24 November 2014– 2 March 2015

See separate Board papers for progress reports on external funding.

General Policy and Planning

  • Review of LHIB Pesticide Notification Plan
  • Review of volunteer policy and procedures
  • Review commercial tour operator licensing system
  • Development of Foreshore Management Plan involving a review of the existing ‘Lagoon Foreshore Activities and Management Policy’
  • Review of the advertising and signage policy
  • Commence review of the LHIB Working at heights in natural areas policy
  • Application to state government for long-term funding agreement for operations within the Permanent Park Preserve

Biodiversity Management

  • Finalise annual Woodhen survey
  • Coordinate Flesh-footed Shearwater Surveys during December 2014 and April 2015.
  • Remove bunting at Blinky Dune.
  • LHI Biodiversity Management Plan Committee meeting and update of implementation table

Research & Volunteers

One research project was approved during the reporting period:

  • Nicholas Carlile – OEH. Study Wedge-tailed Shearwater foraging habits on Lord Howe Island.

The following persons were approved to stay in the Research Station during the reporting period.

Name / No. People / Project / Address
David Dreher
Jae DeClouett
DindyBoutagy / 3 / Weed eradication / Various
Andrew Baird + 3 / 4 / MPA research / C/o LHI MPA
Seth Menser + 1 / 2 / Banyan research / San Diego Zoo
Mark Miller
Nicholas Carlile + 1 / 3 / Wedge tailed Shearwater surveys / OEH Hurstville
Nicholas Carlile
Lisa O’Neil / 2 / Rodent eradication – seabird monitoring / OEH Hurstville

Pest Management

  • LHIB staff have continued to monitor and treat ABhA. The last known remaining infestation of ABhAat Portions 208 & 209 was monitored and treated in accordance with the Control Order on 17 December 2014.
  • All remaining areas have been monitored except for areas with active nesting seabirds and follow up monitoring at Portions 208, 209 and 236. Monitoring for Portions 208, 209 and 236 is scheduled for April 2015. Monitoring sites with active nesting seabirds will be conducted as soon as possible in the Spring of 2015 and needs to be completed by the end of November prior to egg laying.

Rodent Eradication

  • See Board Paper - Rodent Eradication progress report.

Weed Management

  • See Board Paper - Environmental Grants progress report.


  • Undertake maintenance of revegetation sites in accordance with Revegetation Work Schedule;
  • Planning revegetation program for winter planting season.


  • Assess plant, mulch/potting medium, dog, livestock and chickenimportation requestsas required and inspect imports upon arrival;
  • Commenced treatment of Phytophthora at known infestation at Mulley Drive. Site is taped off with quarantine tape. All affected trees have been cut and poisoned, all grass within the site have been controlled and site is ready for treatment with registered fungicide.
  • Sought tenders for Review and evaluation of LHIB Quarantine Strategy 2003. Contract awarded to AECOM;
  • Finalise quarantine educational/interpretational materials for dissemination/installation.
  • Provide advice regarding possible biosecurity improvements at LHI airport


  • Inspections regarding boat shed signage, and investigation of aircraft noise complaint

Incident Management

  • Nil

Community Programs & Education

  • Prepare draft articles for CEO column in Signal and for LHIB Community Information Bulletin.
  • Bushtrackers program delivered to LHI Central School.
  • Disseminate Public Notice informing of FFSW surveys
  • Finalise design of a display at the LHI Museum
  • Review information sheets – Plain Language Guide to the LHI Act

Cultural Heritage

  • Heritage assessments for relevant OC/Das
  • new Lord Howe Island Heritage Act Exemption has been published in the 9 January 2015 Government Gazette
  • Lord Howe Island community-based heritage study (completed by MUSEcape) and LEP has been imported into the OEH State Heritage Inventory Web App.

