Sunday 21 Fabuary 2016

90:00 Am – 10:30AM


Venue: NRC conference room, Garowe

Chair: Chairman Regional shelter cluster coordinator: Abdihakim Mohamed


S/No / Name of the Particpants / Organization / Email
1 / Mohamoud Saeed / UNOCHA /
2 / Abdihakim Mohamed / NRC /
3 / Steve Ndikumwenayo / NRC /
4 / Mohamed Ahmed Esse / DRC /
5 / Abib Nur Musse / Mercy USA /
6 / Mohamud Hussen / UNHabitat /
7 / Khadar Askar / CARE /


  1. Technical assessment of the estimate cost for the permanent land in Garowe to be conducted jointly by NRC and UNHABITAT which is going to be shared with all other shelter cluster members.
  2. Permanent shelter typology
  3. Drought response in Puntland
  4. AOB

Opening Remarks

The meeting began with quick round introduction by the participants and review the action points of the previous meeting minutes.

1.Update on the durable solution

  • NRC and UN Habitat to conduct technical cost assessment for the demarcation of permanent land with visibility and share with the shelter cluster during ad hoc meeting but there is extra land situated next to the previous one which puntland government has added to the one before, the total distance for the new extraland is 1450m both side east and west making the total permanent land with title deed including the new extra land to 3,341m. Therefore all the cluster members agreed the government to finalize the documentation of new permanentland, afterwards agencies will do demarcation of the permanent land if the fund is available.

2.Permanent shelter typology

  • It has also been discussed in the meeting that the “permanent shelter typology” to be considered the previous recommendation from the Ministry of Interior (MOI) regarding the two-room house. After the MOI recommendation, there was a plan to conduct workshop by Somalia Shelter Cluster to discuss the matter, but due to security concerns, it has been confirmed in our last cluster meetingthat shelter cluster coordinator had communicatedwith Somalia regional shelter cluster coordinator and informed to come to Garowe and have discussion with the government the way forward concerning this issue.
  • Advocacy for funds through the country shelter and donors was also discussed to be imperative.

3.Updates on the emergency response/stocks.

  • No responses have been made, except 11 NFI kits distributed by NRC to the fire affected beneficiaries in Ajuran IDP settlement Garowe.
  • There are no stocks available in Nugal region for all agencies
  1. Drought response in Puntland
  • Nothing had been reported from theIDPs who camefrom rural areas tocome to the big city during respective period by all agencies
  • All agenciesdo not have NFI for the emergency shelter but if the drought will continue the situation will be measured and if we received information of IDPs emergency response will be call for all agencies.

Action points:

4.The assigned Nugal shelter cluster coordinator will make the follow up for the government to finalize the documentation of the new additional land.

5.Shelter cluster will also closely working with UNOCHA and Hadma to know if there is any new IDP come to biggest city in Nugal region and need NFI or Emergency shelter kits.

  1. AOB

6.Nothing discussed.