West End Million Partnership Committee meeting
Monday 14th September 2015, West End Community Centre
Mike Barr
Steve Coghlan
Simon Das
Andrew Galland
Liz Graydon
Janet Hampson
Marian Korzeniowski
Garry Lloyd
Kathryn MacDonald
Tigger MacGregor
Linda Smalley
Gill Taylor
Robyn Thomas
Olivia Thomas
Melody Treasure
Pat Williamson
Tom Fyson (Big Local representative)
Andy Hemming (UnLtd representative)
Paul Colley (Lancaster District Community & Voluntary Solutions)
Jim Mackison (Lancaster District Community & Voluntary Solutions)
Elisabeth Engelke
Charmaine Nuttal
John Senior
Fraser Smalley
Ben Yates
1.Welcome and Introductions
Paul Colley from Lancaster CVS chaired the meeting and Jim Mackison from the CVS took the minutes. Members of the West End Million Steering Group were present along with several people who had expressed an interest in joining the Committee.
2.Aims for the meeting.
Paul explained that the purpose of the meeting was to form the West End Million Partnership Committee and to appoint a Committee Chair.
Lancaster CVS has been commissioned by the West End Million Steering Group to assist in the preparation of an Action Plan for 2016 to be submitted to the Big Local Trust by the end of 2015. During the course of the meeting Paul and Jim will explain how they propose to facilitate this. They will also carry out a Skills Audit of the Committee members to inform the composition of the proposed working groups.
3.The WEM Action Plan
Jim Mackison from the CVS explained how he and Paul proposed to support the Committee and its working groups. He drew attention to a provisional timetable of committee and working group meetings. Jim also provided a diagrammatic handout of a proposed structure of working groups. He sketched out the time commitment that would be required from committee members: one Partnership Committee meeting a month and two (or four) Working Group meetings over the next three months.
Tom pointed out that the frequency of the Partnership Committee meetings might diminish once the working groups are in full swing in the first year.
Jim went on to say that there will be five working groups formed to work up mini-action plans for each of the four priorities (Housing, Festivals, Young People, Business) as well as for the High Impact project. The Steering Group had already formed a Communications working group. Thinking ahead to Year One when the Action Plan is implemented the CVS suggests that ideally there should be two additional working groups -Review and Finance.
Each group requires a core of two or three members from the Partnership Committee to lead them. Other non-Committee members may be invited to join these working groups. The planning process will no doubt evolve and working groups may develop different ways of working.
It is expected that the Partnership Committee will meet once a month to review the progress of the Action Plan in its totality. After their first session each Working Group will report to the Partnership Committee. It will then meet again to discuss the feedback from the Committee. The Committee will have ultimate responsibility for the Action Plan and will make the final decisions about what is included and what isn't, as well as deciding upon the budget.
The WEM Steering Group decided to submit an Action Plan for one year. Essentially in the first year the Working Groups will be investigating the options open to the Partnership to see how the West End Million could be most effectively invested. Big Local has provided guidance as to what it expects to see in an Action Plan, which Paul and Jim will follow. A detailed plan is not expected; more a broad direction of travel. Jim anticipates that the Action Plan will be fairly brief e.g. about 14-15 pages. He pointed out that two plans might develop in parallel: a concise plan for Big Local and a more detailed plan for the Committee. The Action Plan will also be made public to demonstrate to the residents of the West End how the Partnership is progressing. Although the CVS will provide guidance and help draft the Action Plan the ideas that go into will be the Committee’s.
4.Appointment of the WEM Partnership Committee.
Tom explained that the text for the constitution for the West End Million Partnership has been discussed and agreed by the West End Million Steering Group. It would probably be most appropriate for it to be adopted by the Partnership Committee at its first meeting next month.
The constitution requires a minimum of 15 committee members. At least 51% of the members have to be resident in the West End Million area. Membership of the Partnership committee is open to anyone who lives, works or volunteers in the WEM area. There is also provision for two representatives from local businesses and three representatives from local charities.
Simon informed the meeting that there had been discussions at Steering Group meetings about how to involve young people and these discussions are ongoing.
Tom informed the meeting that once formed the Committee will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, which is an agreement between the Partnership and the Local Trust (on behalf of Big Local).
