1. How do I login?

Switch on the monitor and enter the Login ID and Password given to you. If you enter from the command prompt use startx -- :<random number> for starting the GUI. For example: startx -- :5

2.. How do switch between GUI and command prompt?

For GUI you have to use 'ctrl+<a function key greater than F6>' and for command prompt 'ctrl+<a function key less than F7>'

NOTE: After you have logged out one of the interface do not forget to logout from other interface. The command to logout from the command prompt is 'logout'.

3. How do I change my password?

Use the command ‘yppasswd’. Then type your old password and then your new password and then it will ask you to confirm your new password so please type your new password again.

4. Why am I not able to open my GUI?

All the students are alloted a fixed amount of space (M.Tech 5Gb and Phd 5Gb). Your account will be having less than the required amount of free space necessary for GUI operation. In this case you will have to delete some data from your account. The command is 'rm -rf <folder name or file name>'

5. How do check the resources?

Use the command ‘top’.

6. Why I am not able to open the Internet?

Check the proxy setting and the IP address of your terminal.

If your proxy settings and IP Address are correct then you may have opened the account on some other terminal and you must have forgotten to close the Mozilla. In this case you must delete the lock that is created by default. In order to delete the lock type the following instructions

'cd .mozilla/.firefox/ xxxx.default'

'rm -rf .lock .parentlock'

7. If you are using your personal laptops for accessing Internet make sure you are using a fixed IP that will be given to you by that RA in MCL with prior permission. If you are found violating this rule you will be barred from the MCL and your account will be locked.