Y11 Geography Homework

Unit: Rev 2 Title: Oceans Week: 23

Same as last time – only do ONE – use the others at your leisure for revision – I will always mark anything you send me.

Question 1

(a)Study figure 2

(i) the X in stage 2 is a ….

Cave stack wave-cut platform

Under line the correct label (1)

(ii) Annotate Stage 2 diagram explain what has happened since Stage 1 (3)

(iii) In Stage 3, draw and annotate what might have happened since stage 2 (3)

(iv) Name one other process other than wave power that aids cliff erosion (1)

(v) Explain how THIS process helps cliff erosion (3)

(b)(i) Name a coastal defence scheme which requires:

1. soft engineering

2. Hard engineering (2)

(ii) Give one reason why soft engineering is generally preferred at present. (2)

(c) Describe how you would investigate the effects of long shore drift in the field (6)

(d) With reference to a named coastline, explain its values to people and the pressures they put on it.(9) [Note you are not asked how it is managed, just why they value it and what are the pressures it puts upon it]


2. Coastal environments

(a) Study Figure 2(a) which shows a cliff coastline undergoing change.

Figure 2(a)

(i) State two ways in which the cliff face has changed. (2)



(ii) Explain how wave erosion has caused these changes. (4)

(iii) Explain why the following features occur on the present coastline:

1. a wave-cut platform (3)

2. a steep shingle beach. (3)

(b) Describe the swash and backwash of a wave. (2)

(c) (i) Study Figure 2(b) which shows the coastline close to the cliffs in Figure 2(a).

Label B on Figure 2(b) and describe why the deposition is occurring here.(3)

Figure 2(b)

(ii) Describe a fieldwork study to investigate the beach sediments at C. You may use

diagrams to help your answer. (4 – note ONLY 4 so do not go into long detail – no hypothesis needed – just simply what you do – equipment and choosing a sampling method briefly!)

(d) With reference to examples, explain how and why people try to reduce longshore drift

along a coastline. (9) [Need to explain what long shore drift is – and if it was an exam do a quick drawing does it a whole lot quicker – why (and which) people might like to reduce it. The how it is achieved – maybe another diagram?]

Y11GeRev2 Coasts HWwk23


Question3 Study the diagram below of a coral ecosystem

Y11GeRev2 Coasts HWwk23


(a) (i) Describe 2 services supplied to the environment as a whole, by coral reefs (4)

(ii) State 2 dangers for the coral reefs (4)

(iii) List 3 methods that can be used to help preserve the coral reefs (6)

(b) Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is one way of meeting the needs of the stakeholders of the coast.

(i) One stakeholder group could be fishermen. Name 2 other possible stakeholder groups.(2)

(ii) Explain 2 ways in which an ICZM might meet the needs of the different groups.(5)

(c) For either a named coral reef or a mangrove area, explain what they are hoping to achieve by managing the area and how they are going about it. (9)

Y11GeRev2 Coasts HWwk23