Lesson Plan
Lesson: Applying listening techniques though media presentation.
Length: 20 minutes
Grade: 12
Academic Standards: CONNECTIONS: Access and connect information through various media.
MA12.6 Learners strengthen language proficiency by using current
digital media and authentic resources.
Performance Objectives: Given the lyrics to an authentic Spanish sung song that has 15 specific relevant verbs and vocabulary words intentionally omitted, and after listening to it three times the students will correctly identify the words and their meaning in context 80% of the time.
Assessment: Assessment will be evaluated by students grading their peer’s papers and making the appropriate corrections while the class discusses and shares their opinion of what they think the correct answer is. After the corrections are made a grade on participation will be made. Students who volunteer to fill in the missing lyrics will be awarded a point for each answer regardless of its correctness.
Advance Preparation by Teacher: Preparation for this activity will include finding an appropriate song for the skill level of the class, finding the corresponding lyrics, eliminating relevant vocabulary and conjugated verbs and making worksheets for the class.
Introduction: Play the song while the students are entering and ask about the kinds of music they like to listen to. Emphasize the difference between learning a language and being competent and proficient in that language. The difference between knowing a language and being competent and proficient is that competent and proficient speakers are able to communicate in an appropriate manner in any situation and know and know more than just grammar. They are competent and proficient in the culture as well.
- Hand out worksheet with certain lyrics omitted.
- Explain that the students will have 3 opportunities to listen to the song and that each time they should try and fill in the blank with the appropriate word they hear.
- Have each student silently read though the worksheet before playing the song for the first time.
- Play the song with no interruptions.
- Wait 1 minute for students to write down possible solutions.
- Replay the song with no interruptions.
- Wait 1 minute for students to write down possible solutions.
- Inform the students this is the last time the song will be played
- Play the song with no interruptions.
- Wait 1 minute for students to write down possible solutions.
- Ask the students to trade their paper with a nearby classmate.
- Read aloud the given lyrics and stop at the blanks to ask for students’ opinions on what the correct answer is.
- Award 1 participation point to every student who shares an answer even if it is not correct.
- Have students add up all correct answers of their partner’s paper and place that number on the top of the page.
- Return papers to owners
- Ask class to signify how many correct answers they achieved by raising their hand when I call out the number range that they fall in.
- Assign one sentence to students and ask them to translate it into English.
- Note in Teacher Reflection Journal how successful this activity was based on how many students scored higher than 80% and how much the class enjoyed the activity.
Closure: Transitionprevious activity into an exercise dealing with reading and reading comprehension.
Adaptations: Adaptations that could be made possible are
- Listening to the song more than 3 times.
- Eliminating words that are at a lower level of Spanish.
Enrichments: Enrichments that could be made possible are
- Listening to the song 1 or 2 times.
- Eliminating more words and eliminating more challenging words.
Self Reflection: Some pertinent questions to be asked are
- Did the students enjoy this activity?
- Did the students achieve the predetermined goal of achieving 80% accuracy?
- If some students did not achieve the desired results, what are some possible reasons for the failure?
- Did students understand why the activity was presented to them?
- Did students make a connection between listening to music and becoming proficient in a language?
- Are there any areas that need improvement? If so, how can I improve tehm for next time?
- Was the song appropriate to their skill level?