Minutes of committee meeting Monday 9th October 2017

Present: Thom, Zena, Helen, Dave, Christine, Mark, Miriam

Apologies: Andy R, Andy W, Phil, John


Still no sign of refund from London Marathon coach from Boxfit. MLi to ask Dave Coard for cheque or circuit sessions.

Not enough interest for coach hire to XC races. TD to ask Dan to use his minibus as in previous years.


22 new members from beginners course


Evelyn Lutterodt – PBs and an excellent club representative

Charles Nelis – PBs


Add £1 to each item to go to club and used towards annual awards evening

Resend logo ZE

Add club name to back of hoody and jacket; Add more colour t-shirts; Change some black items for red


Thursday 26 October and Thursday 23 November


Marathon ballot to be done at AGM. Likely to be only ONE place this year

PN to compile 2017’s highlights-only for Captains report

Minutes and agenda to go on website for members to print DD

Nomination sheet to be made available asap with closing date of Monday 23 October

Willows representative to be invited to AGM to collect cheque ZE

Andy Ward to be voted for Vice President position

Change of rule to go on agenda – shorten grace period for potential members from 8 visits to 1 calendar month AR


Updated members list to be circulated by AR

£250 award money available again in November. To be spent on coaches and equipment. MLa

Reminder to members that unofficial race number swapping is not acceptable and can lead to bans/poor club reputation. ZE

Up to £10 reimbursable for members to have ‘Stopsley Striders’ added to charity vests worn for fundraising

TD/ZE to ask Inspire for room swap or discount due to very noisy neighbours.

Open evening booked for Monday 8th January for potential new members – flyers?

Honorary club members for long-standing and involved members who no longer run. AR to write letter of offer.

Mondays 8.30-9pm – seek someone to lead pilates/stretching class at Inspire room for after runs. ALL

Call for new coaches – both LiRF and CiRF ZE

ZE has secured a locker at Inspire for cones, suggestion box etc

Love Luton race needs more marshalls

Striders takeover at parkrun Saturday 2nd December

Stopsley Striders is 35 years old! ZE to ask Cheryl for cake at next social 1982-2017

Social run on Monday 18th December – Christmas lights tour (Old Bedford Road)