A. TurfGrassRegions.
1. TheUnitedStates hassixregions or zonesbasedon:
- Climate.
- Temperature.
- Available moisture.
- Lengthofgrowingseason.
2. NorthCarolinahasthreeoftheregionsor zones:
- MountainsandWesternPiedmontareregion/zone 1.
- Central andEasternPiedmontareregion/zone2.
- ExtremeSoutheasternCoastisregion/zone3.
B. Turf Characteristics
- Cool Season grasses:
- Growbestinthespringandfall 65-75degrees.
- Staygreeninthewinter.
- Best establishedinthefall.
- Warm seasongrasses:
- Growbestinthesummer 80-95degrees.
- Godormant (turn brown)inthewinter.
- Best establishedinthespring.
- Leafcolor:
- Lighttodarkgreen.
- Lightgreen.
- Medium green.
- Light todarkgreen.
- Mediumtodarkgreen
- Leaftexture:
- Fine-thinneedletexturedblades.
- Medium-medium texturedblades.
- Coarse-thick,widetexturedblades.
- Growthhabit-hownewshootsareproduced:
- Rhizome-undergroundstem thatgrows horizontally.
- Stolon-abovegroundstem thatgrows horizontally.
- Stolonandrhizome-aboveandundergroundstemsthatgrowhorizontally.
- Bunch-bladesgrowinsmall cluster or tuftsfrom thesoil.
- Wear- howthegrassstandsuptofoottraffic:
- Excellent.
- Verygood.
- Good.
- Fair.
- Poor.
f.Verypoor. C. Grassesfor lawns:
1. Tall Fescue.
- Region-1, 2,3.
- Season-cool season.
- Leafcolor-mediumgreen.
- Leaftexture-mediumtocoarse.
- Growthhabit-bunch.
- Wear-verygood.
- Location-sunandpartshade.
2. KentuckyBluegrass:
- Region-1, 2.
- Season-cool season.
- Leafcolor-mediumtodarkgreen.
- Leaftexture-finetomedium.
- Growthhabit-rhizome.
- Wear-verygood.
- Location-sun.
3. RedFescue(finefescue):
- Region-1,2(somecounties)
- Season-cool season.
- Leafcolor-mediumgreen.
- Leaftexture-fine.
- Growthhabit-rhizome.
- Wear-fair.
- Location-shade.
4. CreepingBentgrass:
- Region-3.
- Season-cool season.
- Leafcolor-bluishgreen.
- Leaftexture-fine.
- Growthhabit-stolon.
- Wear-poor.
- Location-sun.
*special treatment- creepingbentrequiresfans onthe golf course greensand frequentwateringtokeeptheseedbedscontinuallymoist andcool.
5. Centipede:
- Region-2, 3.
- Season-warmseason.
- Leafcolor-lighttodarkgreen.
- Leaftexture-medium.
- Growthhabit-stolon.
- Wear-poor.
- Location-sun.
6. St.Augustine:
- Region-2, 3.
- Season-warm season.
- Leaf color-medium to dark green.
- Leaf texture-coarse.
- Growth habit-stolon.
- Wear-poor.
- Location-sun but shade tolerant.
7. Bermuda:
- Region-2, 3.
- Season-warm season.
- Leaf color-light to dark green.
- Leaf texture-fine.
- Growth habit-stolon and rhizome.
- Wear-excellent.
- Location-sun.
8. Zoysia:
- Region-2, 3.
- Season-warm season.
- Leaf color-medium to dark green.
- Leaf texture-fine.
- Growth habit-stolon and rhizome.
- Wear- good.
- Location- sun or part shade.
C. Grassesnot usedalonefor lawns:
1. Annual rye(over seedingfields andsomelawns,never usedalone):
- Region-2.
- Season-cool season.
- Leafcolor-lightgreen.
- Leaftexture-medium.
- Growthhabit-bunch.
- Wear-good.
- Location-sun.
2. Bahia(notrecommendedfor lawns,mostcommonlyusedfor highwaygrass):
- Region-2, 3.
- Season-warm season.
- Leaf color-medium to dark green.
- Leaf texture-coarse.
- Growth habit-rhizome.
- Wear-good.
- Location-sun.
3. Perennial rye(seededwithKentuckyBluegrass never alone):
- Region-1.
- Season-cool season.
- Leaf color-medium green.
- Leaf texture-fine.
- Growth habit- bunch.
- Wear-very good.
- Location-sun.
A.TurfGrass SitePreparation.
1. Removetrashanddebris.
2. Control weedswithherbicide. Spraypost-emergencebroadleaf
herbicidesfour tosixweeks beforeseedingor sodding.