ACTION: The Chair to circulate a copy of the Constitution and the Memorandum of Understanding.
The following people were appointed to the Partnership Committee
Mike BarrOlivia ThomasKathryn MacDonald
Steve CoghlanMike BarrGarry Lloyd
Simon DasMarian KorzeniowskiJanet Hampson
Kieran EngelkeRobyn ThomasOlivia Thomas
Andrew GallandKieran EngelkeSimon Das
Liz GraydonSimon DasMarian Korzeniowski
Janet HampsonKathryn MacDonaldMike Barr
Marian KorzeniowskiLiz GraydonSteve Coghlan
Garry LloydOlivia ThomasRobyn Thomas
Kathryn MacDonaldJanet HampsonLiz Graydon
Tigger MacGregorSteve CoghlanMike Barr
Gill TaylorMike BarrRobyn Thomas
Robyn ThomasSteve CoghlanLiz Graydon
Olivia ThomasMike BarrSimon Das
Melody TreasureRobyn ThomasOlivia Thomas
Pat WilliamsonRobyn ThomasOlivia Thomas
In their absence the following people were proposed and seconded for membership of the Committee subject to confirmation of their agreement
Elisabeth EngelkeRobyn ThomasMelody Treasure
Charmaine NuttalRobyn ThomasSimon Das
Ben YatesSimon DasMarian Korzeniowski
Jo BambroughSimon DasTigger MacGregor
Olivia TreasureRobyn ThomasMelody Treasure
ACTION: The Chair to contact these nominees. Appointments to be confirmed at the next meeting.
Linda Smalley,who was a member of the Steering Group,stated that she did not wish to join the Committee at the present time but would be available for a working group. Fraser Smalley, who was also a member of the Steering Group, has informed Simon that he wishes to take a step back from WEM for the time being because of other commitments. Simon believes that John Senior (from the Bay Business Centre), who has expressed an interest in being involved, may be willing to join a working group. Robyn suggested that Joanne McMillan might like to be involved.
ACTION: Jim to contact John Senior and Joanne McMillan
5.Appointment of Chair.
Simon Das, who has been Chair of the West End Million Steering Group, indicated that he was willing to stand for Chair of the Partnership Committee. He was proposed by Mike Barr and Olivia Thomas. There being no other nominations Simon was appointed as the Committee Chair. (Round of applause).
Mike Barr and Olivia Thomas, members of the Steering Group, agreed to continue as acting Treasurer and Secretary respectively, until the next Partnership Committee meeting.
ACTION: Agenda item for next meeting – appointment of Treasurer, Secretary and Minutes Secretary.
6.Skills Audit and Preferences
Paul Colley from the CVS invited everyone to complete a Skills Audit form. He explained that this will assist in the task of assigning people to the Working Groups. Each Working Group requires a core of two or three members who will take responsibility for reporting back to the Partnership Committee and preparing a mini-action plan for inclusion in the overall Action Plan. (It is suggested that every Committee Member should be able to attend any Working Group meeting if they have the time).
ACTION: Jim to email copies of the Skills Audit form to Charmaine Nuttal, Jo Bamburgh, Ben Yates and Olivia Treasure. (Kieran completed a form for Elisabeth Engelke in her absence).
Jim asked if the Committee would be willing to delegate the responsibility for assigning roles to a team composed of the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, assisted by the CVS. This was accepted by the meeting. Simon, Mike and Olivia accepted this task.
ACTION: It is intended that the team meet as soon as possible so that the Working Groups can be formed and meet for the first time, soon thereafter.
7.The Next Steps
Once the Working Groups are formed the CVS will arrange the first meetings of the Priority Working Groups (provisionally in the week beginning 28th September). Details will be circulated.
(The first meetings of the Organisational Working Groups and the High Impact Project Working Group are pencilled in for the week after the next Partnership Committee meeting).
8.Any Other Business
Andy Hemming informed the Committee that UnLtdwould continue to support the West End Million Partnership.
9.Date and time of next Partnership Committee meeting
Monday 12th October, 6:30pm at the West End Community Centre (to be confirmed).
ACTION: Simon to email the Committee members to confirm this.