PortlandMaine’s All-Time Records For the Month of December
Updated 1-5-07
Temperature records since November 25, 1940
Precipitation records since January 15, 1871
Snowfall records since January 1, 1882
Sea Level Pressure records since Feb. 1871
Daily Temperature Records:
Warmest Temperature…….. 71degrees on the 6th, 2001 & 7th, 1998
Coldest Temperature……… -21 degrees on the 31st, 1963
Warmest Low……………... 48degreeson the 6th, 198227th, 1949
Coldest High………………. 7 degrees on the 19th, 1942;
22nd, 1970; 25th, 1983; 26th, 1968 & 31st, 1956
Warmest Average…………. 59 degrees on the 6th, 2001
Coldest Average…………… -4 degreeson the 20h, 1975& 22nd, 1970
Greatest Range…………….. 48 degrees on the 18th, 1951
Smallest Range……………. 3 degrees on the 3rd, 1963;
5th, 1993; 11th, 1987; 11th, 2004;
12th, 1963; 15th, 1999; 20th, 1977;
21st, 1974 & 30th, 1940
Monthly Temperature Records:
Warmest December...……. 34.8 degrees in 2001
Coldest December………..14.1 degrees in 1989
Warmest Average High….. 43.3 degrees in 2006
Coldest Average High…… 24.7 degrees in 1989
Warmest Average Low…... 27.8 degrees in 1996
Coldest Average Low……. 3.4 degrees in 1989
Greatest Range……………77 degrees in 1975 (max 57, min -20)
Smallest Range…………...39degrees in 1952 (max 48, min 9)
Daily Precipitation Records:
24 Hour Maximum……… 3.82 inches on the 26th-27th, 1969
Daily Snowfall Records:
24 Hour Maximum……… 22.8 inches on the 17th-18th, 1970
Monthly Precipitation Records:
Wettest December……….9.69 inches in 1969
Driest December…………0.93 inches in 1874
Most Days with Pcpn….… 24 in 1933 & 1972(T or more)
Least Days with Pcpn…… 7 in 1877 (trace or more)
Monthly Snowfall Records:
Most Snow………………. 54.8 inches in 1970
Least Snow……………… 0.0 inches in 1999
Most Consecutive Days:
Precipitation (trace or more)… 13 in 1972(19th through 31st) &
1980 (7th through 19th)
Measurable Precipitation……. 11 in 1956(6th through 16th)
No Precipitation (T or more)... 12 in 1877 (20ththrough 31st)
No Measurable Precipitation… 14 in 1895 (8th through 21st),
1919 (16th through 29th) &
1958 (18th through 31st)
Sea Level Pressure:
Highest………………………. 31.08inches on the 25th, 1949
Lowest……………………….. 28.40 inches on the 2nd, 1942