirts are all acceptable forms of concert attire. We also have our very own Edison Band t-shirts that we wear for casual functions such as pep fests, pepband, and specific concerts. If you do not have one, bring $10 to Mrs. Earles as soon as possible to get your shirt. If you need help obtaining your concert clothing, please see Mrs. Earles. T-shirts are not required for Beginning Band, but are available for purchase.

Theory Thursdays

Theory Thursday is a time for students to explore music outside of their instrument through projects, class discussion, and lessons. Projects, homework, written essays and presentations will be part of the sessions. These will occur every Thursday except for the week before a concert and after a performance. Required materials will be announced the beginning of the week.

Classroom Conduct Expectations

It is expected that all students will be ready and engaged in the rehearsal. If you have personal issues that you need to address, please see Mrs. Earles. Cell phones will not be allowed in rehearsal unless Mrs. Earles states otherwise. Please be respectful to those around you by demonstrating mindful and respective practices.

Classroom Engagement Plan

Looks like… Response

Enter the classroom/
Start of day / ·  Be ready to go 3 minutes
after bell
·  Be prepared with ALL materials
·  Be engaged in the 1st activity (warm-up) / ·  Model, practice, re-teach
·  Shine a light on what’s right
·  Peers can give guidance
·  Teacher can give guidance
·  Dean can support teacher
Tardy to class / ·  Come in quietly to class
·  Engage in the learning immediately, independently
·  Catch up with work at a later time / ·  Teacher will catch student at a natural break
·  Peers will support each other to catch up on what was missed
·  Parental contact
·  Conference with Dean and Student
If you are absent / ·  It is your responsibility to determine what you have missed in class
·  Check with a classmate
·  Work with your advisor
·  Check in with the teacher / ·  Teacher will be available to help student catch up at a time that is convenient for both parties (advisory, before/after school, other times at the teacher’s discretion)
Need Help with Work? / ·  Check your notes
·  Check with a classmate
·  Check with the teacher / ·  Never be afraid to ask, but try to find the information out on your own first.
Exiting the Room / ·  Clean area around you
·  Place instrument in storage
·  Put music in folder slot
·  Wait patiently by door / ·  This space is everyone’s…please be respectful.
·  This our own home…please keep it tidy!
Academic Honesty / ·  Cite ideas not your own
·  Demonstrate what you know
·  Teacher will clarify and model correct uses / ·  Teacher may ask for re-write or redo of assignment
·  Teacher will support where necessary
·  Conference with Dean and Student
School-Wide Agreements / ·  Seating chart (sit in assigned seat)
·  No passes for first and last 10 minutes of class
·  No cell phones unless instructed to do so / ·  Teacher will reestablish expectations
·  Students will follow the expectations of the building to help with their success
·  Student, teacher and dean may conference if there is misunderstanding of the expectations



Congratulations on your decision to begin or continue your study of instrumental music! Students who are connected to an arts organization throughout their high school careers are more likely to graduate, which also opens up scholarship opportunities.

Since students are assessed weekly in class, and with the high level of standards for the ensemble, the expectation to practice outside of the school day is imperative to the growth of the individual and of the ensemble. Practicing your instrument is your first and most important step in succeeding in the instrumental ensemble.

Please read and sign the contract below. A contract is an agreement between two groups or individuals. By signing this contract, you are agreeing to take full responsibility and care for the instrument and to practice.

The suggested donation for the rental fee for the year is $30 ($15 per semester). This money is used for materials for the ensemble including books, supplies and music. You can pay via Cash or Check payable to Edison High School. If you wish to donate more, please include any amount and check the box “Scholarship”.

Please detach the bottom and return to Mrs. Earles by the Friday, September 15th, 2017.

“I accept full responsibility for the care of the musical instrument assigned to me. In the event the instrument should be lost, damaged beyond repair, or stolen, it is my responsibility to reimburse Edison High School for the replacement cost of the instrument.

If I transfer to another school, quit the ensemble, or graduate, I will return the instrument and all music/instructional materials promptly to Mrs. Earles and Edison High School. “

Student name ______ID Number ______

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Phone ______E-mail ______

Instrument (Type/Model) ______Barcode Number ______

______I am donating ______to the Edison Band Program to give musical opportunities to other students