request for project preparation grant (PPG)

Project Type: Full sized Project

the GEF Trust Fund

Submission date: 26 May 2008

Re-submission date: June 30, 2008

GEFSEC Project ID[1]: 3614

GEF Agency Project ID: ......

Country(ies): Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan

Project Title: Demonstrating and Scaling Up Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for the control of vector borne diseases in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia

GEF Agency(ies): UNEP (IA)

Other Executing partner(s):, Green Cross International (Lead Executing Agency), WHO-Europe Office, Milieukontakt International, local relevant Ministries (Health, Agriculture, Environment, Emergency Situations, and others) and local NGOs in the participating countries

GEF Focal Area(s): Persistent Organic Pollutants

GEF-4 Strategic program(s):Persistent Organic Pollutants, SP 2 and 3

name of parent/program/umbrella project: Demonstrating and Scaling-up of Sustainable Alternatives to DDT in Vector Management Global Programme (Global DSSA Programme), cleared by GEF CEO and approved by GEF Council on 23 April 2008.

a. Project preparation Timeframe

Start date / July 2008
Completion date / July 2009
CEO Endorsement/Approval of Project / November 2009

b. project preparation activities ($)

Describe the PPG activities: The activities involve needs assessments concerning proposed project interventions related to
- demonstrating an alternative malaria vector control approach,
- participative DDT stockpile management and DDT use in the three participating countries, and
- the involvement of key stakeholders in all project activities, with related capacity building.
PPG activities will further attempt to establish baselines with regards to malaria and DDT stockpiles, and will support the development of the technical documents needed for the successful project development, formulation and implementation.

List project preparation activities

/ Output of PPG activities / GEF Grant / Co-financing / Total
1. Needs assessment with regards to identification of demonstration activities showing the viability and cost-effectiveness of the alternative vector control interventions to DDT, appropriate to the major eco-epidemiological, social, cultural and environmental settings in the region in selected demonstration sites in the three project countries / Technical needs assessment report (with budgets) showing viability and cost effectiveness of the alternative vector control interventions in selected demo areas and sites / 49,775 / 86,098 / 135,873
2. Needs assessment with regards to identification of support to be provided to national capacity for planning and implementation of IVM/IPM in the three project countries / Technical needs assessment report with budgets including identified support to national capacity for planning and implementation of IVM/IPM in the three project countries. / 16,800 / 46,753 / 63,553
3. Needs assessment with regard to the development, support and demonstration of an integrated management approach for the participatory safeguarding of (on average and at least) 100 tons of prioritized DDT stockpiles per country and the development of participatory disposal concepts (for mainly DDT) as example for similar projects in the project countries and other countries in the region / Technical needs assessment report concerning the development, support and demonstration of an integrated participatory safeguarding of (on average and at least) 100 tons of prioritized DDT stockpiles per country.
Technical needs assessment report of the development of participatory disposal concepts (for mainly DDT) as example for similar projects in the project countries and other countries in the region. / 32,800 / 31,173 / 63,973
4. Needs assessment for identification and formulation of support to existing regionally coordinated mechanisms for effective dissemination and sharing of the specific project/country experiences / Technical needs assessment report concerning identification and formulation of support to existing regionally coordinated mechanisms for effective dissemination and sharing of the specific project/country experiences. / 31,800 / 22,463 / 54,263
5. Development of project design (including regional harmonisation workshop for all components) aimed at the involvement of key stakeholders in the project with regards to co-financing, in-country project preparation and design, project coordination, assessment of incremental costs, financial management and development of technical documents needed for the successful project development and implementation / Multi-country consultations[2] and technical report covering all other aspects needed for proper Project Design according to GEF and UNEP requirements (involvement of key stakeholders, co-funding issues, country project preparation for the project, coordination issues, assessment of incremental costs, financial management). / 63,800 / 23,513 / 87,313
TOTAL project preparation funding / 194,975 / 210,000 / 404,975

c. PPG Budget Requesting Finance by GEF

Cost Items


Total Estimated Person Weeks (PW)

