(Assign Specific People and Update Annually)
Center (EOC) /
- K.Dirocco
- Sameena McEntee
Responsibilities of Principal:
- Accounts for the presence of all students and staff
- Implements and coordinates emergency operations
- Controls internal and external communication
- Prepares reports for DistrictEmergencyOperationsCenter
OES “Schools as Post-Disaster Shelters” Handbook.
B. / Student and Staff
Accounting / All classroom teachers / Responsibilities of individual teachers
- Ascertains the extent of injuries and capabilities for class evacuation
- Determines the need of assistance for neighboring teachers
- Evacuates classroom using pre-determined routines to specific station at EAA.
- Takes roll and reports class status to Team Leader
- Supervises and reassures students throughout the duration of the emergency
- Insures that students remain in the EAA until released to authorized adult or directed to return to the classroom or dispersed by principal or designee
- Records and reports to the EOC students who leave campus before dispersed
- Assigned as two-teacher teams (Buddy System)
C. / Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) /
- Loree Begin
2. Assists in the evacuation of classes to their assigned station at the EAA. / Keys to EAA, bullhorns, map showing location of each teacher station at EAA and evacuation routes.
Hard hats, vests
D. / Sweep & Rescue Teams
Sweep & Rescue Teams (continued) / Sweep Team #1
1. Heidi Chipman
2. Beth Schroeder
Sweep Team #2
Rescue Team #1
- Lisa Chouchan
- Plant Coordinator
- Proceeds in orderly and pre-established sweep pattern, checking each classroom, storage room, auditorium, multi-purpose room, etc. visually, verbally and physically.
- Reports the location of all injured and trapped students and staff to Rescue Teams.
- Places a masking tape "x" on all doors of rooms checked and found to be empty and locks those doors.
- Uses results reported by Sweep Teams
- Locates and provide emergency first aide to trapped or injured students, staff and/or volunteers
- Removes trapped and/or injured from area if safe to do so.
Fire extinguishers,, master keys, flash lights, rope, hard hats, vests, trauma kit
E. / Security/Utilities Team / 1. Plant Coordinator
5. /
- Locks all external gates & doors and secures school
- Team member stationed at main gate to refer parents
- Routes fire and rescue, ambulance and police to area of need
- Checks utilities and take appropriate action to minimize damage to school site
- Determines resources that are available for immediate use: water, food, power, radio, telephones, and sanitary conditions
- Survey and reports to Operations Coordinator the extent of damage to school site
F. / Reunion Teams / Main Gate
1. Sameena McEntee
Reunion Gate
4. / Main Gate
- Immediately begins process of reuniting students with their parents or guardians by referring to program cards, class rosters, computer print-outs or Emergency Release Authorization forms.
- Dispatches student messengers to secure students and escort them to reunion gates
- Insures students are released only to those authorized on the Release Authorization Form
- Confirms that students recognize the requesting individuals and feel secure in their custody
- Requires that requesting individuals sign for the students
- Insures that all records are kept on students leaving campus
G. / Medical Team / 1. Debra Despenzan
6. /
- Administers first aid and records information on extent of injuries and first aid administered
- Determines need for medical assistance
- Insures that the following are at the EAA:
- First aide supplies
- Emergency cards
- Health cards
- Keeps track and records time and location to which injured students/staff are transported and reports information to the Reunion Gate.
H / Psychological Care Team / 1. Debra Despenza
3 /
- Determines need for psychological assistance
- Maintains accurate records on those impacted by the event
- Coordinates the intervention process in the event outside resources are necessary
Quiet work area
Location of available District level resources
I. / Supply Unit /
- Kim Rothenberger
- Allocate and monitor all disaster resourced and supplies
- Determine status of all personnel by inventory of staff and students for unique skills
- Assist in registering and assigning volunteer workers and technical experts and specialists
- Coordinate with other logistics teams
Inventory of available resources and supplies
Damage report forms
J. / Food & Wager Unit / 1. Kim Rothenberger
3. /
- Provide food and wager for the school site
- May assist in the distribution of food and water for the community shelter if activated by Red Cross or City officials
K. / Facilities Unit / 1. District Official
2. /
- Setup and maintain all school site facilities
- Provide for shelter facility requirements
OES “Schools as Post-Disaster Shelters” handbook
L. / Student Support /
- Upper-grade student officers (K-6)
- ASB and service groups (K-12)
- Attendance procedures at EAA
- Reuniting students with parents at Reunion Gate
- First Aide Team at emergency medical station
- Principals at EOC
- In any location or responsibility where principals feel their services are appropriate