Chabot College Fall 2008

Course Outline for Administration of Justice 91


Catalog Description:

91-Reserve Module A: Firearms 1-1/2 Units

Fire arm training with ethical considerations concerning the use of firearms and firearms safety. Techniques of shooting range qualification. Prerequisite: Administration of Justice 90 (completed with a grade of C or higher). 24 hours.
[Typical contact hours: 24]

Prerequisite Skills:

Before entering the course, the student should be able to:

1. list the former and the revised requirements of PC 832;

2. reflect on the difference between values and ethics and the application of ethical conduct;

3. list the principal parts of PC 836 and 837;

4. describe the application of the laws of evidence;

5. explain the methods of arrest;

6. demonstrate the primary techniques of investigation and good written and verbal communication.

Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. describe and demonstrate firearm safety;

2. identify major parts and functions of firearms safety;

3. demonstrate proper care and cleaning of handgun;

4. use appropriate shooting positions;

5. qualify on the firing range.

Course Content:

1. Firearms

a. Firearms safety - safe handling of handguns

b. Handgun Familiarization - major parts and functions of semi-automatic and revolver handguns

c. Care and Cleaning - proper care and cleaning of handgun

2. Firearms Shooting Principles

a. Principles of Good Marksmanship

1) stance

2) grip

3) breath control

4) sight alignment

5) trigger control

6) follow-through

7) point shoulder

b. Shooting Positions

1) crouch

2) barricade (strong and weak hand)

3) prone

4) kneeling

5) hip

3. Firearms Range - demonstration/practice

Chabot College

Course Outline for Administration of Justice 91, Page 2

Fall 2008

Methods of Presentation:

1. Lecture and discussion

2. Audio-visual aides

3. Demonstration/practice

Assignment and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1. Typical Assignments

a. Watch a police video demonstrating proper use of a semiautomatic pistol. Students will then be asked to diagram all of the steps in proper handling of this weapon.

b.  Watch a police video demonstrating proper use of a revolver. Students will then be asked to diagram all of the steps in proper handling of a revolver.

c.  Create a two- to three-page handbook on proper inspection, cleaning and maintenance of a handgun that could be used for training purposes.

2.  Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

a. Daylight handgun combat range

b. Quizzes, midterm and achieving a Peace Officers Safety and Training (POST) passing score.

c. Create a training handbook.

d.  Watch police video in class and give group critique of improper handling of a firearm.

e.  Final examination

Textbook(s) (Typical):

No textbook required

Special Student Materials:



Revised: 11/09/07