Steal Sheet - April 2015

NOSORH offers Steal Sheet articles for SORHs to distribute in emails, in your (or your partners’) newsletter, on web sites, Facebook pages, etc. The April Steal Sheet includes:

New Resources:

1)National Rural EMS Conference: New Opportunity to Learn about Rural EMS Issues

2)The Rural Training Track Collaborative Annual Meeting

3)Rural Health Works Workshop

4)E.V.E.N.T –EMS Voluntary Event Reporting Tool

Funding Roundup:

5)The Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP)

New Resources:

1) National Rural EMS Conference: New Opportunity to Learn about Rural EMS Issues

The National Rural EMS Conference: Building Integration & Leadership for the Future in Cheyenne, Wyoming on May 5-6, 2015 will feature hands-on learning and demonstrations of Simulation in Motion. In addition, conference participants will learn about the future of rural EMS, community paramedicine, systems of care, performance improvement, ambulance service sustainability, rural EMS education, and much more. The cost to attend the conference is $200 and includes food. Online registration is now open. Sign-up today to reserve your spot!

Vendor space is still available. Contact Stephanie Hansen ( or 208-375-0407) or register online to reserve your organization’s spot.

DRAFT AGENDA: Click here.




2) The Rural Training Track Collaborative Annual Meeting

The Rural Training Track Collaborative Annual Meeting

Moving Forward in the Face of Chaos

Madison, Wisconsin - May 27 to 29, 2015

With all the uncertainty around payment reform, workforce needs, medical education finance and governance, it’s sometimes difficult to know how to move forward, even to take the first step. There are lessons to be learned from other Rural Training Tracks, from the past as well as the present. This is your opportunity to both teach and learn! All are invited to participate and contribute to this rural training collaborative!

Clickhere for a draft agendaand clickhere for registration,transportation and lodging details

To directly register,click here. Following registration you will be sent an acknowledgement andan invoice or instruction regarding payment.

3) Rural Health Works Workshops

The National Center for Rural Health Works provides tools and templates by which community residents can evaluate their health systems. This is typically accomplished by training state teams to assist rural communities.The National Center (or RHW) develops tools and templates and provides training and technical assistance in the following areas:

•Economic Impact

•Community Health Needs Assessment

•Rural Health Needs Assessment

•Rural Health Service Profitability

Tools & templatesare available forthe focus areas. The National Center provides training workshops/webinarsto train potential users andtechnical assistanceto assist users with development of the tools and templates for their organizations.

4)E.V.E.N.T – EMS Voluntary Event Reporting Tool

The Center for Leadership, Innovation, and Research for EMS (CLIR) developed a national event reporting system for EMS called E.V.E.N.T. (EMS Voluntary Event Reporting Tool). E.V.E.N.T. is an anonymous, event-reporting system that collects and analyzes patient safety incidents, near-misses and violence against paramedics and EMTs. This gives any EMS system a free and easy way to identify trends and share information across regions.

Anyone involved in EMS systems can go to and submit one of three different kinds of anonymous reports.

1)Patient Safety Event where a patient was harmed, potentially harmed, or almost harmed (“near-miss”) due to a human error or equipment failure.

2)Near-Miss Event where an EMS provider (first responder, EMT, paramedic, etc.) was almost harmed but due to a fortunate break in the chain of events injury, fatality or other harm was averted.

3)Violence Event where an EMS provider is struck, verbally abused, or otherwise assaulted.

CLIR wants to support organizational culture that is able to receive information about someone making a mistake without punishment. They want to help EMS providers become more engaged as healthcare providers instead of just being seen as “ambulance drivers.” E.V.E.N.T. was launched five years ago and has helped identify issues, learn from them and then help others across the country take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen in their system.

CLIR recently posted 4th quarter 2014 and calendar year E.V.E.N.T. summary reports. You can access these reports and prior period reports by going to click on each EVENT type at the top and then look on the left side of the screen for download links by year. To access the 4th quarter and calendar year 2014 reports individually without navigating the website, use these links:

4Q2014 Patient Safety Summary

CY2014 Patient Safety Summary

CY2014 Near Miss Summary

4Q2014 Provider Violence Summary

CY2014 Provider Violence Summary

Please consider helping CLIR advertise the availability of the report by pointing your colleagues to If you would like to receive emails of all reported events send an email to with your name and EMS agency or affiliation and you will be added to the distribution list.

Funding Roundup:

5)The Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP)

The Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) aims to increase the diversity of the health care workforce through the recruitment and training of individuals, including non-traditional students and veterans, from educationally or economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The HCOP grants enable individuals who successfully complete education and training requirements to serve in underserved communities. The HCOP grants also improve recruitment and retention rates by implementing programs designed to address the academic and social needs of disadvantaged students who are interested in pursuing a career in a health profession. The HCOP grant program focuses on three key milestones of education:

•graduation from high school;

•graduation from college; and

•completion of a health professions degree program.