LGS 18 near Lodge Care Home
Local Green Space Number 18 / Field heavily wooded between Bowden Lane, The Lodge Care Home and the A624. Map ref. SK 059 815Criteria and reason for protection: / Comment
An attractive heavily wooded (mainly mature deciduous with some conifer) site forming a tranquil oasis between busy roads and providing diverse habitat for wildlife. The Blackbrook flows through the site and the historical Peak Forest tramway cuts through the site to a tunnel opening.
1. Is the green space in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves? / YES: within the built up area
2. Is the green space demonstrably special to the local community and hold a particular local significance? / YES. See below
a) Are there significant views from the local area into or across the site? / YES. Views of attractive wooded area from roads and the Peak Forest Tramway Trail.
b) Does the site afford the public with significant views out into the wider countryside?
c) Does the site have special historic significance or features? / YES. The historic route of the Peak Forest Tramway runs through the site to the opening to the Stoddart Tunnel in the north-west corner (built in 1795 this is reputedly the second oldest railway tunnel in the world). The tunnel is on Derbyshire County Council’s ‘at most risk’ list of buildings and structures. A local trust has been formed to take forward repairs.
d) Does the site have recreational value? / The site includes a footpath that enables walkers of the Peak Forest Tramway Trail to avoid the dangerous junction of Bowden Lane onto the A624. If the Peak Forest Tramway Trail is enhanced as proposed elsewhere in the Neighbourhood Plan, the site will be an important part of the setting of the trail. If the Stodhart Tunnel can also be repaired and improved as the local trust hopes, this will also have significant value for tourism and maintaining the undeveloped setting of the tunnel entrance will be important.
e) Is the site particularly tranquil? / YES. The site provides a quiet area when away from the surrounding roads. The Peak Forest Tramway Trail footpath that runs along the eastern edge of the site is particularly tranquil.
f) Does the site have ecological value? / YES. Mature, mainly deciduous woodland. A brook runs through the site parallel to the footpath. Local person has seen foxes, Jays and Kestrel. Nuthatch seen on visit 5/2/2014 plus other more common small birds within 15 mins. Under the trees there is dense undergrowth.
g) Does the site form a significant green break within the settlement? / YES. This is a tranquil area within the built up area away from nearby A624 and by-pass feeder road. The tranquil country lane (Bowden Lane) touches the eastern side of the site.
h) Are there other reasons that make the site special to local people? / Tranquillity of site is particularly important for The Lodge Nursing Home.
i) Is there evidence demonstrating that the site is special to local people? / See photographs below
3. Is the green area:
a) local in character?
b) an extensive tract of land? / a. YES
b. NO: the site has an area of approximately 1 hectare
Is there public access to the site?
Would the site provide the public with amenity value without public access? / The site can be viewed from the Peak Forest Tramway Trail
Summary and recommendations: / The site should be designated as a Local Green Space for its tranquillity and proximity to The Lodge Nursing Home and the Peak Forest Tramway Trail. The historical tramway tunnel entrance is particularly special and the site has value as an area for wildlife.