135th Diocesan Convention – “Let Your Light Shine”

2009 Pre-Convention Hearing


Date: October 25, 2009

Deanery: Hocking Valley

Congregations Present: Good Shepherd (Athens), Epiphany (Nelsonville), St. John’s (Lancaster), St. Peter’s (Gallipolis), Grace (Pomeroy), St. Paul’s (Logan).

Greeting by Alan Palo, Provost of the deanery at 3:05 pm

1. Opening Prayer:The Rev. Bill Carroll opened the hearing with prayer.

2. Introductions:Alan invited all present to introduce themselves and which congregation they are from. After the introductions, Alan turned the meeting over to Bishop Price who described the process for this hearing.

3. Overview of the Convention Agenda and Logistics by Dispatch of Business Rep.

Bishop Price then gave an overview of the Convention Agenda and invited people to attend the reception at Christ Church, Glendale, for Bishop Hart on Thursday evening.

4. Presentation of the Budget by a Budget Committee Representative

Matthew Adeyanju passed out information on the proposed budget and led the participants through the material.


A) Bill Carroll asked if this was the year that the changes to Mission Share begin. This was affirmed by Bishop Price.

B) Bishop Price clarified that the Mission Share Review Adjustments were posted in the Interchange Budget section.

C) Bishop Price stated that there is a smaller diocesan staff and said that insurance rates did not go up so that helped the budget.

D) Matthew Adeyanju asked about the salary for Bishop Price for next year when he will be serving as the Bishop of Pittsburgh. Who Pays? Bishop Price said that his salary would be shared by both dioceses. He said that the Diocesan Council decided to keep the line item for bishop suffragen intact so that the money will be there when Bishop Price either returns or is replaced.

E) Jon Boss reiterated the fact that the diocese is supporting this move for Bishop Price in Pittsburgh through its mission outreach. This is not new because the diocese has given a great deal of money over the years to various mission projects. Jon gave a brief history of the dioceses’ budget process at past conventions and described why this process is changing now to be more transparent and public before convention even begins. He noted that there is a process for people to make a proposal for amending the budget and discussed it briefly. He then called the group’s attention to page 20 of the Resolution Section to highlight several items.

5. Discussion of each Resolution being proposed.

Jon Boss presented the information regarding Constitutions and Canons, nominations

and resolutions.

Comments Related to:

Constitutions & Canons:

  1. To allow deacons to vote at Convention – this will take 2 convention cycles to approve.
  2. The Standing committee is the constitutional change to allow deacons to stand for this committee.
  3. Add a specific reference to the Denis Canon governing property. The Rev. Bill Pursley from St. John’sLancasterlamented the tightening of governance around these issues of property and gave the disclaimer that St. John’s was not thinking about leaving the diocese. Bishop Price said the idea for this change came from the diocese of Ohio and he claimed that the national church is supporting this. Jon Boss clarified this further by describing the legal needs of the diocese and national churchin articulating property ownership and how the wording is being changed to accommodate these needs.
  4. Jon Boss stated that next year there will be changes to Title IV. The Ecclesiastical Trial Court and the Review Committee will be different and the canons will be changed, but people are still being elected to these committees for this year.


1. Jon Boss reviewed the candidates who were running for the various committees.


Resolution #1Witness with Immigrants in Southern Ohio

Bill Carroll spoke to this resolution. Bill Pursley asked if all immigration laws were federal and if local authorities ever enforce federal laws? Bill answered yes to the first part of the question and responded with a maybe if there is overlap. Richard Carlson gave the example of No Child Left Behind as a federal mandate that states have to carry out. Leslie Flemming asked if there was a distinction between workers with papers and those without. There was some disagreement with taking enforcement out of local authorities hands. Questions were raised about the rule of law and that we as a diocese shouldn’t do anything that would contradict existing laws about this. Bishop Price added that the first resolve was the most important one to concentrate on.

Resolution #2 Supporting water and restricting the use of commercially bottled water.

Bill Pursley stated that this resolution seemed like a feel good one with an educational component but no change required. Jon Boss suggested that there is some change with this if local congregations and the diocese make the change.

Resolution #3Companion relationship with the Episcopal Church of Liberia.

No questions or discussion.

Resolution #4To Endorse the Earth Charter

There was some discussion on how we need to be aware of what we are voting on because sometimes these Earth Charters target certain businesses.

Resolution #5Regarding the selection of members of Diocesan Council

Jon gave some history on how representation on this council has been in the past for the rationalization for this resolution. Bishop Price clarified that the Bishop has only one appointment per year to this council. He also stated the differences between the management style of Bishop Thompson and Bishop Breidenthal. The question arose as to who the council represents. This deanery has three members on council. This resolution will make a study for a change next year in geographic representation and the duties of council members.

6. Open discussion of any questions or matters pertaining to convention

Other issues that will be addressed at the convention:

The closing of a church in Martin’s Ferry and the celebration of a newly combined congregation. The ministries of each deanery will be given and the pages one day will be students from BethanySchool. The convention also will be a time for socialization and time to gather.

The Hocking Valley Deanery video was then shown.

7. Closing Prayer by Bishop Price at 5:05 pm.