Instructional & Developmental Division
Business Meeting
International Communication Association – San Diego, CA
May 28, 2017
Attendance: Stephanie Kelly, CJ Claus, Marjorie Buckner, Michelle Violanti, Michelle Garland, Davide Giradelli, Davi Kallman, Paro Pain, Yuping Mao, Carolyn Lagoe, Susan Kline, and Julianna Kirschner.
Meeting started at 5:01pm
Michelle Violanti approved minutes; Garland seconded
I. Welcome and introductions
II. Approval of minutes from 2016 (June 2016 & March 2017)
III. Old business
a. 2017 Convention program
i. 10 program slots, 5 poster slots, 96 submissions – 44% acceptance rate
ii. Appreciation for reviewers – CJ Claus reviewed 27 papers. Special thank you to CJ Claus.
iii. Instigated change that universities needed in panel proposals – voted in Japan that we would not receive panels from all one university – this is good.
iv. Change in membership cost – there is a change in your membership free. Everyone’s cost of membership went down $3, and you are now paying $3 for all divisions. This is a net of $0.
b. 2017 Awards – Top Papers tied down to a hundredth of a percentage
a. A Conditional Process Analysis of the Teacher Confirmation-Student Learning Relationship, Zachary Goldman, CJ Claus, & Alan Goodboy
b. How Diversity Course Enrollment Impacts Meritocracy Beliefs and Interracial Dialogue, Aaron Castelan Cargile, Stacy Young, & Yuping Mao
c. Making a Difference through Persuasion: Designing Prosocial Community Campaigns, Carolyn Lagoe
d. Reducing Academic Entitlement: The Mediating Role of Relational Frames, Lin Zhu, Deepa Anagondahalli, Gamze Yilmaz, & Ning Xie,
c. 2017 Top Student Paper: Integrating Organizational Value Messages into Course Curricula: Implications for Student Learning and Adjustment to College, Kristen Farris, Michael Burns, & Jen Beck
1. Last year our top paper award winner (David Giradelli) returned his money to go to a student. Thus, we gave money to our top student paper.
d. Top Poster: Universities as pedagogical agents: The role of university communications on parent-student communication and student engagement, Susan Kline, Ryan Lovell, Aysenur Dal, D'arcy Oaks, & Nick Thompson
e. Top GIFTS: Teaching Editorial Design Using Induction, Yulia Medvedeva
f. Travel Grants: Paro Pain, Davi Israel Kallman, & Julianna Kirschner
IV. New business
a. ICA Board meeting update
i. Upcoming changes
1. Budget: paying off building and providing health care to family of ICA staff
2. Outstanding Reviewer Reward: based on quality and is worth conference fee waiver – something awarded at the Executive level, every division can nominate one person (Michelle Violanti was nominated this year from IDD), Laura Sawyer chooses one and winner gets either free registration or cash (for lifetime members)
3. Expect to be prompted to volunteer to review when you submit papers in the future
4. 3,042 preregistered
ii. The Annals of the International Communication Association is now live. The first two issues have been published. You can access to them on the ICA website. We want to remind people that the Annals is an outlet for literature reviews. The Annals is taking the place of Communication Yearbook and is publishing the same type of papers. Review papers can be up to 11,000 words. In addition, we are publishing Review Essays & Topic Book Reviews. These are shorter essays (~6,000 words) that will be sent out for review. These can include critical essays that addresses issues pertinent to the discipline or the implications of communication research for larger issues. In addition, responses to papers that were previously published in the journal are encouraged. Finally, Topical Book Reviews are essays that should include a discussion of recently published books that focus on a central theme within the discipline. Thomas Jacobson’s essay on the public sphere and David Karpf’s essay on digital politics are excellent examples of Topical Book Reviews. Please ask your libraries to subscribe to the Annals. The subscription provides access to the Annals, and includes electronic access to Volumes 6 to 40 of Communication Yearbook. This is the first time that the Yearbook has been made available online.
1. The call is on the ICA website. Tell your library to subscribe.
iii. Encouragement to update fellows – If you have an outstanding scholar who has made a dent in your division, please nominate.
iv. Ethics: Should we be sharing presentations on social media?
