Annual Report

II.Councilor/Chair (SIG only) Contact Information

NameFrederick G. More, DDS, MS______

(include degree titles)

Title_Professor______Department Epidemiology & Hlth Prom

Institution Name__New YorkUniversityCollege of Dentistry______

Phone: __(212) 998-9981______Fax: _(212) 995-4317______



Describe section/SIG activities and projects during the past year. Take this opportunity to highlight innovative activities and projects. Note projects with a national scope and/orcollaborative work with other sections, organizations, and institutions.

  1. List the Section/SIG activities:
  • Newsletter (either electronic or print): NO
  • Community of Interest: established or on-going: established/not active
  • Project Pool Submission: YES
  • Project Pool Submission funded: YES
  • If yes: Title: By choice: How lesbians, gay men came into dentistry
  • Meetings/programs:
  • Regional: NO
  • National: NO
  • ADEA Annual Session: Section program at 2008 annual session
  1. What reflects the best example of your Section/SIG activities?
  • As a new section we have worked to bring allies into the Section, become active in activities in the Council of Sections, and were present at House activities
  • The Section Project Pool grant allowed an out dental student to complete a research project and present it at the 2008 annual session.
  • LG applicants to dental schools have made contact with Section members listed on the ADEA website.

IV.Membership and Attendance

Access the section membership list and reference the “Members’ Forum Attendance Roster” provided in the section/SIG information packet to report the following:

  1. Total membership for the section as of March 2008: 31
  1. Total attendance at the section’s 2008 Members’ Forum: 14

V.Section Structure

  1. List current contact information for the Section/SIG officer.

COUNCILOR  1st Term Beginning Term Date 2007

(Section Only)

NameFrederick G. More, DDS, MS

(include degree titles)

TitleProfessorDepartment Department of Epidemiology & Health Promotion

Institution NameNew YorkUniversityCollege of Dentistry

Phone:212-998-9981 Fax: 212-995-4317



Name John Zimmerman DDS

(include degree titles)

Title Assistant DeanDepartment Section of Oral and Diagnostic Sciences

InstitutionName ColumbiaUniversityCollege of Dental Medicine

Phone: 646-772-8607Fax:



NameLarry B. Salzmann, DDS

(include degree titles)

TitleClinical Associate Professor Department Pediatric Dentistry

Institution Name College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago

Phone:312-996-6661 Fax: 312-996-1981



NameMark Gonthier

(include degree titles)

TitleAssociate Dean of Admissions & Student AffairsDepartment Administration - Dental

InstitutionNameTuftsUniversity, School of Dental Medicine

Phone:617-636-6539Fax: 617-636-0309


  1. Describe section structure—other than the four officers—if one exists. Provide information about regional, national, and international networks. If deemed appropriate: list additional contact information for reference.
VI.Financial Status

Each year prior to the Annual Session, ADEA compiles a list of all corporations, organizations, and foundations that support ADEA activities and programs for publication in the House of Delegates Manual. This compilation is the basis for honoring these sponsors at the Annual Session. This information related to section activities is gathered from your section annual report. If the section receives no external financial support, note “N/A.” Include the following information:

  1. Current Section Balance: ($600) as of 10/2007
  2. Organizations (and contact persons) providing financial support for section activities
  3. Tom’s of Maine (year 3 of a 5 year commitment)
  4. Purpose of the support (program, reception, newsletter, etc.), number of participants and recipients, and other details: at the discretion of the Section
  5. The type of funding: donation or gifts-in-kind, and amount of funding.DONATION

VII.Meeting Minutes (copy/paste Word document into the field)

Minutes from Member’s Forum on Gay Straight Alliance

30 March 2008

Chairperson: Karl Kingsley opened the meeting at 1:00 following a successful Section Program: “Curricular Change: It’s Time to Include LGBT Students and Faculty”


a)Overview of the transition from a Special Interest Group within ADEA to a Section. The Business meeting is now known as a Members’ Forum.

b)Acknowledged the ongoing sponsorship of Tom’s of Maine.

c)Summary of Council of Sections meeting in Nashville – Fred More

i)GSA making strides to partner with other Sections

ii)Continual concerns of program overlap at annual meeting

(1)Partnering has the potential of decreasing program conflicts

iii)Partnering continues to increase our visibility and developing our straight allies

2)Old Business

a)GSA sponsored student travel to ADEA

i)No clear path as to procedure within the organization

ii)Contacts with ADEA personnel were disappointing


(1)Need to establish proper procedure for funding, and

(2)Criteria for selection process


(1)Is this not a function of the individual schools/institutions?

(2)Students generally selected because of their leadership roles, rather than diversity


(1)GSA could sponsor a student presenting scholarly report on LGBTQ issues

vi)Motion passed to investigate appropriate method of identifying and sponsoring a LGBTQ student

(1)Committee includes John DiSilva, Henry Temple Jeff Wood

3)Installation/Election of New Officers

a)Fred More – 2nd year of 3-year term as GSA Councilor

b)John Zimmerman is Chair

c)Larry Salzmann is Chair-Elect

d)Mark Gonthier elected to Secretary

4)New Chair’s Vision for upcoming year.

a)John presented his ‘to do’ list for the 2008-2009 year after a nostalgic photomontage where we learned of his early interest in the healing profession, love of cowboy boots and natural inclination for pink washing machines

5)Financial Report

a)Currently reported as in the ‘red’ but the grant from Tom’s of Maine may not have been included in the budget report dated 12/31/2007

6)2009 ADEA Meeting in Phoenix, AZ

a)Theme is “Imagine”

b)GSA – working theme “Imagine Inclusion” creating a vision of LGBTQ students, faculty, and staff (patients?)

i)KK – highlighting model at UNLV’s LawSchool which resulted in an increasing of LGBTQ at that institution.

ii)Suggested partnering with other Members’ Forums such as the Student Affairs, Minority Affairs

iii)Suggested speakers

(1)Dr. Becky Allison with GLMA

(2)Neil Giuliano with GLAAD and former ‘out’ mayor of Tempe, AZ


i)Partnering with other Sections would be to our benefit

ii)Partnering may be more successful if we defined a general theme that the other Sections best identified the common ground

iii)Continued program development will be via electronic communication

(1)Discussion of investigating alternative methods of communication, example Skype

7)Faculty Development Workshop “LGBTQ 101”

a)Generate an awareness of LGBTQ individuals as colleagues, students, and patients.

b)Discussion was quite positive

c)Motion passed to develop a Faculty Development Workshop

i)Committee includes Linda Centore, Ken (Detroit) and John (Harvard)

ii)Continued program development will be via electronic communication


VIII.Additional Comments or Suggestions to the Administrative Board

Provide feedback to the COS Admin Board about section concerns, comments, or suggestions.

1)As discussed at the ADEA fall meeting, scheduling programs during the annual session is a matter of ongoing concern. Given that the GSA is a small new section, it is important to the section to gain as much visibility as possible.

2)Interest was expressed at the Section meeting about fund raising. What is the association policy on fundraising by sections?

3)As a Section that is based on the minority status of its members, it is noteworthy that the GSA has never been embraced by the ADEACenter on Equity and Diversity (CED). The GSA is listed as a part of the CED, yet it has never been invited to attend any meetings, conferences, or been acknowledged in any meaningful way. This issue has been fact since the GSA began as a SIG and has not changed. While the Section has not taken any formal action to bring this issue forward, it is an issue that should be known to the COS leadership.

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