Judges Biographies and Ballots
2014 NWBCC/PS Regional Specialty
Included in this mailing are the biographies for the Breed and Sweepstakes Judge nominees, ballots for voting and ballot envelopes. Due to the holidays there is a short turn-around time for the ballots. Mailed ballots need to be received by Saturday, December 7th, 2013. You may also bring your ballots to the Holiday Party at the Lensegrav’s home on December 7th.
Gail Miller Bisher / Gaymardon
Gail Miller Bisher has been involved in the breed for over 30 years. With a family active in the sport and the BCCA since the early 1970’s, Gail grew up surrounded by the pioneers of the breed. This exposure led to many lifelong lessons, friends and a deep understanding of the breed as it developed in the US.
Although the family kennel, Gaymardon, wasn’t large in numbers, they were successful taking BISS wins, WKC BOB and Working and Herding Group wins and placements, as well as several reaching ROMX status, earning HCs, CDs and CDX titles. The dogs bred by Gail and her parents were successful but she is most known for her Beardie handling expertise.
Since the first Specialty in1979 she handled dogs to National Specialty wins, top ranked positions and Junior Showmanship history. Gail was the first junior handler to qualify for the Westminster Kennel Club’s Junior Showmanship competition with a Beardie and the first to place at WKC, earning second in 1984.
For over two decades she handled her dogs and clients’ Beardies to multiple BIS wins, BOS, WD, BISSVet and numerous AOM and class placements wins at BCCA National Specialties. In addition to Specialty wins, Gail also owned and handled Beardies to nationally top ranked positions, numerous all-breed BIS and Working and Herding Group wins.
Decades of handling quality Beardies from numerous kennels allowed her the opportunity to experience nuances of the breed from a unique position. Since 1988 she has also had her hands on quality Beardies as a judge. For 20 years she has judged numerous regional specialties, the Sweepstakes at the BCCA National Specialty and more recently, all-breed shows.
Her dedication to the sport led her professional career as a broadcast producer in the advertising industry to marketing/communications positions with the American Kennel Club and the Westminster Kennel Club. She has served the BCCA as the club’s AKC Gazette breed columnist for 2 years, currently serves as the club’s Historian and was the Conformation Chairman for the 2013 National Specialty.
Sharon Ipser - Wigglesworth Kennels
I purchased my first bearded collie in 1983. She was also the very first dog I had ever entered in a conformation show. We became members of the Bearded Collie Club of America at this time. My husband and I have since become members of the Bearded Collie Club of Canada and Cleveland All Breed Training Club.
I whelped my first litter after showing and studying the breed for nine years. To date, I have whelped over 50 AKC Breed Champions and several Canadian Champions. In addition, my stud dogs have been chosen by various breeders to sire litters and have produced numerous Breed Champions. One of my stud dogs was able to earn a ROMX and ROMA. Two of my bitches have earned their ROMX. One of them was awarded #1 Brood Bitch in 2002.
I have always handled my own dogs in conformation. I campaigned and handled my foundation stud dog to be the #5 Bearded Collie in 1997. I have also bred and shown five dogs that are Group winners.
Several more of my dogs that I bred have been awarded Winners Dog and Bitch at Specialties, Reserve Winners Bitch at the National Specialty, Multiple Awards of Merit including #1 Award of Merit twice at Specialties, Best Puppy in Sweeps 4 times at Regional Specialties and a Best Puppy in Sweeps at the Canadian National Specialty.
My judging experience includes judging the Sweepstakes at the 2001 and 2009 Bearded Collie Club of Canada National Specialty, and several regional Specialties in the U.S over the years. In addition to Specialty judging, I have judged herding breeds at multiple puppy matches. In early 2008, I became an AKC Conformation judge and am approved to judge Bearded Collies. In 2010, I was honored to be voted by the BCCA members to judge the 2010 BCCA National Specialty.
In addition to conformation I have titled my beardies in herding, obedience, rally and agility because I believe my beardies need to have fun. I have bred numerous beardies that have also attained an AKC agility championship, including Zoom, who was the #1 agility beardie 5 consecutive years.
We currently have 8 wonderful beardies living with us, so there is never a dull moment!
Sharon’s husband Jeff will be judging the Annual All-Breed Agility trial following the Regional Specialty this year.
Janet Sinclair –AKC Judge
We have been involved in the world of dog showssince the mid-sixties. Larry was licensed by the American Kennel Club in the seventies as an All-Breed Professional Handler. We continued handling for clientsuntil retirement in 1998 and then applied for judging.
We are going into our 16th year of judging. We each are approved for three groups and Best in Show. Larry can judge the Sporting, Hound and Working Groups. Janet is approved for the Working, Herding and Non-Sporting Groups.
Janet has been judging the Bearded Collie since 2004 across the United States and has awarded them at the group level. Her earlier background in the breed has been attending seminars, in-ring and ringside observations and breed mentors.
Bob Eastman - Chamberlin
Bob has been breeding and showing beardies for 29 years. Thoroughly enjoying the interaction with his dogs, they have achieved multiple conformation and obedience titles.During those years Bob led the effort to get the NWBCC of PS AKC certified for holding conformation and obedience shows. He has been active in Beardie rescue and held various officer and board positions in the club.
Bob has a degree in mathematics and broad based science from Lyndon State College and taught high school math and science at Seattle Public Schools before going to work at the Boeing Company where he has worked for the past 33 years in information technology.
Lawrence Sinclair – AKC judge
See biographical information under Janet Sinclair.