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Demonstrating Mood Repair with a Situation-Based Measure ofSelf-Compassion and Self-Criticism

Caroline J. Falconer1*, John A. King1 and Chris R. Brewin1

1Department of Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology, University College London, London, UK.

*Correspondence to:

Dr Caroline J. Falconer

Department of Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology,

University College London,

Gower Street, London



Tel: +44 (0)207 679 1826

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The clinical significance of self-criticism and self-compassion has prompted the development of measures assessing these constructs. However, there is a lack of measures assessing their interaction within specific contexts and potential involvement in mood repair processes. To rectify this we developed the Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism Scale (SCCS). In Study 1Exploratory Factor Analysis (n=413)showed a clear two-factor structure of the SCCS denoting two orthogonal scales, with high internal validity (α ≥ .87). Correlations between the SCCS and existingmeasures also demonstrated appropriate convergent validity. Study 2 (n=90)provides preliminary evidence that the SCCS can detect changes in self-appraisals. Participants receiving no performance feedback from a difficult language task showed reduced state self-criticism and increased state self-compassion, demonstrating mood repair.

Key Words: Self-Compassion, Self-Criticism, Feedback, MoodRepair.

Demonstrating Mood Repair with a Situation-Based Measure of Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism

Adding to a long-standing interest in self-criticism there has been an increased focus over the last decade in measuring self-compassion, and several reliable and valid questionnaires of both constructs now exist(Blatt, D'Afflitti, & Quinlan, 1979; Brewin & Shapiro, 1984; Gilbert, Clarke, Hempel, Miles, & Irons, 2004; Neff, 2003b). However, there is a lack of research addressing how processes of self-compassion and self-criticism interact at specific moments in time or under specific circumstances. Coinciding with this gap in the research is an absence of measuresthat assess both self-compassion and self-criticism in parallel. The current study sought to develop and validate a new measure incorporating both constructs, with the ultimate aim of furthering understanding of the dynamic relationships between them.

Excessive self-criticism is one of the most significant psychological processes thought to influence the susceptibility to and the maintenance and relapse ofmany psychopathologies(Brewin & Firth-Cozens, 1997; Hewitt & Flett, 2002; Ingram, 2003; Koerner & Linehan, 1996; Pagura, Cox, Sareen, & Enns, 2006; Southwick, Yehuda, & Giller, 1995). Maladaptive self-criticism can be defined as a persistenttendency for negative self-evaluation that instils feelings of shame and low self-worth. The aetiology of chronic self-criticism is thought toarise early in life through a lack of or deficient affiliative relationships (Andrews, 1995; Andrews, Brewin, Rose, & Kirk, 2000; Brewin, Firth-Cozens, Furnham, & McManus, 1992; Koestner, Zuroff, & Powers, 1991; Sachs-Ericsson, Verona, Joiner, & Preacher, 2006).

Equally importantfor psychopathologyisa deficit in the ability to self-soothe and reassure, which is also thought to arise from inadequate nurturing during childhood(Gilbert, 2010b) andcanamplify negative self-appraisals(Gilbert, 2010a; Gilbert, 2010b). Compassionate self-soothing and reassurancehas been regarded as our natural regulator of shame and self-criticism(Gilbert, 2010a; Leary, Tate, Adams, Allen, & Hancock, 2007; Neff, 2003b; Neff & Vonk, 2009). Indeed, self-compassion is a good predictor of positive affect and happiness,is associated with more enduring feelings of self-worth(Neff & Vonk, 2009), and predicts coping in the face of failure and stress (Neely, Schallert, Mohammed, Roberts, & Chen, 2009; Neff, Hsieh, & Dejitterat, 2005). Developing and enhancing self-compassion throughtraining has significantly reduced self-criticism, shame and depression in chronically depressed patients(Gilbert & Irons, 2004; Gilbert & Procter, 2006)and has even improved psychological wellbeing in healthy individuals(Leary et al., 2007; Neff & Germer, 2012).

To our knowledge there have beenvery few studies investigatingself-criticism and self-compassion simultaneously. One exception wasLonge et al. (2010), who investigated the neural correlates underlying self-criticism and self-compassion in an fMRI study. Participants were asked to imagine themselves in various scenarios that could be potentially self-threatening (i.e. receiving a job rejection letter). While imagining themselves in each scenario they were asked to react either critically or reassuringly towards themself. Self-critical responses activated the prefrontal cortex and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex while self-reassuring responses resulted in activation of the insula. However, despite these important findings Longe et al. (2010) did not assess the subjective responses to each of the scenarios.

Longe et al.’s (2010) data suggest self-criticism and self-compassion are, at least partially, independent processes. Future studies would benefit from a standardised questionnaire measurement that included both constructs, in order to investigate short-term dynamic interactions between them and their associations with changes in mood. To this end the Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism Scale (SCCS) was developed to measure compassionate and critical self-appraisals at a specific moment in time.