/ GEF ($) /

Co-financing ($)


Total ($)

Local consultants *

/ 401 / 62,000 / 101,000 / 163,000

International consultants*

/ 34.0 / 82,975 / 19,025 / 102,000

Multi-country consultations

/ 10,000 / 41,000 / 51,000
Travel / / 6,000[3]
34,000[4] / 48,975
-- / 54,975
Total PPG Budget / / 194,975 / 210,000 / 404,975

* Split between local and international consultants might be indicative and subject to the procurement guidelines of the
Agencies. Additional information regarding consultants should be provided in Annex A.

d. GEF Agency(ies) Certification

This request has been prepared in accordance with GEF policies and procedures and meets the GEF criteria for project identification and preparation.
Maryam Niamir-Fuller
Director UNEP Division of GEF Coordination

GEF Agency Coordinator / Jan Betlem
Task Manager POPs
UNEP Division of GEF Coordination
Project Contact Person
Date: June 30, 2008 / Tel. and Email: +254 20 762 4607

Annex A

Consultants Financed by the Project Preparation Grant (PPG)

Position Titles / $/
Person Week / Estimated (max.) PWs / Tasks to be performed
Local / 401
Country coordinators / 500 / 96 / Coordination and project management
Project Assistants / 300 / 80 / Assistance to the Coordinators and the project team, consultants hired and stakeholders involved
3 National Consultants on identification of alternative activities on malaria control / 450 / 40 / Analysis and identification of alternative activities on malaria control in each of the project countries
3 National Consultants on technical capacity / 400 / 90 / Analysis and identification of gaps in technical capacity in each of the project countries
3 National Consultants on development of participatory approach for DDT safeguarding / 400 / 35 / Development of specific participatory approach for DDT safeguarding in each of the project countries
3 National Consultants for formulation of effective dissemination practices / 400 / 20 / Development of specific dissemination practices in each of the project countries
3 National Consultants on financing, project coordination, development of technical documents / 375 / 40 / Identification of key stakeholders, defining of project coordination and management structure, activities to secure co-financing, etc. in each of the project countries
International [5] / 34.0
Consultant(s) on identification of alternative activities on malaria control / 3,000 / 10.0 / Analysis and identification of alternative activities on malaria control; consolidation and harmonization of the results obtained by each of the national consultants, production of technical report.
Consultant on technical capacity / 3,000 / 2.0 / Analysis and identification of gaps in technical capacity; consolidation and harmonization of the results obtained by each of the national consultants, production of technical report.
Consultant(s) on development of participatory approach for DDT safeguarding / 3,000 / 5.0 / Development of specific participatory approach for DDT safeguarding; consolidation and harmonization of the results as obtained by each of the national consultants, production of technical report.
Consultant(s) for formulation of effective dissemination practices / 3,000 / 5.0 / Development of specific dissemination practices; consolidation and harmonization of the results obtained by each of the national consultants, production of technical report.
Consultant(s) on financing, project coordination, development of technical documents / 3,000 / 12.0 / Identification of key stakeholders, defining of project coordination and management structure, activities to secure co-financing, etc.; consolidation and harmonization of the results obtained by each of the national consultants, production of technical report.


PPG Template, August 30, 2007

[1] Project ID number will be assigned initially by GEFSEC. If PIF has been submitted earlier, use the same ID number as PIF.

[2] There is considerable incremental reason to have multi-country consultations included in this project to harmonize the suggested approaches in each partner country. If it would not have been for this project, the countries would not gather. GEF contribution is requested for only 1/3 of the costs of these country consultations.

[3] National travel budget for National Consultants & Coordinators.

[4] International travel (average 25 US $/day) and DSA (average 175 US $/day) for International Consultants.

[5] The fee amount for International Consultants consists of the daily fee only. Travel (average 25 US $/day) and DSA (average 175 US $/day) have been included in table C under the heading ‘Travel’.