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Alternative treatments dissolve cataracts, prevent their return, and help to avoid surgery

Monday, April 30, 2012 by: JB Bardot

(NaturalNews) Surgery is usually the only option offered by conventional medicine to people with cataracts; however, there are alternative treatments that may dissolve cataracts preventing their return. Cataracts occur when the eye's natural lens becomes cloudy, causing vision loss. They are most common in people over 40 and are the main cause of blindness worldwide, according to All About Vision. More than 22 million Americans suffer from cataracts with that number expected to rise to over 30 million by 2020.
Symptoms include blurring of the vision, reduction in night vision, "glare" when looking at artificial light or sunlight, and eventually blindness.
Experts don't know what causes cataracts, only that the protein in the lens of the eye begins to clump causing small areas of cloudiness. Some studies suggest that cataracts may develop after the eyes are repeatedly exposed to ultraviolet light and radiation, such as that emitted by computers. Certain risk factors are diabetes, taking steroids, tranquilizers or diuretics, using HRT, smoking and heavy metal toxicity.
Although there is no hard scientific research, anecdotal evidence indicates the efficacy of several natural substances in preventing and reducing the severity of cataracts.

Pascalite, bentonite clay

Pascalite is a creamy white-colored form of bentonite clay found only in the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming. It's classified as a calcium bentonite/montmorillonite and was considered a sacred healing substance to the Indians. Pascalite is alleged to have a very high energy level, and its mineral content has been found to heal a wide variety of ailments ranging from brown recluse spider bites, to skin necroses and digestive tract ulcers. Although it may seem far-fetched to some, cataract patients have reported that applying the clay paste to their eyelids and making eye drops from water filtered through the clay has helped to dissolve their cataracts.

Cineraria Maritima

Cineraria maratima, or dusty miller, is a common herb whose juice is known to dissolve cataracts. India's Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has noted that Cineraria tincture can prevent cataracts from developing. Additionally, homeopathic doctor William Boericke, M.D. notes in his Materia Medica with Repertory that Cineraria tincture may reverse existing cataracts. To obtain the full effects of this herb, the mother tincture must be used diluted in saline water. Commercial products are not effective.


Homeopathic opthamologist, doctor Ed Kondrot, M.D. discusses the first article written about using homeopathy for cataracts. It was published in 1891 by A. B. Norton. The study examined 295 cataract patients, of which 100 were treated with homeopathic medicine for more than a three-month period. Improvement was found in in 58 percent of the participants. Kondrot briefly describes the three homeopathic remedies used in the study.
Calcarea phosphoricum is indicated when there are headaches and eye pains especially in and around the right eye. Patients may also feel a sensation of stiffness around the eyes.
Sepia may be indicated if the patient complains of the sensation of weakness in the eyes and the symptoms worsen as evening approaches. The eyelids may twitch and there may be sharp pains. People needing Sepia may feel better during daytime hours and when eating.
Causticum may be indicated for patients experiencing a feeling of grittiness or sand in the eyes. The eyelids may feel heavy and the eyes feel better when closed. Patients may report feeling pressure in the eyes, burning and itching, as well as having light sensitivity and seeing flashes of light.
For best results in treating cataracts with homeopathy, see a knowledgeable homeopath who will take your case and treat you holistically, not just your cataracts.
Sources for this article include:
Healing the Eye: Alternative Treatment of Cataracts
All About Vision: Cataracts
Natural Ophthalmics: Homeopathic Treatment of Incipient Cataracts
Magnetic Pascalite Bentonite Clay
AZNetNews: Homeopathy in the Treatment of Cataracts
Boericke, William; Materia Medica and Repertory; Jain Publishing, 1998
About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine.