Name: ______Period: ______

Forensic Science Semester Exam Rview


Match each of the following fields of study or departments with the statements below.

1. / Indirect andIndividual
2. / Direct andClassEvidence
3. / Direct Evidenceonly
4. / Direct and Individual Evidence
5. / IndirectandClass
  1. ____ Identify and compare physical evidence
  2. ____Initiate arrest
  3. ____Collect and preserve evidence
  4. ____Study criminal behavior
  5. ____Transport the body and aids in death investigation


11. / Generalacceptance ofscience /
12. / Whatis therateof error?
13. / Allowswitnesses incourt
14. / Protectsagainstillegalsearch andseizure.
15. / Prevents doublejeopardy


  1. ____the application ofscienceincollectingandanalyzingphysical evidencein criminal cases
  1. Forensic____a branch of medicineusedfor legal purposes andconcernedwith determiningcauses ofdeath
  1. Trace______Examiner–identifiesand/or comparesphysical evidence throughchemical, physical, andinstrumental analysis
  1. Forensic_____ usesphotographictechniques todocumentcrimescenes and evidence, as wellas provideimageenhancementsandexhibitsforanalysis andcourtroom presentation

20.____ SceneInvestigator– processes crimescenes tocollectandpreserve physical evidence


  1. _____Print Examiner– processesandexamines latentfingerprints incriminal


22. ForensicSerologist/Forensic______processes,compares,and/or identifies biological evidenceincriminal cases

23. Forensic_____examinesbodilyfluids and organstodeterminethepresence ofdrugs andpoisons

24. _____Examiner –examinesfirearms anddischargedammunition; alsoconductsdistance determinationandtoolmark examination

  1. Forensic______studiesinsectstoestimatethetime of death


  1. Forensic______Science–collectionandidentificationof datafromcomputers andother digital devices
  1. . Questioned ______Examiner–studiesthehandwritingand typefaceonquestioned documentstodetermine theirauthenticityand/or origin
  1. Forensic______concernedwithfailure analysis, accidentreconstruction,andcauses and origins offiresor explosions
  1. . Forensic______identificationandcomparisonof dentalevidenceincriminal case


30. Whattypeof evidenceputsmostinnocentpeopleinjail?

  1. Direct Evidence
  2. Class Evidence
  3. Indirect Evidence
  4. None oftheabove

31. Impliesafactwithout necessarilyprovingit

  1. Direct Evidence
  2. Individual Evidence
  3. IndirectEvidence
  4. None oftheabove

32. Testimonial Evidenceis notreliableif

  1. Thewitness is middleaged
  2. A shortamountoftimehaspassed
  3. Thewitness hasalreadyidentifiedanother suspect
  4. None oftheabove

33. Evidencethatis linkedtoauniquesource

  1. Individual Evidence
  2. Direct Evidence
  3. Class Evidence
  4. IndirectEvidence

34. Therelevanceandabilityofevidenceto proveacrime(in acourtoflaw) is its

  1. PromisingValue
  2. Probative Value
  3. Valid Evidence
  4. All oftheabove

35. Basedonsuggestion,rather thanpersonal knowledge or observation

  1. Control Sample
  2. Probative Value
  3. Circumstantial Evidence
  4. None oftheabove

36. The owner ofahouseagrees tolet hishomebesearchedforaspecific gun,but nothingis found.Twomonthslater,policesearch his homewithoutawarrant andfind thegun. The guncannotbeadmittedbecauseitwas anillegal search.

  1. True
  2. False

37. Anofficer knocks onthe door toquestionasuspect,thenthe officer races upstairs to stopthe destruction of drugevidencebecause hehears the toiletflushing.This drug evidencecanbeadmittedincourt,evenwithoutawarrant.

  1. True
  2. False

38. Inmost ofthecourtroomresearch,eyewitness testimonyhas just asmuch ormore influence over ajury whencompared toforensic physical evidence.

  1. True
  2. False

39. A murder suspectisfoundinnocent ofkillinghis wife.Twoyears later, policeofficers findher DNAfrom bloodinthe trunk of his carthe prosecutioncan proceedwithanew case.

  1. True
  2. False

40. Walkingupthesidewalk toabusiness inquestion,adetectivefindsmarkedmoney from arecentbankrobbery.Thisevidenceisadmissibleincourt.

  1. True
  2. False

41. Anofficer is arrestingsomeoneandfindsanillegal drugin his pocket.This evidence cannotbe usedincourt becausetheofficer did nothaveawarrant.

  1. True
  2. False

42. A crimesceneinvestigator packages andrecords all datafor an evidencesampleand then gives thesampleto thedeliveryperson.Thedeliverypersontakes thesample directlyto theevidenceroomwherethe officer there recordshis owninformation.What protocolhasbeenbroken?

  1. ChainofCustody
  2. Cross Contamination
  3. Control Issues
  4. SeparationContamination

43. ____ Theforensic problemthatoccurs iftwo bloodyitems arepackaged together

  1. ChainofCustody
  2. Cross Contamination
  3. Control Issues
  4. SeparationContamination

44. Thejuryis veryconfusedonthetesting ofsomeDNAevidence.The prosecutioncould blame thisonthedirect evidencepresentedbythe expert witness.

  1. True
  2. False

45. Tocalculatethechances of anevent,youmultiplythefrequenciesthe eventoccurs in a population.

  1. True
  2. False

46. Anyimportanteyewitness is allowedtorepeatincourt whatsomeone elsetoldhim.

  1. True
  2. False

47. Whenaforensicscientist analyzes evidencefromanycase,thecaseis verylikelyto be triedincourt.

  1. True
  2. False

48. The first officer arriving at a crime scene, after providing or obtaining medical assistance for the injured and effecting an arrest of suspects (if possible), should immediately:

  1. photograph the scene.
  2. search for evidence.
  3. make a rough sketch of the scene.
  4. take notes.
  5. secure the scene.

49. The most basic methods of crime scene recording include all of the following EXCEPT:

  1. infrared analysis.
  2. narrated videotape.
  3. sketches.
  4. photographs.
  5. note taking.

50. If the crime scene includes a dead body, the photographer should:

  1. determine the time of death.
  2. depict injuries and weapons at scene.
  3. attempt to identify the victim.
  4. attempt to locate the victim's next of kin.
  5. document all forensic personnel at crime scene.

51. A rough sketch need NOT include a:

  1. location of walls, doors and windows in the building on scene.
  2. sketch of the suspect(s).
  3. compass heading designating north.
  4. date, location, and time of the incident.
  5. location of all recovered physical evidence.

52. Which statement about note taking is NOT true?

  1. Notes should include location of physical evidence recovered.
  2. Note taking is done after all crime scene processing has been completed.
  3. The date of the investigation should be recorded.
  4. Disposition of items after collection must be included.
  5. The individual who packaged and marked items of evidence should be recorded.

53. Physical evidence at a hit-and-run scene could include:

  1. glass fragments.
  2. fabric impressions.
  3. paint chips.
  4. fiber and tissue.
  5. all of the above.

54. Which of the following is a correct physical evidence collection procedure?

  1. All items collected from the same grid area should be packaged together.
  2. The victim's clothing should be obtained at the crime scene and vacuumed to obtain trace evidence.
  3. Bloodstained garments should be packaged separately in paper bags.
  4. Every item collected should be secured individually in a plastic bag to prevent contamination.
  5. Items recovered from the scene of a murder should be sent along with the body to the medical examiner.

55. Charred debris from an arson scene should be:

  1. thrown away with the other fire debris.
  2. packaged in air tight glass jar.
  3. placed in Ziploc® bags.
  4. aired out before packing in plastic wrap.
  5. placed together with similar items in a paper bag.

56. A victim's fingernail scrapings would be correctly packaged in:

  1. a druggist fold.
  2. sealed, airtight containers.
  3. a plastic Ziploc® bag.
  4. both B and C.
  5. none of the above.

57. The successful outcome of a criminal investigation is almost always directly related to:

  1. the manner in which the evidence is collected and preserved.
  2. the number of people employed in the crime lab.
  3. the volume of the physical evidence collected.
  4. the complexity of the crime.
  5. whether the crime is considered high profile.

58. A properly maintained chain of custody is NOT the responsibility of the:

  1. evidence clerk.
  2. forensic technician.
  3. trial judge.
  4. trace evidence examiner.
  5. crime scene processor.

