Secretary’s Report No. 20, FEBRUARY 27, 2008
The Student Senate met in Regular Session on February 27, 2008 at 6:30 in the RPAC, Meeting Rooms Two and Three. Speaker of the Senate Matt Dodovich presided.
Present: 40 Absent: 5 Alternates: 4
Alexandrov (A) / Anthony / Belt / BingBonacci (A) / Branstool / Bumb / Burik
Castellanos / Caviani / Coady / Connolly
Dahlby / Dodovich / Dolan / Ellender
Eng / Evans / Fondriest / Gillen
Ginnan / Graver (A) / Han / Hemmelgarn
Hetsler / Hornsby / Koltak / Leon
Lippus / Marconi / Mayer / McKnight
Mertz / Parris / Rackers / Reinke
Reis / Salhi / Schreiber / Sellke
Smith / Sprinkle (A) / Stokes / Swain
Usmani / Wentz / Wernery / Whittaker
Dodovich swore in new alternates.
Motion to approve Secretary’s Report No. 19 passed with unanimous consent.
Executive Report
Christobek gave the Executive Report and answered questions.
Open Forum for the Public
Brianna Lombardi and Emily Smart, from the Undergraduate Mock Trial Club, spoke in favor of 40-B-44.
Sean Spitzer, from Buckeyes for Obama, addressed an error in The Lantern regarding the date of the Primary Elections and the issue of how we can better inform students of the upcoming elections.
Adisa Aarons, publicity chair, spoke in favor of 40-B-49.
Abby Yokum, coordinator for the National Agriculture Leadership Conference and Alpha Zeta, spoke in favor of 40-B-48.
Committee Reports
Parris gave a report from the Constitutional Review Commission and the Committee on Policy and Governance.
Anthony gave a report from the Committee on Budget and Finance.
Dodovich gave a report from USG Senate Steering.
Consent Agenda
Items on Consent Agenda:
40-R-47: A Resolution to Support the Retention of Rich Hollingsworth as Vice President for Student Affairs (Dodovich)
40-B-38: A Bill To Support Multicultural Students in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences National Conference (McKnight)
40-B-40: A Bill to Support the OSU Mountaineers Club (Swain)
40-B-41: A Bill to Support African-American Quiz Bowl Presented by NSBE (Mayer)
40-B-44: A Bill to Support the Mock Trial Club (Evans)
40-B-48: A Bill To Support Alpha Zeta’s National Agricultural Leadership Conference (McKnight)
Usmani moved to remove 40-R-47 from the consent agenda.
Consent agenda passed with unanimous consent.
Old Business
40-R-47: A Resolution to Support the Retention of Rich Hollingsworth as Vice President for Student Affairs
Dodovich presented on the resolution. Discussion on the resolution. Parris moved to separate the last therefore clause. Seconded. Motion to separate passed with unanimous consent. Resolution passed with unanimous consent.
40-R-45: A Resolution Against CCTV in the University District
Parris presented on the resolution. Discussion on the resolution. Usmani moved to refer the resolution back to committee. Seconded. Discussion on motion. Dodovich decided to change the word lobbying to persuading. Koltak moved to appeal the decision of the chair. Seconded. Discussion on the motion. Motion failed by voice vote. Discussion on Usmani motion continued. Motion failed. Discussion on the resolution continued. Hornsby moved the question. Seconded. Motion passed with unanimous consent. Resolution passed with a vote 20-16-3.
Alexandrov (A) / Anthony-aye / Belt-nay / Bing-presentBonacci (A) / Branstool-nay / Bumb-aye / Burik-aye
Castellanos / Caviani-aye / Coady-nay / Connolly-nay
Dahlby / Dodovich-aye / Dolan-aye / Ellender
Eng-present / Evans-aye / Fondriest / Gillen
Ginnan-aye / Graver (A)-nay / Han-aye / Hemmelgarn-nay
Hetsler-aye / Hornsby-nay / Koltak-nay / Leon
Lippus-nay / Marconi-aye / Mayer-nay / McKnight-nay
Mertz-nay / Parris-aye / Rackers-aye / Reinke-aye
Reis-aye / Salhi-nay / Schreiber-aye / Sellke-aye
Smith-present / Sprinkle (A)-aye / Stokes-nay / Swain-aye
Usmani-nay / Wentz / Wernery-nay / Whittaker-aye
40-R-51: A Resolution to Institute a Funding Contract with the Submission of Bills
Anthony presented on the resolution. Discussion on the resolution. Resolution passed with unanimous consent.
40-R-54: A Resolution to approve appointments to the Undergraduate Student Government Judicial Panel
Christobek presented on the resolution. Discussion on the resolution. Resolution passed with unanimous consent.
Filling of Senate Vacancy:
Education and Human Ecology (Mariam Aboukar)
Aboukar spoke and answered the following questions:
1-Bumb: If there was a conflict, which of your commitments would take precedence?
Motion to acclaim passed with unanimous consent.
Aboukar acclaimed as EHE Senator.
Dodovich swore in Aboukar.
New Business
40-R-55 (A Resolution to Place a Constitutional Amendment Referendum on the Ballot) was referred to Policy and Governance.
40-B-50 (A Bill to Support the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Registration to the 2008 NSBE National Conference) was referred to Budget and Finance.
Marconi announced that University Senate would not meet next week and reminded Senators to send him USenate committee reports.
Evans announced that Student Affairs would meet on Friday (2/29) at 3pm in Derby 24 and thanked Senators for sending her feedback.
Koltak announced there would a presidential election forum tomorrow (2/28) at 6:30 in the EA Building.
Parris announced that PG might meet and the Constitution and By-laws Reform Committee would meet tomorrow (2/28) at 7pm in Dreese 317.
Bing announced she was looking for volunteers for a March of Dimes event in April (
Anthony announced that Budget and Finance would meet on Sunday (3/2) at 7:30 in Arps 173 and requested feedback on budgets.
Belt announced that Academic Affairs would meet on Tuesday (3/4) at 6:30pm outside the USG office.
Usmani noted the resolution against Coke that was sent out on the Senate Listserv.
Christobek noted the Nurse Health-Line financial information and noted the presidential candidate packets, which were dropped off in Residence halls.
Dodovich announced the resignation of Fisher, that Senate would receive an update from the Library Renovation project at the first meeting of spring, and that committee appointments for new Senators coming soon.
Dodovich announced that the Senator of the Week was Rackers.
Meeting Adjourned 7:47 pm.
An audio recording of this meeting is available.
Secretary’s Report submitted by Alex L. Swain, South Campus Senator.