(Assign Specific People and Update Annually)

A. / Emergency Operation
Center (EOC) /
  1. K.Dirocco
(Incident Commander)
  1. Sameena McEntee
/ Located near the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA).
Responsibilities of Principal:
  1. Accounts for the presence of all students and staff
  1. Implements and coordinates emergency operations
  1. Controls internal and external communication
  1. Prepares reports for DistrictEmergencyOperationsCenter
/ Emergency teacher list and map showing location of each assigned teacher station at EAA. Two-way radio, bullhorn, battery operated AM radio and master keys (to be distributed to sweep and rescue teams as needed
OES “Schools as Post-Disaster Shelters” Handbook.
B. / Student and Staff
Accounting / All classroom teachers / Responsibilities of individual teachers
  1. Ascertains the extent of injuries and capabilities for class evacuation
  2. Determines the need of assistance for neighboring teachers
  3. Evacuates classroom using pre-determined routines to specific station at EAA.
  4. Takes roll and reports class status to Team Leader
  5. Supervises and reassures students throughout the duration of the emergency
  6. Insures that students remain in the EAA until released to authorized adult or directed to return to the classroom or dispersed by principal or designee
  7. Records and reports to the EOC students who leave campus before dispersed
  8. Assigned as two-teacher teams (Buddy System)
/ Necessary roll call material and emergency attendance records
C. / Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) /
  1. Loree Begin
/ 1.1. Insures that all routes are clear to the EAA.
2. Assists in the evacuation of classes to their assigned station at the EAA. / Keys to EAA, bullhorns, map showing location of each teacher station at EAA and evacuation routes.
Hard hats, vests
D. / Sweep & Rescue Teams
Sweep & Rescue Teams (continued) / Sweep Team #1
1. Heidi Chipman
2. Beth Schroeder
Sweep Team #2
Rescue Team #1
  1. Lisa Chouchan
  1. Plant Coordinator
Rescue Team #2 /
  1. Proceeds in orderly and pre-established sweep pattern, checking each classroom, storage room, auditorium, multi-purpose room, etc. visually, verbally and physically.
  1. Reports the location of all injured and trapped students and staff to Rescue Teams.
  1. Places a masking tape "x" on all doors of rooms checked and found to be empty and locks those doors.
  1. Uses results reported by Sweep Teams
  1. Locates and provide emergency first aide to trapped or injured students, staff and/or volunteers
  1. Removes trapped and/or injured from area if safe to do so.
/ Master keys, fire extinguishers, masking tape, flash lights, hard hats, vests
Fire extinguishers,, master keys, flash lights, rope, hard hats, vests, trauma kit
E. / Security/Utilities Team / 1. Plant Coordinator
5. /
  1. Locks all external gates & doors and secures school
  2. Team member stationed at main gate to refer parents
  3. Routes fire and rescue, ambulance and police to area of need
  4. Checks utilities and take appropriate action to minimize damage to school site
  5. Determines resources that are available for immediate use: water, food, power, radio, telephones, and sanitary conditions
  6. Survey and reports to Operations Coordinator the extent of damage to school site
/ Master keys, posted signs, two-way radio, hard hats, vests, flashlights
F. / Reunion Teams / Main Gate
1. Sameena McEntee
Reunion Gate
4. / Main Gate
  1. Immediately begins process of reuniting students with their parents or guardians by referring to program cards, class rosters, computer print-outs or Emergency Release Authorization forms.
  1. Dispatches student messengers to secure students and escort them to reunion gates
Reunion Gate
  1. Insures students are released only to those authorized on the Release Authorization Form
  1. Confirms that students recognize the requesting individuals and feel secure in their custody
  1. Requires that requesting individuals sign for the students
  1. Insures that all records are kept on students leaving campus
/ Map of EAA stations, program cards, class rosters, computer print-outs, recording materials, emergency release authorization forms and/or emergency cards.
G. / Medical Team / 1. Debra Despenzan
6. /
  1. Administers first aid and records information on extent of injuries and first aid administered
  1. Determines need for medical assistance
  1. Insures that the following are at the EAA:
  2. First aide supplies
  3. Emergency cards
  4. Health cards
  1. Keeps track and records time and location to which injured students/staff are transported and reports information to the Reunion Gate.
/ Stretchers, blankets, first aid supplies, trauma kit, triage tags, emergency transportation forms.
H / Psychological Care Team / 1. Debra Despenza
3 /
  1. Determines need for psychological assistance
  1. Maintains accurate records on those impacted by the event
  1. Coordinates the intervention process in the event outside resources are necessary
/ Roster of students, staff and volunteers
Quiet work area
Location of available District level resources
I. / Supply Unit /
  1. Kim Rothenberger
  1. Allocate and monitor all disaster resourced and supplies
  1. Determine status of all personnel by inventory of staff and students for unique skills
  1. Assist in registering and assigning volunteer workers and technical experts and specialists
  1. Coordinate with other logistics teams
/ Student/staff skill inventory forms
Inventory of available resources and supplies
Damage report forms
J. / Food & Wager Unit / 1. Kim Rothenberger
3. /
  1. Provide food and wager for the school site
  1. May assist in the distribution of food and water for the community shelter if activated by Red Cross or City officials
/ Inventory and location of available resources
K. / Facilities Unit / 1. District Official
2. /
  1. Setup and maintain all school site facilities
  1. Provide for shelter facility requirements
/ Inventory and location of available resources
OES “Schools as Post-Disaster Shelters” handbook
L. / Student Support /
  1. Upper-grade student officers (K-6)
  1. ASB and service groups (K-12)
/ Highly responsible and mature students can possibly assist with:
  1. Attendance procedures at EAA
  1. Reuniting students with parents at Reunion Gate
  1. First Aide Team at emergency medical station
  1. Principals at EOC
  1. In any location or responsibility where principals feel their services are appropriate