(Maximum report size is 2 pages – no graphs or pictures)

Division / C / Report date / 29th Sept 2015 / Division Governor / Graeme Hunt

Division Goals for the year

To encourage all clubs to build on the membership of their clubs so everyone can share the benefits of what Toastmasters has to offer.


Club DCP Status

Meeting the membership criteria / Not meeting the membership criteria
Category / With 5+ DCP Goals / Less than 5 DCP Goals / With 5+ DCP Goals / Less than 5 DCP Goals
Number of Clubs / 0 / 6 / 0 / 11

Education Awards Achieved Year to Date by Area (add rows as required)

Area / CC / ACB/ACS/ACG / CL / ALB / ALS / DTM
C1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
C2 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
C4 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 0
C5 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0

Membership by Area (add rows as required)

Area / Actual 1 July / Current / Net Change +/- / Membership Payments YTD
C1 / 75 / 76 / +1 / 3
C2 / 58 / 61 / +3 / 0
C4 / 99 / 107 / +8 / 2
C5 / 71 / 78 / +7 / 0

New Clubs / Clubs in Formation


Low membership clubs (under 17 members)

Wavecrest 16

Queenstown 15

Oyster Orators 9

Speakeasy 15

Polytech 13

Invercargill 8

Foveaux 12

Challenges, Issues & how they were handled

Membership is an on going challange and all clubs are aware of it and all are striving to invite new guests along to build the membership.

There are no outstanding issues confronting the Division.

Successes & how they were recognised

Both David and Natasha O’Brien achieved their DTM’s with all the effort and time they both put in they truly deserve the award.

Both were recognised by their respective clubs and unfortunately the Division doesn’t get together until April where I’m sure there will be mention of it.

Division Events


1st round has been completed, with the new interactive format there was positive feedback from both Presenters and Audience.

New club committee members were able to gain knowledge of their roles from a more positive program.

It allowed them to tap into the knowledge of experienced members who attended.

Club Visits

Are well under way although not yet completed, still have till 28th November.

Contest Workshop

Was held by the combined C1-C4 Area and covered all aspects of the contest. This was well attended. Having a name change from Judging Workshop was a positive move and encouraged far more to attend.

A repeat of this workshop is planned in Invercargill on the 17th October.


Are about to begin throughout the Division and a list of judges is being sent to all clubs just to make it fairer on the contestants.

President’s catch-up

A plan has been hatched to catch up with the presidents of the clubs to see and listen to any concerns they have and how we as a team can help them and their clubs. This was a suggestion from the audience at CLT recently.

Club Fees

Clubs are being reminded almost weekly to get these in before the required date; Area Directors have been reminded to pass on this information to their clubs from the District. Some clubs have already paid but others have beenh reluctant so far.

Area Directors Training

All Area Directors have now attended one if not both District Trainings held in Wellington, so now they are much more knowledgeable in their role.


We all look forward to catching up in Blenheim where we can continue to network for the improvement of our members.

Graeme Hunt

Division C Director