Working in Italy
Currently chiropractic is legislated for as a profession but is not yet regulated. The AIC is negotiating and working with the relevant government ministries to obtain a satisfactory regulatory framework for chiropractic in Italy. Until that framework is established there is no register or licensure for chiropractors in Italy as such. The AIC is the body that seeks to maintain high standards of practice and to promote chiropractic in Italy. Here are some steps you may wish to consider while planning to relocate to Italy.
Firstly it is much more complicated for a non-EU national to come to Italy compared to an EU national. So we suggest you firstly investigate whether there is any possibility of obtaining a European passport through your ancestry.
Secondly, you should join the AIC as a foreign member (application form attached). The AIC will then send you our newsletter and information pertaining to chiropractic in Italy on a regular basis. Regarding the AIC newsletter, you may wish to be included in the classified section if you are looking for an associateship or to buy a clinic. There is no charge for this service at this time. You should send a short paragraph explaining your intention to move to Italy and whether you seek an associateship or to buy a clinic. Attach a cv and cover letter with further details if you wish. These will be attached to the newsletter for download by people that are interested.
The exact steps to take vary with each individual case and as the Italian Government or local Consulate interprets the existing procedures (welcome to Italy). Assuming you are a non-European, I am happy to provide some idea of the steps necessary to move to Italy:
1. Contact the nearest Italian Consulate for guidance and their opinion on the process
2. You will need to obtain and "Apostille" from the Secretary of State of the State where you college was based. This will enable you to obtain a "Dichiarazione di Valore" from the Italian Consulate. Roughly, this document validates your college degree, college transcripts, National/State Boards/Licence. It shows that your college exists and that you can work in the US. You will need to check the translation procedure for the documents.
3. The next steps are more complicated: you will need a job in Italy or other method to come to Italy. The local sponsor obtains a Nulla Osta from the Questura; you then obtain a Visa from the Italian Consulate; once in Italy you then obtain a Permesso di Soggiorno.
4. From that follows residency, full AIC membership, malpractice insurance, tax number.
The AIC organizes a series of seminars each year and these are well attended. They are networking events where there is much exchange of individual experiences amongst chiropractors coming to or recently arrived in Italy. The next seminar is …(see attached). We are also planning a seminar in October;
Once you are on your way to Italy or in Italy, the applicant can apply for Full AIC membership. New graduates enter the Graduate Education Programme. This aims to help chiropractors enter the work market from college, and particularly adapt to working in Italy. GEP entails meeting and observing a Tutor, attending a specific GEP seminar as well as the AIC seminars, and an exam forms part of this process. The GEP is offered as a service to new members.
Finally we attach a document, General Guidelines, an overview on moving to Italy.
Please free to contact me or the AIC should you have any follow up questions.
Kind regards,
Luc Meersseman
AIC Secretary
Associazione Italiana Chiropratici
Via Brigata Liguria, 1/20
Tel.:+39 010 5533036
Fax:+39 010 5848607
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