2017 / 2018
Welcome to Princes Risborough School.
We are delighted to welcome both you and your son/daughter into the Princes Risborough family. This booklet is designed to provide you with all the essential information regarding your son/daughter’s start with us in September 2017. However, sometimes it is necessary to make changes between now and when your child starts school, but in this introduction we have made every effort to anticipate some of the questions you might have. Please read it and refer to it as necessary and if there is anything which is unclear or which we have not covered please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it.
As a 'new parent' to the school it can sometimes be confusing to know whom to contact when you have a specific query. If you are in any doubt, contact the school office, at either or 01844 345 496, where staff will be happy to advise you on the most appropriate member of staff to contact.
Your son/daughter will soon feel part of Princes Risborough School, but education is a partnership between home and school and this warm welcome is the beginning of what we hope will be a period of happy co-operation.
Mr P Rowe
Executive Headteacher
Governors at Princes Risborough School
I would like to introduce myself and my fellow governors and welcome you to our school: we are delighted that you will be joining us next September.
There are, at any one time, up to twenty people on our governing body and we come from all walks of life. In addition to the Headteacher, there are two elected members of staff and four elected parents. We also have up to twelve business and community governors who work in local businesses, schools, the local authority etc; all our details can be found on our website. We have one thing in common – a relentless determination that the school is as good as it can be and that it serves all its students as well as possible.
The government is quite clear that every child deserves to attend a good school and school governors are tasked with ensuring that the school delivers good results and is financially stable. We live in tough times and schools are under increasing pressure but, here at PRS, we keep the children and young people firmly fixed at the heart of all we do.
I hope that we shall meet you at an open day or other event in the near future. Governors attend activities as they can and there is always one of us at every parents’ evening. You can always contact us on .
I look forward to meeting you.
With best wishes
Peg Hulse
Chair of Governors
Open the morning of / Closed at end of afternoon onAutumnTerm 2017 / Wednesday 6 September / Thursday 19 October
Monday 30 October / Tuesday 19 December
Spring Term 2018 / Thursday 4January / Friday9 February
Monday19 February / Thursday 29 March
Summer Term 2018 / Tuesday 17 April / Friday25 May
Monday4 June / Tuesday 24 July
Training days for teachers:
Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 September 2017
Friday 29 September 2017
Friday 30 October 2017
Wednesday 3 January 2018
Monday 16 April 2018
Bank holidays:
25 December 2017, 26 December 2017
1 January 2018
30 March 2018, 2 April 2018
7 May 2018, 28 May 2018
27August 2018
Our school day starts at 8.35 and runs until 3.00. There is a Form Time of twenty five minutes each day, with five one hour lessons, a twenty minute break in the morning and thirty five minutes for lunch.
The school reception is staffed between 8.30am to 4.00pm during term-time. When the reception is not staffed messages can be left on the answering machine.
The House System and Vertical Tutoring
At Princes Risborough School there are 6 ‘houses’. All students and teaching and support staff belong to a house. The houses are the way we organise the daily life of the school such as Form groups, interventions and sports events. All the houses have an adult ‘Head of House’ who has both an academic and pastoral responsibility for the students within it. Sixth Formers are also made House Captains and run a lot of the daily and special activities linked to their house.
Each house is named after a local landmark and is identified by a colour. The houses are
- Icknield: Named after an ancient trackway that runs alongside the school site. The Icknield house colour is yellow. Associated Leadership team member is Mrs Harding.
- Ridgeway: Named after Britain’s oldest road, this is a local trail that runs in conjunction with the Icknield way. The Ridgeway colour is pink. Associated Leadership team member is Mr Instone.
- Chequers: Named after the 16th century house of the Prime Minister located at the foot of the Chilterns, a local landmark. The Chequers colour is Red. Associated Leadership team member is Mr Marriott.
- Chiltern: Named after the local Chiltern Hills. The Chiltern house colour is Green. Associated Leadership team member is Mrs Audemard.
- Pyrtle Spring: Named after a local fresh water spring. The Pyrtle Spring house colour is Purple. Associated Leadership team member is Mr Essex.
- Whiteleaf: Named after a local hamlet. The Whiteleaf house colour is blue. Associated Leadership member is Mrs Tuffin.