59. Success in the recognition and collection of physical evidence is determined primarily by the:

  1. type of evidence involved.
  2. size of the budget of the crime lab.
  3. time available to the evidence collectors.
  4. skill of personnel processing the crime scene.
  5. notoriety of the case.

60. The collection of standard reference samples at the crime scene is important because they:

  1. prevent the laboratory from making mistakes.
  2. are obtained only from suspects in cases of violent assault.
  3. prove the continuity of possession.
  4. serve as a source of extra test material if required in the crime lab.
  5. permit comparisons to be made with the evidence.

61. All of the following items may be placed in an airtight container EXCEPT:

  1. explosive residues.
  2. hairs and fibers.
  3. bloodstained clothing.
  4. charred debris recovered from a fire.
  5. glass.

62. Investigators should collect possible carriers of trace evidence which may include:

  1. vacuum sweepings.
  2. clothing.
  3. vehicles.
  4. fingernail scrapings.
  5. all of the above

63. The crime scene notes must accurately record:

  1. the tasks assigned each investigator.
  2. personnel arrivals and departures from the scene.
  3. descriptions of evidence present at the crime scene.
  4. arrival and departure times of media personnel and on-lookers.
  5. A, B, and C.

64. Videotapes of the crime scene:

  1. are required in all jurisdictions.
  2. are generally of poor quality and little value.
  3. can be used in place of notes and photographs.
  4. must be complemented by a hard copy of notes and separate still photographs.
  5. are not admissible in court due to the poor image quality.

65. Crime scene sketches serve a unique purpose in permanently documenting the location of evidence:

  1. collected and removed from the crime scene.
  2. containing drug evidence.
  3. processed at the crime scene.
  4. not documented in photographs.
  5. in plain view.

66. Themost common typeoffingerprintpatternisthe:

A. arch

B. loop

C. whorl

67. Atypeoffiberthat ismade fromplantsor animals isclassified as:

A. natural.

B. synthetic.

C. original.

68. Whichtermrefersto aprintfoundata crime scene?

A. Evidenceprint

B. Latentprint

C. Clueprint

69. The substancethatmakesup hairandfingernailsis called:

A. medulla.

B. cuticle.

C. keratin.

70. Typeoffiber thatisman-made, such asnylonorrayon, isclassified as:

A. natural.

B. synthetic

C. normal.

71. Substancesthatgive colorto objects,such aspaint, hair,andfibers, arecalled:

A. pigments.

B. paints.

C. oils.

72. Thebottomportion ofahairnearestthescalpin which DNA maybe found iscalledthe:

A. medulla.

B. shaft.

C. root.

73. The smallestunitofatextilematerialis called a:

A. scrap.

B. fiber.

C. core.

74. The ______Principlestatesthatwith contactbetweentwo items, therewillbe anexchange.

A. Locard

B. Local

C. Switch

75. Whatdatabase can beusedto find matchesforDNAsamplesfroma crime scene?




76. Instrument thatmaybeused to examinehairs and fibersin detailisa:

A. telescope.

B. microscope.

C. spectroscope.

77. Thephysical separation ofamixture intoits individual components, such asblackinkbeingseparated into differentcolors, iscalled:

A. pigmentation.

B. chromatography.

C. chemicaldivision.

78. Thestudyoffirearms and ammunition iscalled:

A. ballistics.

B. toxicology.

C. serology.

79. Hairsamplescanbe tested fornuclearDNAwhetherornottherootispresent.


B. False

80. Themostcommontypeofplantfiberis:



81. Whatisknown as theuniversal solvent?

A. water

B. rubbingalcohol

C. acetone

82. Atypeoffiber thatisman-made, such asnylon orrayon, isclassifiedas:

A. natural.

B. synthetic.

83. How many minutiaepointsmustbein common in orderforprintsto be considered matchesin the

United States?

A. 12

B. 20

C. Thereisno minimum.

Match the letter with the #’s in the Diagram

Calculatethemissinginformation inthechartusingyourknowledgeof thepowers of magnification.

OcularLens / ObjectiveLens / Powerof Magnification
10 / 4 / A
5 / B / 200
C. / 10 / 120

89. 12 ______

90. 20 ______