SOP For Invoiced with China Tax Calculation

Company / TSL Taipei
ID / Nagappan/Harichandran

Information Dynamics1



Master Setup------4

Transacation ------5


While generate of invoice if any charge cod is linked with china tax details then user need to follow the below process for making the tax setup .

Program Name:

Tax Master (AR)

Config Setup

B/L Tax Charge Link


Phase → 1

Path : System Administration → General Setup → Tax Master (AR)

User need to defined Tax detail with percentage details in above mention program.

Phase → 2

Same we add two more column for additional tax details also. Based the new field system will calculate the additional tax details while generate invoice. In Tax 1 user needs to create relevant percentage. System will calculate sur charges with help of Tax and Tax 1 percentage.

Phase → 3

After actual tax setup completed then user need to defined two tax code in order to break the tax in two segments for posting purpose. Also this same charges codes needs to be enter in b/l charge master with account code link.

Path :

Master Data → General Setup → B/L Charge Master.

Config Setup

Path :

General Setup → System administration → Config Setup

Once the charge code setup completed then user to updated below mention config details with the same Charge code . At the time invoice system will showed the config tax code in tax amount.

Config Name:



The above config is location wise setup. So user need to defined the config details in the applicable location only

Phase → 4

Phase → 5


Master Data → General Setup →B/L Charge Tax Link

In the b/l charge tax user need to select taxable charge code . After selection of charge code the user need to select the tax type as “China Tax”

Path → 6

Based on the setup system will generate the Tax detail in below program

1.Export Invoice - With S.Tax

2.Import Invoice- With S.Tax

3.Ship Invoice Combine

Export Invoice – With S.Tax

In the export invoice if the any charge code linked with Tax code then while press the service tax calc system will calculate Tax amount and showed in charge code block

For the above case the “APSP” Charge code is link with china tax so based on setup system will calculate tax amount and showed in the charge code.

Note :Please find the attachment for the calculation details

Information Dynamics1