Visitor Infrastructure

  • General maintenance of walking tracks, bridges and the North Bay picnic facilities;
  • Replace faulty BBQ’s at North Bay;
  • Undertake priority actions from track audit.
  • Donation of $20,000 received from Dick Smith for construction of an elevated viewing platform at Intermediate Hill
  • Finalise designs and fabrication of viewing platform for Intermediate Hill. Organise heli lifts for slinging track gear to Muttonbird Point and Intermediate Hill.
  • Prepare sling loads for heli lifting of track materials to Muttonbird Point Track to commence works to realign and re-open track;
  • Paint timber walking platforms with wet & forget.

Marine Management / Moorings

  • LHIB monthly mooring inspections were completed on 14January 2015.
  • In December 2014 the Gosford Sailing Club announced that it will not be the organiser of the Gosford to Lord Howe Island Yacht Race in the future. This brings to a close the forty year history between the club and LHI.The race was founded by Peter Rysdyk and Lloyd Pryke and first conducted by the Gosford Aquatic Club in August 1974. Gosford Sailing Club took over the organisation of the race in 1989. The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club in SYD (RPAYC) has contacted the administration expressing an interest in taking over the race. The administration has requested that the RPAYC provide the Board with a detailed business plan outlining how the race will be conducted, when the race will be run, and financial arrangements for the allocation of LHIB moorings. The administration is awaiting a response.

Human Resource Management

  • Shane Deacon awarded permanent Field Supervisor (Environment) position via merit based selection process.
  • Finalise Work and Development Plans for all unit staff
  • Prepare role descriptions for field officer and ranger positions


  • Working safely at heights
  • Working safely around aircraft/winch access

Work Health & Safety

  • Review Job Safety Analysesas required.

Environmental Assessment

  • Ecological assessments for all OC / DAs
  • Complete Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for design and construction of viewing platform at Intermediate Hill
  • Complete REF for realignment and re-opening of Muttonbird Point track.
  • Operations Plan developed for helicopter sling operations.
  • Tree risk assessments.

Land Administration

  • Closure of public road between Lot 309 DP48700 and Lot 215 DP45693, Lord Howe Island
  • Seek advice regarding co-ownership arrangements and subleasing
  • Progress termination of permissive occupancy agreements for Airservices Australia
  • Continue negotiations with Airservices Australia regarding Commonwealth lease over Portion 230.
  • Continue negotiations with Bureau of Meteorology regarding Commonwealth leases and permissive occupancy agreements
  • Creation of a right of carriageway from Middle Beach Road to Stevens Reserve
  • Obtain valuation and seek Ministers approval for Permissive Occupancy Agreement - NSW Trade & Investment - Customs House
  • Provide advice regarding proposed sale and transfer of land LHIB/James and Hailey Baillie
  • Coordinate valuations for various land transfers in accordance with the Act

Development Assessment

  • Finalise DA2015-06 Crombie
  • Prepare assessment reports for DA2015-13 Capella Subdivision, installation of Solar Panels (Hiscox, Riddle, Crombie), DA2015-11 Smoking Tree Ridge Rd, DA2015-10 M Nobbs, OC2015-06 Van Gelderen
  • Provide initial planning advice regarding LHI hybrid renewable energy project

Strategic Planning

  • Assist with the review of land allocation and land tenure arrangements on Lord Howe Island
  • Progress an amendment to the LHI Local Environmental Plan to provide residents and business owners with a simple and more efficient process when they upgrade their domestic and commercial wastewater management systems, in line with the Lord Howe Island Board’s On-Site Wastewater Management Strategy.
  • Preparation of a planning proposal to amend the LHI Local Environmental Plan to update the mapping of Significant Native Vegetation
  • Prepare draft application for funding under Office of Environment & Heritage - Coastal and Estuary Management Program
  • Provide advice on the revised assessment bilateral agreement under the EPBC Act

Health & Wellbeing

  • Engage contractor to assist in the development of a Communication & Community Engagement Strategy, and questionnaire / survey
  • Seek expressions of interest for community grants
  • Provide advice to retail outlets regarding recall of frozen berries