Q2 11th Grade Advisory
Date: / Subject: Emotional & Mental Health #6
Focus: Human needs
Objectives- By the end of class students will be able to:
1.  Demonstrate and identify health ways to express emotions for dealing with relationships responsibly.
2.  Shape peer norms that value communicating emotions in healthy ways to deal with relationships & roles in relationships
3.  Use communication skills to express emotions appropriately to foster responsible relationships. / Materials:
Do now, Maslow reading
NYS Learning Standards
Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness
Standard 2: A safe and healthy environment
Standard 3: Resource Management
Do now (3-4 min):
All humans need the same things to survive and maintain good emotional and mental health, I think the 5 most important things that all humans need for good emotional and mental health are…
My top 5 needs for humans / Maslow’s 5 Needs
Love & belonging
Safety and security
Physiological- air, water, food, shelter, sleep
-  Discussion (3-5 min): Ask students to name their top 5 needs and discuss why they think all humans need these things to maintain good emotional and mental health / - 
Activity #1 Maslow & Emotional Health
-  Hand out worksheets
-  (3-5 min) Students will read the Maslow worksheet (as a class or on their own) and underline/highlight 3-5 important facts
-  (2-5 min) Share-out of student facts & comments relating to:
Love and belonging
Safety and security
Physiological (air, water, food, shelter, sleep)
Activity #2 Discussion & Comments about Maslow
-  State: When needs at the bottom of the Maslow pyramid are fulfilled, humans seek to and are able to fulfill higher order needs. Most people have their physiological needs fulfilled most of the time. Teenagers, adults and senior citizens continue to attempt to satisfy their needs for safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. As people move through different stages in their lives, the actions they take to achieve and maintain good mental health may change. Once the more basic needs are met, higher-order needs become the focus of their lives.
-  (3-5 min) Direct students to Love & Self-esteem activity on Work-sheet and allow time to have them fill out
Fact: Loving and being loved are basic needs.
-  I agree/disagree with this fact because…
Fact: Self-esteem can be enhanced with patience and hard work.
-  I agree/disagree with this fact because…
Final Summary (1-2 min) Summarize activity: Remember that higher-order needs can only be pursued when lower-order needs are met. Thinking and dreaming about your future and making plans are important first steps in achieving and maintaining good mental and emotional health. / - 


Do Now: All humans need the same things to survive and maintain good emotional and mental health; I think the 5 most important things that all humans need for good emotional and mental health are…

My top 5 needs for humans / Maslow’s 5 Needs for humans

Activity #2:

Fact: Loving and being loved are basic needs.

I agree/disagree with this fact because… ______Fact: Self-esteem can be enhanced with patience and hard work.

I agree/disagree with this fact because…
