Harrison Trimble High School Course Outline /
Course: Law 120 / Phone: 856-3417 Fax: 856-3480
Teacher: Mr. Denton / E-Mail:
Law 120 introduces students to general concepts of the law and the courts. Areas of study include the origins of the Canadian legal system, criminal law, civil and human rights and torts/civil law. Case studies are used to illustrate situations within these areas of law.
While this course is an elective, it is taught as a university preparatory course. This course is recommended to students presently taking level 2 courses.
Essential Outcomes
The following are the essential outcomes for Law 120. In order to successfully complete Law 120 students must reach proficiency in ALL outcomes.
Foundations of the Law
1.1  the need for and purposes of law
1.2 the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of Canadian citizens
Criminal Law
2.1 the elements of a criminal offence and of selected specific offences
2.2 the legal process of police investigation and arrest
2.3 and be able to evaluate the jury system
2.4 and apply the rules of evidence to specific cases
2.5 and analyze standard defences to criminal charges
2.6 sentencing alternatives and suggest appropriate circumstances for their use
2.7 and apply the criminal law to analyze, prosecute, defend and decide cases
Civil Law
3.1 torts and the purposes of tort law
3.2 and be able to apply their understanding of tort law to specific cases
Assessment and Evaluation
•assignments/ performance tests/written tests/
• completion/submission of assigned projects / • ability to work independently and in teams
• cooperation and class participation
Final grades will be determined by classroom assessments of student proficiency levels based upon individual student achievement of the course content standards included within this course outline. Final grades reflect only academic factors and do not include non-academic factors (attendance and behavior); although these factors do impact the student’s ability to master concepts and skills.
In order to accurately grade students, students will partake of ongoing formative assessments which will be completed outside of regular instructional time (before/after school, lunch) should the student not complete them during regular class time. Failure to comply with alternative work time will result in referral to administration.