Minutes of April 18, 2017

City of Amsterdam- City Hall Annex

Board Attendance:Richard Ruzzo, Kathy Rooney, Jeff McDonald, Robert DiCaprio, and Joe Berlant

Staff Attendance: David Hogenkamp, Dominique Reed,Nick Zabawsky (Orion)

Excused:Richard Patierne and Robert Martin

Call to Order:The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Chairman Ruzzo.

Minutes: Ms. Rooneymoved the adoption of the March 21, 2017meeting minutes; seconded by Mr. DiCaprio and approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Berlant provided a summary of the Land Bank’s financial activities for the period ending March 31, 2017. Cash on hand was $642,826. The organizaiton’s total assets have been updated following the Auditor’s annual reconciliation of properties sold and work in progress on properties and is approximately $1.275 million. Following further discussion, Mr. Berlantmoved to accept the Treasurer’s report; seconded by Mr. McDonald and approved unanimously.

Chairman and Executive Director’s Report: Mr. Ruzzo commented on the recent NYS Attorney General press conference announcing the new round of Land Bank funding and also outreach efforts in Mont Pleasant for Land Bank activity and the new library. Mr. Hogenkamp discussed other recent projects and Mr. Zabawsky provided an update on Amsterdam activity.

Neighbors for Neighborhoods Program Funding: Resolution 2017-13 – The Land Bank voted to enter into agreement, and take related action, with Enterprise Community Partners, the grantor of the Neighbors for Neighborhoods (N4N) program. N4N is providing the Land Bank funds in the amount of $450,000 for the purpose of creating quality rental units in the City of Schenectady. Mr. Berlant moved the motion; seconded by Mr. McDonald and approved unanimously.

Amend Contract with ALECS, LLC: Resolution 2017-14—The Land Bank previously contracted with ALECS, LLC for two years to perform environmental due diligence including asbestos testing and design through a Request for Qualification on December 31, 2014. The RFQ allowed the Board to extend the contract for an additional two years. As ALECS performed well under the contract, the board voted in favor of extending the contract for two additional years with a minimal rate increase. Mr. McDonald moved the motion; seconded by Mr. Berlant and approved unanimously.

Amend Contract with C.T. Male Associates Engineering, Surveying, Architecture & Landscaping Architecture, D.P.C: Resolution 2017-15— C.T. Males Associates was also selected to perform environmental review work through the Request for Qualification on December 31, 2014. Land Bank staff was satisfied with the previous twoyears of work and recommended that the board voted in favor of extending the contract with CT Male for an additional two years at the same rate schedule. Mr. Berlant moved the motion; seconded by Mr. McDonald and approved unanimously.

Convey Property at 310 Green Street and Authorize Executive Committee to Approve Neighbors for Neighborhoods Renovation Project: Resolution 2017-16—The Land Bank board voted in favor of selling the property at 310 Green Street for the price of $1,250 to Mr. Brett Kennedy or an affiliated LLC. Mr. Kennedy is preparing a project to renovate the connected 308 and 310 Green Street as a four-unit apartment under the Neighbors for Neighborhood funding program (N4N). The board authorized the Executive Committee to approve final N4N funding for the renovation project. Following discussion, Mr. McDonald moved the motion; seconded by Mr. DiCaprio and approved unanimously.

Renew Contract with STR.Grants LLC (eProperty Plus): Resolution 2017-17—The ePropertyPlus software has been a valuable tool for the City of Schenectady and the Land Bank to market publically owned properties to potential purchasers. The board voted to renew the contract to keep eProperty Plus active until May 2018 for $3,473. The software is linked to the Capital Region Land Bank’s website as well as the City of Schenectady’s website and consistently drives web traffic to view the available properties. Mr. Berlant moved the motion; seconded by Mr. McDonald and approved unanimously.

Authorize the Executive Committee to Convey 294-296 Locust Avenue: The board was briefed on multiple offers for 294-296 Locust Avenue in Amsterdam by Mr. Zabawsky. Resolution 2017-18 authorizes the Executive Committee to make a final determination on selling the property to the most qualified purchaser. The Executive Director will report selections back to the Board at the next board meeting. Mr. Berlant moved the motion; seconded by Mr. DiCaprio and approved unanimously.

New Business: Mr. Ruzzo welcomed representatives from the newly formed Mohawk Valley Land Bank which observed the meeting and had a series of questions for the Capital Region Land Bank which will inform them from our experiences to date.

Adjourn:The meeting wasadjourned byChairman Ruzzo at 5:29 PM.

Respectfully submitted,David Hogenkamp, Executive Director

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April 18, 2017 Minutes