3. Gradeavoidingsteepslopes,low areasandpoorlydrainedareas (nomore
4. Protectexistingtreesandbedareaswithsiltfencing, edgedbordersor
5. Incorporatea2%-3%slopeawayfromthehomeor structure.
6. Soil preparation.
- Till soil to a depth of 2-3”.
- Add 4-5” of top soil.
- Run a soil test.
- Incorporatelimeandfertilizer basedonthesoil sample results.
- Finish grade.
- Roll area with a lawn roller.
- Water.
- Seed or install sod.
B. Methodsof establishinglawns.
1. Seeding.
- Isthe mostcommonandleast expensivewaytostartalawn.
- Seedissownbyhandor witha mechanical devicesuchasarotary or droptypespreader.
- Applyhalftheseedinonedirectionandtheother halfata90degreeangletothefirst pass.
- Roll thesoil lightlytoensuregoodseedtosoil contact.
- Lightlycover theseedwithpeatmossor weedfreestraw.
- Water to stabilize the seed and peat moss or straw.
- Seedingfor cool seasongrasses.
1) September 1- September 15- piedmont region.
2) September 15- October15- coastal region.
3) August15- September1- mountainregion.
4) Emergencyseedingmid-FebruarytoearlyMarch.
- Seedingfor warmseasongrassesMarch1- July1.
- Purchasequalityseed.Readthelabel.
2. Sodding.
- Usingestablishedturf(grass androots) thatiscutinthinlayers andremovedfromgrowingareainstrips.
- Itisthenmovedtothenewlawn,rolledoutandfittedtogether.
- Startthesoddingprocessfromastraight edgetoensureuniformity.
- Buttstripstogether andstagger rowsinabrick pattern.
- Thenewlawnsoil shouldbemoistbeforelayingthesod.
- Water after installing the new sod.
- Install thenewsodwithin24hourstoprevent rootsfrom dryingout.
- Unroll sodifitcannot belaidwithin48hours.
- Soddingprovides aninstantlawn.
- Soddingfor cool seasongrasses-anytimeduringthecooler timesofthegrowingseason.
- Soddingfor warmseasongrassesApril- July 1.
3. Plugging.
- Usessmallplugs or blocksofsodtoplantinholesabout 6-12 inchesapart.
- Verytimeconsumingmethod of planting grass.
- Thisisacommon methodusedformanywarmseason grasses thatarepoor seedproducers.
- Water.
- Pluggingfor warmseasongrassesApril- July 1.
4. Sprigging.
- Uses plantrunners,cuttings or sprigs(cutstems).
- Sprigs arerolledorpressedintothetop½ to1inch ofsoil.
- Water.
- Spriggingis usuallyusedonlarger areassuchasgolfcourses.
- Spriggingfor warmseasongrassesMarch1-July.
C.Carefor newlyestablishedlawns.
1. Irrigating.
- Keepthetop1.5” ofsoil moist bywateringtwotothreetimesadayfor thefirst7to21days.
- Water early in the morning to reduce the risk of disease and water loss.
- Waterestablishedlawns twotothreetimesaweek½ incheach watering.
- Soil shouldbemoistsixtoeightinchestoencouragegood root development.
2. Mowing.
- Mow whengrassis 50% higher thanthedesiredheight.
- Mowtothesuggestheight for thetypeofgrassyouhaveplanted.
- Mow whenthegrassisdrywithasharp,cleanblade.
- Mowingheight:
Grass / Mowingheight
Tallfescue / 2.5- 3.5inches
Kentuckybluegrass / 1.5-2.5inches
Redfescue / 1.5-2.5inches
CreepingBentgrass / .125-.5inch
Centipede / 1-1.5inches
St.Augustine / 2.5-4inches
Bahia / 2-4inches
Bermuda / .75-2inches
Zoysia / .75-2inches
3. Fertilizing.
- Applyfertilizerwitharotaryor droptypespreader.
- Applyhalfthefertilizerinonedirectionandtheother halfata90degreeangletothefirst pass.
- For seededlawnsfertilizesixtoeightweeksafter seed emerges.
- For sodded,pluggedor spriggedlawnsfertilizeeverythreetofour weeksthroughoutthe growingseason.
4. Pestcontrol.
- Weeds.
2)Propermowingwill eliminatemostweeds.
3)Followthedirectionsonaselectiveherbicideifweedsarean issue.
- Insects.
1)Checknewlyestablishedlawns onaregularbasisfor insect
- Diseases.
1)Donotoverwater newlyestablishedlawns asthiscancause
2)Hotsummer weather canalsocausediseaseissues.
D. Grassseedterminology.
1. Viable- theabilitytogerminate.
2. Inertingredient- stemsand/or other plantproductsthatisnotviable.
3. Weedseed- anyseednotdefinedasacomponentin“other crop”.
4. Noxiousweed- invasive, hardtocontrol weedseed.