07-14-09MINS PLAN

Minutes of the Meeting of Louth Town Council’s


held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Louth

on Tuesday 14TH JuLY 2009

Present Councillor F. Robertson (in the chair)

Councillors: B. Burnett, F.G. Coonghe, J.P. Dean, C. Finch, Mrs. M. Finch, J.E. Gains, A. Leonard J. P, C. Green, J. Macdonald,Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, T. Marris, K. Sharp, D.M. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanor, Mrs. P. Watson, B. Williamson, D.E. Wing and Mrs. E. Wood

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley, Acting Secretary Miss Y. Shah, 12 Members of public and 4 invited guests were also present.

144.  Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman had no remarks to make.

145.  Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard. This was approved by the Committee.

146.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2000:

a.  Councillor Mrs. P. Watson

i.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 4 - Sainsbury’s Ltd as a member of ELDC.

ii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 7 – Planning Applications as a member of ELDC.

iii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 8 – Work to Trees as a member of ELDC.

iv.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 9 – Planning Correspondence as a member of ELDC.

v. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 10 Correspondence items (a), (d) and (g) as a member of ELDC and (b), (c) and (f) as a member of LCC.

vi.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 11 – Publications items (d) as a member of LCC.

vii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 12 – item (c) as Vice Chairman of the LAC.

viii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 13 – Louth Library as a member of LCC.

ix.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 16 – ELDC Planning Procedures as a member of ELDC.

x. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 17 – East Lindsey CCTV Partnership as a member of ELDC.

b.  Councillor C. Finch

i.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 4 - Sainsbury’s Ltd as a member of ELDC Planning Committee.

ii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 7 – Planning Applications as a member of ELDC Planning Committee.

iii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 8 – Work to Trees as a member of ELDC.

iv.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 9 – Planning Correspondence as a member of ELDC Planning Committee.

v. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 10 Correspondence items (a), (d) and (g) as a member of ELDC.

vi.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 16 – ELDC Planning Procedures as a member of ELDC Planning Committee.

vii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 17 – East Lindsey CCTV Partnership as a member of ELDC.

c.  Councillor B. Burnett

i.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 4 - Sainsbury’s Ltd as a member of ELDC.

ii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 7 – Planning Applications as a member of ELDC.

iii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 8 – Work to Trees as a member of ELDC.

iv.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 9 – Planning Correspondence as a member of ELDC.

v. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 10 Correspondence items (a), (d) and (g) as a member of ELDC.

vi.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 16 – ELDC Planning Procedures as a member of ELDC.

vii.  Personal Interest – Agenda Item 17 – East Lindsey CCTV Partnership as a member of ELDC.

147.  Question and Answer session with representatives of Sainsbury’s.
Sainsbury’s Ltd was represented by Mr R. Keyes, Mr T. Waring, Mr J. Partridge and Mr C. Smith.
Members of the Committee put points to the group that had been raised at recent Louth Town Council Committee and Public Meetings, responses included:

i.  Confirmation that James Street had been accurately measured and vehicle tracked using computer software and were assured that there would be no issues subject to traffic orders being enforced.

ii.  The external footway on Eve Street had been amended and a zebra pedestrian crossing installed to ensure pedestrian safety.

iii.  Road signal controls are yet to be agreed.

iv.  Traffic will be an estimated 200 vehicle movements per hour at peak times with 8 delivery vehicles per day of various sizes.

v. Delivery vehicles will not be required to perform complex manoeuvres to access the service yard but can do so by forward motion.

vi.  A car park study carried out by an independent source in 2008 has been supplemented by a new recent check showing an increase in spare capacity. (Thursday 2009). A new study will be considered.

vii.  Discussions are taking place with ELDC regarding the lease / purchase of the Kiln Lane car park.

viii.  ELDC officer suggested consideration of Charles Street tennis courts, this however is against company and government policy to remove recreational facilities.

ix.  Closer on site inspections will be made of the access routes particularly James Street and Charles Street.

x. Confirmation that the flooding events of 2007 plus climate change adjustments have been used to create the car parking design increasing flood water capacity, flow constrictions widened and an overall improvement on the current situation.

xi.  The designs have worked within the 6m EA enforcement zone of the watercourse.

xii.  Confirmation that Sainsbury’s had not considered purchasing the Co-op store.

xiii.  The minimum amount of land has been acquired for the purpose however if any householders are disadvantaged they would consider purchasing, relocation or provision of alternative properties. There has been no compulsory purchasing.

xiv.  The store could provide 150 jobs of both full and part time and age ranges will be from school leavers to late careers and will provide training schemes.

xv.  Concluded that Sainsbury’s assist and work with Market Towns and their communities and if insurmountable problems are raised in a development it will not proceed.

148.  Committee Minutes
The notes of the last meeting held on 7th July 2009 were approved as the Minutes subject to the removal of the term ‘unanimous’ from minute 130 (e). This was amended and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

149.  Town Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.
The Town Clerk updated the Committee on the progress of Kiln Lane where she explained that she had been informed that LCC would shortly be recommending that the Definitive Footpath order be made. However this was expected to progress to Appeal.