1.2 Overview of SCCS Development

In our view self-compassion and self-criticism are complex emotional responses that have specific temporal relationships and may be difficult for individuals to assess in the abstract. For this reason, we developed the SCCSaround imagined scenarios, inspired byLonge et al. (2010). The initial version of the scale consisted of eight scenarios that participants can respond to with varying degrees of self-criticism or self-compassion. Participants are instructed to imagine, as vividly as possible, that these scenarios are happening to them at the current moment in time. Participants are required to rate on a 7-point Likert scale (1=not at all to 7=highly) the extent to which they would react to themselves in different ways, in response to each imagined scenario. Initially each scenario had four self-compassionate and five self-criticalreactions. Self-compassion was operationalized as self-kindness or self-reassurance, consistent with Gilbert (2010a, b). Scenarios and responses were established through discussions with colleagues in the clinical psychology field.

In study one the SCCS was pilot tested in a group of 413 participants and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to examine the factor structure and internal validity of responses within and across the scenarios. Based on the results of this study we reduced the length of the scale by removing three scenarios and three response items.The relationships between the SCCS and existing measures of self-criticism and self-compassion were then investigated. Previous research has suggested both that the two constructs are independent with moderate negative correlations between the two (Gilbert et al., 2004; Neff, 2003b),or that they form two poles of a single dimension (Neff, 2003b). In study two we tested the sensitivity of the SCCS to experimental manipulations and its relation to changes in different types of affect. The measure was administered to a group of 90 students before and after a difficult language task. Scores were analysed in relation to the different feedback participants received after the task.

2.1. Study One Method

2.1.1. Participants. A total of413 participants took part in this study (254 females; 159 males). The majority of participants ranged between the ages of 18 – 24 years old (62.6%) followed by19.9% ranging between25-34 years old, 10.2% ranging between 45-54 years old, 5.1% ranging between 35-44 years old, and 2.2% ranging between 55-64 years old.Experimental procedures were approved by University College London’s Psychology and Language Sciences Ethics Committee.

2.1.2. Procedure.Participants were recruited through a University College London online survey that was advertised throughout the university and on social networking sites. Participants were given a URL link to the online survey and provided informed consent to participate. Demographic information was recorded including age range and sex.In addition to the SCCS, participants completed several other questionnaires assessing levels of self-compassion and self-criticism, which are outlined below. Debriefing information was provided at the end of the study. Questionnaire presentation and data collection were accomplished using the Qualtrics online survey platform and the order of questionnaire presentation was randomised across participants.

2.1.3. Measurements.

Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism Scale (SCCS)

The initial version of the SCCS consisted of eight scenarios that are potentially self-threatening and can elicit varying degrees of self-criticism or self-compassion:

1. A third job rejection letter in a row arrives in the post.

2. You arrive after walking to a meeting to find that you are late and the doors are closed.

3. You arrive home to find that you have left your keys at work.

4. You receive a letter in the post that is an unpaid bill reminder.

5. You have just dropped and scratched your new Smart phone.

6. You have just received a failed test result.

7. You have just opened the washing machine door to find that your white wash has turned pink.

8. After searching your bag you realize that you have lost a £20 note.

Participants are required to rate on 7-point Likert scales (1=not at all to 7=highly) the extent to which they would react to themselves in a Harsh, Contemptuous, Hostile, Cold, Critical, Soothing, Reassuring, Compassionate and Warm manner in relation to each imagined scenario.

Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale (FSCRS)

The FSCRS (Gilbert et al., 2004)is a measure of self-criticism and self-reassurance. Participants respond on a 5-point Likert scale the extent to which various statements are true of them (1=not at all like me to 5=extremely like me). The scale comprises three subscales: inadequate self (IS:e.g., “I am easily disappointed”), hated self (HS:e.g., “I stop caring about myself”), and reassured self (RS:e.g., “I find it easy to forgive myself”). The authors reported Cronbach’s alphas of .90 for the IS, and .86 for the HS and RS scales.

Self-Criticism Scale(SC)

This scale was developed by Brewin et al. (1992)and is a combination of items from the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (Blatt et al., 1979) and the scale of Responsibility for Negative Outcomes (Brewin & Shapiro, 1984), both of which have acceptable reliability and validity. This 9-item scale is concerned with self-criticism and the perception of blameworthiness regarding life outcomes. Participants rate on a 7 point Likert scale the extent to which they agree or disagree (1= Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree) with statements of self-criticism (“I often find that I don’t live up to my own standards or ideals”) and self-blame (“My misfortunes have resulted mainly from the mistakes I’ve made”). The authors reported a Cronbach’s alpha of .83.

Self-Compassion Scale (SCS)

The SCS (Neff, 2003b) measures six aspects of self-compassion and includes 26items rated on a 5-point Likert scale of frequency (1=almost never to 5=almost always). The six subscales are: self-kindness, self-judgment, common humanity, isolation, mindfulness, and over-identification. The author reported Cronbach’s alphas of .75 - .81 for subscales and .92 for the whole scale. In view of recent evidence that the subscales are independent and do not measure a single overarching compassion construct (Williams, Dalgleish, Karl, & Kuyken, 2014),the current study utilized the self-kindness subscale as the closest conceptually to the SCCS(e.g. “I’m kind to myself when I’m experiencing suffering”).

