BCASC Wacky Olympics 2017

Registration & Information

Date: TBD

Time: 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Host School: TBD

Theme: TBD

Middle and high schools welcome.

Rules & Regulations

All high school participants must operate one game of choice. Materials will be provided by host school.

Each school should create a co-ed. Wacky Olympics team.

Each participating high school team is required to pay a $100.00 entry fee by TBD.

Each participating middle school team is required to pay a $50.00 entry fee by TBD.

All payments will be made to BCASC Treasurer School, Pompano Beach High School.

Each participating school may have less but no more then 22 team members.

Each participant must submit a signed permission form and insurance form to their school previous to attending event.

Wacky Olympics Schedule


9:00-9:30 A.M.: Breakfast/Registration

9:30-9:40 A.M.: Opening remarks

9:50-10:40 A.M.: Session 1 games

10:50-11:40 A.M.: Session 2 games

11:50-12:50 P.M.: Lunch

1:00-1:50 P.M.: Session 3 games

2:00-2:20 P.M.: Final scoring

2:30-3:00 P.M.: Closing ceremony

SAMPLE Session 1 Games

Balloon Sit Pop- Requires 4 people to operate

In a six person team, each member must start at the one end with a deflated balloon. When it is each person’s turn, they must sit in the chair while blowing up and tying the balloon. When the balloon is complete, they must run to the other chair and pop the balloon by sitting on it. Each player must go once. Points will be given on the time used to complete the game.

Skateboard Plunger Relay- Requires 3 people to operate

In a two person team, each player will sit on a skateboard while holding a plunger. The player must make it to the opposite cone by using the plunger only to move themselves forward. At the opposite cone, the other player will get on the skateboard and plunge themselves back to the starting cone. Each player must go once. Points will be given on the time used to complete the game.

Airplane Accuracy- Requires 4 people to operate

In a three person team, players must create and throw paper airplanes into a hula hoop which is mounted on a stand from 10 feet away. The team will have 10 tries in order to try to make it through the hula hoop. Each player must go at least once. Points will be given based on the number of airplanes flown through the hula hoop.

Football Bounce- Requires 4 people to operate

In an eight person team, each player will have the opportunity to only bounce the football into the designated bucket within a 1 minute time span. Each player must go once. Points will be based on the number of footballs made into the bucket.

Feather Relay- Requires 3 people to operate

In a team of two people, each player must crawl on the floor while blowing a feather to the opposite cone located 10 feet away. Each player must reach the opposite cone and back to complete. Each player must go once. Points will be given based on the time used to the finish the relay.

Hula Hoop Pass- Requires 3 people to operate

In a team of five people, players must form a circle in which they are holding hands. They then must pass the hula hoop along through the circles with each person going through it and not breaking the circle. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on time needed to complete the game.

Life Saver Drop- Requires 4 people to operate

In a six person team, each player has his/her own 30 inch string that is tied to a life saver. At the start, the first player runs 30 feet to his team’s toilet paper roll, then puts the string behind his back and drops the lifesaver into the hole. He then runs back and tags the next person from his team who will repeat the same action and so on. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time needed to complete the drop.

SAMPLE Session 2 Games

Blanket Chariot Race- Requires 6 people to operate

In a six person team, the players must race with a blanket chariot to the other side of the gym and back. With four people holding the blanket, one person will sit on the inside of the blanket while being carried to the opposite side of the gym. When the team reaches the opposite side of the gym, the person on the inside must get out and a new person must get in the blanket in order to make it back to the other side. Points will be given based on the time used to complete the race. All teams must bring their own blanket (large comforters are suggested).

Sew Your School- Requires 3 people to operate

In a ten person team, players must line up shoulder to shoulder. The first person must take the end of the string and begin to sew it from the bottom of their shirt through the top and continue passing the string to each player down the line. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time used to sew the entire team together.

Clothes Pins Balloons- Requires 4 people to operate

In a three person team, one person will have to act as the clothes line while the other two players attempt to attach as many balloons to him/her within a 1 minute time period. Balloons will already be inflated. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the number of balloons attached at the end of the 1 minute.

Softball Carry- Requires 3 people to operate.

In a six person team, each participant will be given a softball to carry between their knees to the designated bucket. The player must return to the start line before the next player attempts to drop their softball into the bucket. The team will have 3 minutes to get as many softballs into the bucket as possible. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the number of softballs dropped.

Amoeba Race- Requires 5 people to operate

In an eight person team, consisting of four girls and four boys, the team must bunch together closely and tied together with a rope leaving their arms free. At the signal, each team must move their way around the designated cones and return to the starting position. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time needed to complete the race.

Potato Sack Relay- Requires 3 people to operate

In a team of four people, each player must hop in a potato sack from the starting position to the designated and hop back in order for the next player to start their turn. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time needed to complete the race.

SAMPLE Session 3 Games

Human Chain- Requires 4 people to operate

In a ten person team, players must line up vertically and attach their hands by reaching their right arm between their legs to the person behind them. They will hold on to the person in front of them by reaching their left arm through the legs of the person in front of them. The player in the back must begin to lie down on the floor without breaking the chain. Each member must then proceed to lie down by walking backwards over all players. The last person to lie down must then pull the team back up so each player is standing without breaking the chain. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time needed to complete the game.

