NAME: ______DATE: ______

Making a Jack-O-Lantern

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Step-By-Step Pumpkin

I used this as a procedural writing lesson in a first grade classroom and in a second grade EIP classroom. They had just learned how to use sequential words in reading and writing (first, second, third, next, last).


First, do this as a step-by-step art project with the entire class. I actually constructed each step on the insides of two yellow file folders and taped them together to make one long 4-picture sequence. At this stage, you can use it for a following directions goal. For each student, you will need 2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth, 1 green or brown stem, 1 pumpkin shape, 2 short black or brown strips (table legs) and 1 long black or brown strip (table top), glue sticks. (If you want to adjust this activity for a Kdg art project, you might want to let them cut out the shapes.)

Hand out one writing paper to each student. They are to draw the pictures for each step of the project, then write the sentence below the picture to tell what each step was. Leave the 4-step pictures up for their reference. Make sure the transitional words are posted somewhere in the room for their reference.Verbally review the entire process with the class. “First we did ___, second we did ___, “ etc. You are actually modeling what you want them to write.

Curriculum Standards:

ELA1W1.l Writing Process

Uses appropriate end punctuation (period and question mark) and correct capitalization of initial words and common proper nouns (e.g., personal names, months).

ELA1W1.b Writing Process

Describes an experience in writing

ELA1R5.a Vocabulary ; ELA2R3.a Vocabulary

Reads and listens to a variety of texts and uses new words in oral and written language.

ELA2W1.c Writing Process

Uses transition words and phrases

ELA2W1.l Writing Process

Consistently writes in complete sentences with correct subject/verb agreement.