3.1 Results

3.1.1. Exploratory Factor Analysis. We first conducted an EFA of the response items for each of the eightscenariosto examine the factor structure and to establish item retention. A principal components method[1] with direct oblimin rotation was used to allow any factors to correlate.

Each scenario EFA showed astrong Kaiser-Meyer-Olkinmeasure of sampling adequacy (> .76) and a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (p0.001). A two factor structure was revealed for each scenario, as indicated by Eigenvalues greater than one. The first factor of each scenario includedall of the self-critical items with factor loadings ranging from 0.67 to 0.89. The percentage of explained variance from this factor ranged between 33.3% - 40.3% across scenarios. The second factor for each scenario was comprised of the self-compassionate items with factor loadings ranging from 0.72 to 0.92. The percentage of explained variance from this factor ranged between 23.3% - 33.3% across scenarios. The combined explained variance of both factors ranged between 63% - 70% across scenarios.With the exception of scenario one (r = -0.23), the two factors did not significantly correlate with one another (p> 0.05). Summaries of these results are available on request.

Two additional EFAs were conducted to establishthe nature of any inherent factor structure among the scenarios. The scenarios were analysed with separate summed whole scores from the self-compassion and self-criticism factors established in the first EFA. The EFA showed a strong Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (.94) and a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (p 0.001) for the self-compassion factor across scenarios.The self-criticism factor also had a strong Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (.91) and a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (p 0.001). The EFA revealed a one factor structure from the scenarios for both self-compassion and self-criticismresponses. The factor loadings ranged from .68 to .85 for the self-compassionresponses accounting for 66% of the explained variance. Factor loadings for the self-criticism responses ranged from .75 to .81 and accounted for 62% of the explained variance. Table summaries of these results are available on request.

3.1.2. Scale Reduction.Due to the two factor structure established in the first EFA it is clear that the SSCCS comprises two separate scales of self-criticism and self-compassion. However, to keep testing time to a minimum we reduced the overall number of response items to three self-compassion and three self-criticismitems and reduced the scenariosfrom eight to five.

The self-compassion scale is composed offour response items, of which “Warm” consistently had the lowest factor loading across all of the scenarios and was thereforeremoved from the scale. The self-criticism scale is composed of five response items of which “Cold” consistently had the lowest factor loading across all scenarios and was also removed.The next lowest loadings were for “Critical” and “Hostile”, which were very similar, and we decided to remove “Hostile”. Since theself-compassion scale includes the item “Compassionate”, the inclusion of the item “Critical” maintained the comparability of the scales. An additional EFA and internal validity testing was conducted on the reduced items in each scenario. This reaffirmed a two factor structure of self-criticism and self-compassion and showed that the percentage of explained variance increased across the scenarios.

Reducing the number of scenarios was initially determined by the factor loading of each scenario in contributing to thewhole scores of theself-compassion scale and the self-criticism scale. Scenario one loaded the least for both the scales and was removed as a result. Scenario two was the second scenario to be removed as this was present in the lowest three scenario loadings in both scales. Scenarios six and seven were also present in the lowest three factor loadings for theself-compassion and self-criticism scales, respectively. We removed scenario six as this had the greatest skew and least variance for the self-compassion scale. EFAs were conducted to establish whether the removal of these three scenarios influenced the factor structure among the remaining scenarios. The scenarios were analysed again with separate summed whole scores from the self-compassion and self-criticismscales. The EFA showed a strong Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (.94) and a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (p< 0.001) for the self-compassion scale across scenarios. The self-criticism scale also had a strong Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (.89) and a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (p< 0.001). The analysis confirmed a one factor structure for each of the scales, with increased percentage of explained variance (Table 1.) Cronbach’s alpha was good for both the self-criticism scale (α = .87) and for the self-compassion scale (α = .91). A complete version of the SSCCS can be found in the appendix.

3.1.3. Demographic Associations.There was no significant difference between male scores (M = 33.9, SD = 15.5) and female scores (M = 35.9, SD = 17.6) for the self-compassion scale, t (409) = -1.12, p = .26. There was also no significant difference found between male scores (M = 53.5, SD = 18.9) and female scores (M = 53.1, SD = 18.6) for the self-criticism scale, t (409) = .696, p = .86. Linear contrasts showed that age was not associated with either self-criticism or self-compassion scores in our sample (p > 0.05).

3.1.4. Convergent Validity. Table 2 presents the correlations between the self-compassion and self-criticism scoresand the fivepre-existing scales of self-criticism and self-compassion. As expected, the self-criticism scores are positively correlated withHS,ISand SCscores, and negatively correlated with RS and SCS scores.