1. ***Last year, there were two faculty members in a division live Tweeting poorly about a student. Carolyn Lagoe asked if ICA had guidelines about live Tweeting. This year, ICA said gave people a twitter symbol to include in their power point to indicate that you could live Tweet. Michelle Violanti suggested that this might interrupt the anonymous review process. Davi Kallman said that she thinks some sort of guidelines about not posting about the content of the studies. Stephanie Kelly summarized that the Division feels that the author needs to be able to give permission. Michelle Violanti clarified that posting a picture of you with the title of your power point is okay. Davi Kallman clarified that anything content related (e.g., picture of a content slide) should have guidelines.
2. Potential pros of publicly sharing:
a. Increased visibility of research
b. Increased connection with peers
3. Potential cons of publicly sharing:
a. Misrepresentation of research
b. Citation of unfinished or tentative work-in-progress
c. Unintended disclosure of participants’ profiles
v. Location for Future Conferences
1. 2018: Prague
2. 2019: Washington D.C.
3. 2020: Gold Coast, Australia
4. 2021: Denver, CO
5. 2022: Paris, France $205-$210 hotel per night
6. 2023: Toronto, ON
7. 2024: Asia - TBD (in negotiations with Bangkok, Thailand)
b. Dissertation Award –Baha Gamiel submitted an online motion proposing this. We do not currently have guidelines. We now need a task force for this. This would be a monetary award pending budget approval. Task Force: Michelle Garland, Michelle Violanti (Chair), Davi Kallman, Paro Pain, and Julianna Kirschner
c. Approval of new documents
i. Mission and Description – We have not updated these since Media and Children. This has been a problem for people who are trying to decide where to send their work.
ii. Bylaws – We haven’t updated bylaws since the 70s.
iii. We had a meeting about this in Japan, and a webinar about this in March. We took out changes that suggested we were only interested in scientific research. Basically, we’re just updating bylaws to say what we actually do (and have been doing). Susan Kline asked about “Developmental” part. Susan indicated that this is a core stream of research and theory as part of this division. Stephanie Kelly responded that we have only had 3 in the past few years submitted. CJ Claus suggested that instructional better fits this division and aligns us better with the associations. Julianne Kirschner suggested that she agreed. Susan Kline sees this as part of the mission and something that is a hallmark of this division – “the narrow casting works against the intellectual mission”. Stephanie Kelly responded that part of the purpose of this conversation was to show the breadth of the division. Others saw IDD as curriculum development.
iv. We are not proposing that IDD change it’s name.
v. Stephanie Kelly initiated a vote on the mission and description. Davi Kallman motioned to vote for acceptance on the basis that IDD would be added. CJ Claus seconded. Everyone voted “aye” to adopt the mission and description as is with IDD added rather than ICD.
vi. For by laws, Michelle Garland motioned to vote on bylaws, which was seconded by Paro Pain. All voted for the bylaws to be accepted.
d. Vice-Chair Election
i. Description of role – a five year gig (Vice-Chair Elect, Vice-Chair, Vice-Chair and Program Planner [organize blind review], Chair and Program Planner [spot on Board of Directors, program plan]), Back up the Vice-Chair)
ii. Nominations – David Giradelli nominated self for the Vice Chair position. Michelle Violanti moved to close nominations; CJ Claus seconded.
iii. Nominations – Student nominee for the Student and Early Career Advisory Committee – Annie introduced this after we talked about Prague – newish advisory board, 2 year commitment when you start (you should be within one year of completing your dissertation) – Paro Pain self-nominated. Michelle Violanti moved to close; Davi Kallman seconded. Division voted Paro Pain to be the next SECAC.
e. 2017 Convention in Prague, Czech Republic May 24-28 – This will be a different type of convention. When the decision for ICA to be in Prague was made, the association was much smaller.
i. Small hotels, small rooms (Two Hiltons, Drury Inn, and Overflows) – Shuttles will be provided from the 2 Hiltons and Drury Inn. At least 3 overflow hotels will be named.
ii. Theme: Voices
iii. $165 for single; $182 for double (includes free continental breakfast)
iv. Update from EC board member
f. Susan Kline asked about division memberships. Stephanie Kelly explained that we are increasing, and we are about 202 right now. We are continuing to see more growth, but division status is determined by membership as well as submissions. Susan Kline said that we need to encourage others to sign up for the division.
g. Recognitions and appreciation
V. Adjourn