Vertical tutoring (VT)
VT is a way of organising Form groups so that they include a range of ages making them more like a family. Evidence in our daily experience and from schools across the country suggests that VT is a good way to support learning and raise achievement. It also creates a stronger sense of belonging as students look to older and indeedyounger members of the Form for support and advice.
Mutual respect and genuine regard for one another are essential elements in ensuring a friendly, caring and orderly school where effective education can take place. Like all schools we are required by the Department of Education to have a separate anti-bullying policy. As a school we do not accept antisocial behaviour or bullying and make every effort to deal with poor behaviour and apply the sanctions outlined in the following guidance.
We aim to create an environment where children can learn and achieve. Children will test rules; therefore, it is important that we set boundaries clearly. Our aim is to enable students to reach their full potential within an atmosphere which encourages effective learning. We endeavour to develop thoughtful, well-informed and resourceful individuals who are concerned about others and who are prepared to make a positive contribution within the community and world around them.
Wherever people live in a community there is a need for some accepted standards of conduct which all members are expected to adhere to. At Princes Risborough School the standards of conduct expected are designed to benefit individuals and the community as a whole. We try to do this in an environment which is friendly.
At PRS we set 5 Basic Expectations as the basis for all that we do. These are non-negotiable and are reinforced consistently and continually by all staff.
- Be punctual
- Wear correct uniform, correctly
- Be polite
- Complete all work to the best of your ability
- Respond positively on first request
Any student excelling within an individual lesson receives a positive tick against their name on the board. 2 ticks in any one lesson mean the student receives an achievement point.
Conversely, any student engaging in low-level disruption receives a negative tick on the board against their name. 2 ticks in any one lesson mean the student receives a behaviour point and a sanction (e.g. detention). 3 ticks mean that the on-call member of staff is called for and the student may be removed from the lesson to allow the rest of the class the opportunity to continue with their learning. Any student who has required On Call presence will be required to spend a day in the Isolation Room at a time of our choosing. This sanction is non-negotiable.
Over and above the rewarding of an achievement point as detailed above, positive behaviour can also be rewarded in the following ways -
- Verbal praise.
- Displaying examples of good work in classrooms and around the school.
- Praise on a Postcard.
- Nominating students for Headteacher’s Commendation Certficates.
- Awarding subject prizes.
- Presenting whole class and whole year group rewards.
- Holding an annual Celebration of Achievement Ceremony.
- Encouraging parents/carers to recognise achievement.
- Informing the Headteacher who welcomes the opportunity to praise an individual’s or group’s work and behaviour.
Over and above the logging of a behaviour point as detailed above, negative behaviour can also be dealt with in the following ways -
- Verbal warning from the teacher.
- Referral of the matter to Form Tutor, Head of House or Leadership.
- Detention. Students are given at least 24 hours notice and it is their responsibility to inform parents/carers.
- Telephone call, letter or e-mail home.
- Student is placed on Work Report or Behaviour Report.
- Students may be withdrawn from lessons to work in “The House”.
- A period of time in isolation.
- Fixed term exclusion.
This is not, however, an exhaustive list.
Finally, we see dealing with difficult and disruptive students as a shared responsibility between home and school. Continued misbehaviour will be reported to the Headteacher who will invite parents/carers in to school to discuss their child’s behaviour and ways in which it can be improved. In extreme and rare circumstances, it may be necessary to exclude a child from school for a period of time. Please refer to and sign the home school agreement which should be returned to school. The school offers holistic care through various routes, one of which is via our pastoral care centre known as “The House”. This complements VT and other support systems.
Alcohol / Is not permitted on school site, refer to School Drugs Policy.House Badges / Only badges denoting school office or badges denoting organisations to which students belong may be worn. Advertising buttons, military insignia, flashes, etc. are inappropriate to school life and are not permitted.
Bags / Students should have a stout bag or case for carrying books. Duffle bags are suitable for sports gear but most unsuitable for books. Plastic carrier bags are not suitable for school. When purchasing for students, parents will find it useful to bear in mind that the internal measurements of student lockers are 12” wide, 14” deep, 14” high. Bags should be kept on pegs in cloakrooms or in lockers and not left lying around in corridors or classrooms.