Chicken Toss- Requires 4 people to operate

In a seven person team, six players will be given the opportunity to launch a rubber chicken across a 40 foot space by using a water balloon launcher. On the other end of the 40 foot space, one player will be holding fishing net hoping to catch the chicken. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the number of rubber chickens caught.

Water Pass- Requires 2 people to operate

In an eight person team, players will line up in order to move the water from one bucket to the bucket on the opposite side. Players will move water to the finishing bucket by pouring water down the line of members with cups. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the amount of water in the secondary bucket.

Slip ‘N Slide- Requires 4 people to operate

In a two person team, they will slide down the slip ‘n slide in hopes to reach the furthest distance. It will be soaked with water and soap. Points will be based on the distance made after sliding.

Toilet Paper Snowman- Requires 4 people to operate

In a four person team, two members must stand back to back to be wrapped together as mummies. The other two players will use toilet paper to wrap the others. They will have 2 minutes to complete the wrapping. Each member must participate. Points will be given based on the amount of coverage done to the mummies.

Three Legged Race- Requires 3 people to operate

In a two person team, players must stand next to each other with their inside legs touching. Their inside legs will then be ted together creating the team to only have three legs instead of four. The team must then race to the designated cone and back. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time needed to complete the race.

Ping Pong Relay- Requires 3 people to operate

In a three person team, the players must line up in order to push a ping pong ball on the floor with only their nose. The players must push the ball to the cone and back in order for the next player to start their turn. Each player must participate. Points will be given based on the time needed to complete the race.

Game Operator Registration

Please designate the top 3 games your team would like to operate during Wacky Olympics. Each game will only be played in one session as listed above. The number of operators can be found listed to the game name above the description on the previous pages. Equipment for each game will be provided by host school unless specified in description to bring own materials. We will do our best to place your team in the game of your choice.

School Name: ______

Advisor Name: ______

Game #1: ______

Game #2: ______

Game #3: ______

Game Operation Form should be sent to

Due: TBD


The Department of Student Activities and Athletics

Telephone: 754-321-1201, Facsimile: 754-321-1205


TO: Middle School Student Council Advisors

FROM: Michael Roland, Liaison

Student Activities and Athletics


This year, Wacky Olympics will be held at TBD, Saturday, TBD. Attached you will find the Middle School Wacky OlympicsParticipation Form, the Wacky Olympics Instructions and ScoringInformation, the Wacky Olympics Overall Rules, and Glossary.

The first group of events is scheduled to begin at 9:00am. Schools shouldplan to arrive beginning at 8:30am, to allow for check in OpeningCeremonies etc. Each school should host a game and haveat least but notlimited to one team consisting of no more than 22 members,boys and girls notincluding event operators. Note: Teams must be co-ed.

Your school’s entry fee ($50.00per team) should payable to:Cypress Bay High School Student Government (notation BCASC-Wacky Olympics)attention bookkeeper. However, you may bring the money along with a copyof your team registration with you and turn it in at registration.

Please fill out the attached Participation Form as it applies to your school andfax (754-321-1205) it to the Department of Student Activities and Athleticsby TBD.


The Department of Student Activities and Athletics

Telephone: 754-321-1201, Facsimile: 754-321-1205


TO: Student Government Advisor

FROM:Michael H. Roland, Liaison

Student Activities and Athletics


School: ______

Going to Participate: Yes ______No ______

Number of Teams ______

Approximate Number of Team Members (each Team): ______

Adult Chaperone: ______

Have/Use Own Activity Bus Yes ______No ______

Participation Form should be sent to Student Activities and is

Due TBA.


The Department of Student Activities and Athletics

Telephone: 754-321-1201, Facsimile: 754-321-1205


TO:High School Student Council Advisors

FROM: Michael Roland, Liaison

Student Activities and Athletics


This year, Wacky Olympics will be held at TBD, Saturday, TBD. Attached you will find the High School Wacky OlympicsParticipation Form, the Wacky Olympics Instructions and ScoringInformation, the Wacky Olympics Overall Rules, and Glossary.

The first group of events is scheduled to begin at 9:00am. Schools shouldplan to arrive beginning at 8:30am, to allow for check in OpeningCeremonies etc. Each school should host a game and haveat least but notlimited to one team consisting of no more than 22 members,boys and girls notincluding event operators. Note: Teams must be co-ed.

Your school’s entry fee ($50.00per team) should payable to: Cypress Bay High School Student Government (notation BCASC-Wacky Olympics) attention bookkeeper. However, you may bring the money along with a copyof your team registration with you and turn it in at registration.

Please fill out the attached Participation Form as it applies to your school andfax (754-321-1205) it to the Department of Student Activities and Athletics by TBD.


The Department of Student Activities and Athletics

Telephone: 754-321-1201, Facsimile: 754-321-1205


TO: Student Government Advisor

FROM: Michael H. Roland, Liaison

Student Activities and Athletics


School: ______

Going to Participate: Yes ______No ______

Number of Teams ______

Approximate Number of Team Members (each Team): ______

Adult Chaperone: ______

Participation Form should be sent to Student Activities and is

Due TBD.