150.  Applications received by the Local Planning Authority:
The Committee considered the applications listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 07-14-09) and RESOLVED:

a.  N/105/01192/09 Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd. Defer until later date. It had been confirmed that when the application had been discussed on 23rd June 2009 that the plan was not valid but had since been validated and consequently amended and resubmitted.

b.  All other applications were SUPPORTED.

151.  Proposed Work to Trees
The Committee had no objections to the proposed work to trees at:

a.  131 Keddington Road. Application for work to trees covered by TPO – ‘Crown Lift to 4m and reduce lower branches extending over garden and towards neighbouring bungalow by up to 25%’.

152.  Planning Correspondence.
The Committee noted the following correspondence:

a.  Planning Decisions (Variances):

i.  N/105/00742/09 17 Commercial Road, Louth. Full Planning Permission has been granted. LTC objected 2/6/09– ‘Use of UPVC in the Conservation Area’.

ii.  N/105/105/01151/09 20B Upgate. ELDC have Refused Consent to Display. LTC supported application with condition that lettering should be painted.

b.  Planning Appeal to the Secretary of State

i.  N105/02955/08 Land at 1 Fulmar Drive. The Committee noted that the appeal starting date is 23/06/09 and should the Committee wish to withdraw or make any further written representations this should be made to the Planning Inspectorate by 04/08/09. Louth Town Council supported this application.

153.  Correspondence
Committee noted that the following general correspondence had been received:

a.  From: ELDC Sustainability Officer Re: Small Change Big Difference Climate Change Week. Councillors to note that a road show will be held on Louth Market on Friday 17th July 2009 (attached).

b.  From: LCC Healthy Communities Re: Really Useful Stuff Handbook (RUS) (attached). Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders commended this publication.

c.  From: LCC Re: Lincolnshire Coastal Study (Briefing Note) (attached)

d.  From: ELDC / LCC/ LALC Re: East Lindsey Town and Parish Assembly to be held on Tuesday 22nd September 2009.

e.  From: Lincolnshire Police Re: Review of First Year in Post – Richard Crompton, Chief Constable (attached).

f.  From: LCC Re: East Lindsey – Highways Division Travel and Transport Briefing (available in Councillors Corner).

g.  From: ELDC Re: Vehicle Related Litter – ELDC are joining a national campaign with Keep Britain Tidy to change attitude and behaviour towards throwing litter from your vehicle and to come forward and report offences.

154.  Publications
Committee noted that the following publications have been received and are available to view in Councillors Corner:

a.  Rural services Network July 2009 Edition. (Circulated by email 06/07/09)

b.  Rural Services Weekly Rural Focus 06/07/09 (Circulated by email 06/07/09)

c.  AMT insight E-Newsletter July 2009 (Circulated by email 03/07/09)

d.  LCC – Highways Division Travel and Transport Briefing.

e.  Lincolnshire Assembly Partnership News Issue 9 (Circulated 25/06/09)

f.  EMDA News Spring Edition

155.  Feedback from Nominees / Attendees of recent meetings / events:

a.  Public Meeting Sainsbury’s Development 30/06/09 – this was recognised as an effective means for members of the public to air their views but that this came too early in the planning process and required greater publicity to ensure all views were represented.

b.  River Lud Liaison Group 06/07/09

c.  Louth Area Committee 06/07/09 – concern was raised that this was an ineffective group, where agenda requests have been ignored. It was suggested that the front page of the agenda be brought to future meetings and discussed with regard to ensuring representatives put forward the Town Councils views.

d.  The Story of Brown’s Panorama 08/07/09 – Good feedback had been received from the schools and members of the public who had attended. It was proposed, seconded and approved that letters of thanks be despatched to Kiffy Stainer Hutchins and David Robinson O.B.E. Councillor Mrs. Finch also thanked assistant Yasmin Shah for her help in organising the event. It was also confirmed that the restoration work carried out was reversible as required by modern Conservators.

156.  Louth Library Community Notice Board
Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders made Committee members aware of the loss of this community facility in the foyer of the library without consultation. The Committee was apprised by Councillor Mrs. P. Watson that representations had been made to the Director of Cultural Services to appeal for its reinstatement.

157.  Recycling Facilities – Louth Housing Estates
It was RESOLVED that this should be put forward as an agenda item to the Louth Area Committee.

158.  Regional Plan Partial Review
The Committee RESOLVED that this should be brought back to a future meeting prior to the closure of the consultation of 6th October 2009 when the Coastal Study results were known.

159.  ELDC Planning Procedures
ELDC planning procedures were discussed together with their Statement of Community Involvement and the failure of the Louth Area Committee to provide the promised feedback on 31 Edward Street.

160.  East Lindsey CCTV Partnership – Responsive Maintenance Contract.
It was RESOLVED that CCTV representatives Councillor Mrs. Ballard or Councillor Marris would represent Louth on 27th July 2009 at 2pm at Skegness Police Station.

Councillor Leonard thanked all those who attended the Dinner celebrating the retirement of former Councillor Mrs Ottaway.

The meeting closed at 21.58.

Signed…………………………………… Chairman) Date……………………………..

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