First Name: alanha
Last Name: No Response
Your Story: Praise our Almighty and Powerful Trinity, who have filled me right up with graces overflowing! I am a former Lutheran missouri synoud christian, mother of three, married to a previous athiest who, through many years of praying and crying, just made his conversion to lutheran 3 years ago. My children are in christian (lutheran)school their whole lives. Needless to say, my life was "good" and I felt that all that praying for my husband finally "paid off". God, on the other hand, whispered to me "we have just began". Allow me to begin with a miraculous medal that was given to me about 7 years ago and sat in my jewelry box until 2 years ago. For some reason, I chose to put it on one day and only say "hail mary full of grace the Lord is with thee, bessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus". and I would stop there since that was biblical. After a few weeks of repeating those words and wearing this medal, my life began the most beautiful transformation and calling to say yes to my God. The main pull that seemed to be like a magnet was the real presence in the eucharist. How awesome it was to find out during my conversion that this was "the year of the eucharist". I became Catholic this spring, two weeks before my 13 year old daughter made her lutheran confirmation. As I told her, I cannot make you become Catholic, and I would not want to. If I did, you may miss that awesome moment when God says "give me your hand and allow me to lead you", and as if putting your hand in his you feel the warmth, the depth, the love, the trust.....the everything. I now do the most powerful thing I can do for my children, I pray "hail Mary" for them as often as I can remember and also pray. God give me the grace to be the mother and wife you would have me be. Please pray for me!