Chewing gum / Chewing gum is not allowed in school.
Coaches / Coaches should be waited for, boarded and used in a proper manner. Students should not eat or drink on school transport. The school will not hesitate to take firm action against anyone who jeopardises the good name of the school through unacceptable behaviour on a coach or bus; please refer to the Bus Contract within the information pack, which must be signed by the student.
Coats / Should be kept in lockers or bags and not left lying around in corridors or classrooms.
Damage / Accidental damage to the fabric of the buildings should be reported immediately to a teacher or the caretaker so that it can be dealt with before further deterioration occurs.
Earrings / Only one plain stud earring, per ear, in the lower part of the ear lobe is permitted.
Hair / Extremes of hairstyles (including colour and hair cuts) are not acceptable for either boys or girls.
Jewellery / The wearing of necklaces, rings and decorative wear is not permitted under any circumstances. No upper ear piercing, eyebrow, tongue, nose or other piercings are permitted. Refer to Uniform Policy
Litter / Should be placed in the bins provided.
Lockers / Students can “hire” a locker in school if they wish. The cost is £10 per year. Students will be issued with a key and will be charged £10 for a replacement key.
Lost property / All property and clothing must be clearly marked with the student’s full name. Although the school cannot be responsible for lost property, staff can only attempt to trace lost items if they are marked.
Make-up / The use of make-up is not permitted in year 7, 8 and 9 but with senior students its use may be allowed, provided it is not excessive.
Media players / CD players, “iPods” and MP3 players are not permitted in school, if seen by staff they will be confiscated. School accepts no responsibility for the loss of such items.
Mobile Phones / Whilst the school appreciates that students may carry mobile phones to ensure their personal safety, their use in school is strictly prohibited. Mobile phones must be switched off during school time and must be kept out of sight, if seen or used at any time during the school day whilst under a roof, the phone will be confiscated. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss of mobile phones.
Nails / Nail extensions and coloured nail polish are not allowed. Clear nail polish may be worn.
Off-site / No one in years 7-11 should leave the site at break or at lunch times.
Members of the Sixth Form may leave the site without seeking permission (but should still sign out).
Smoking / The school is a smoke free zone. The school has a zero tolerance policy on smokers. Students are not permitted to carry smoking material in school. Any student reported for smoking materials whilst wearing school uniform will be considered as having brought the reputation of the school into disrepute and the matter will be dealt with accordingly.
Uniform / The school insists that students wear school uniform. Refer to Uniform Policy.
Valuables / Parents are urged not to send their children to school with valuables such as personal stereos and jewellery as the school cannot be responsible for their loss. Where it is unavoidable for a student to bring valuables to school, he or she should hand them for safe keeping to their Form Tutor or to the school office.
A condition of entry to classes at PRS is the correct wearing of full school uniform
Secure lockers are available for the academic year at a cost of £10, with a further charge of £10 for any lost keys. These are allocated to the new intake initially but are then available to the rest of the school.
A copy of the school’s Attendance for Learning, Behaviour, Mobile Phone, Anti Bullying, Smoking, Uniform and Internet Policies can be found on the school web site Alternatively, in line with Government requirements, copies of school policies are available to parents upon request, please contact the Admin Officer.
Students will occasionally be photographed while participating in school events. The school sometimes uses these student photographs around the school site on Plasma screens and posters. The photographs and student names may also sometimes appear in press articles relating to school events and in school publications, including the school's social media outlets. Parents/carers must inform the school’s Data Administrator if they do not consent to the use of their child’s name and/or photograph being used around the school, in school publications, in press articles or the school's social media outlets as described above.
In order for students to achieve well at school, regular attendance is essential, we would expect a 96% attendance record. Good habits of establishing regular attendance begin from the moment a student starts their education at Prince Risborough School. Please refer to the school’s Attendance for Learning Policy.
Parents/carers are under a legal duty to see that children of compulsory age attend regularly, and risk prosecution if they fail in this duty. National data relating to attainment at GCSE indicates that
- Students absent from school have correspondingly lower results than other students.
- Far more persistent truants obtain fewer GCSEs.
The impact of low attendance can be demonstrated by the following scenario featuring “Simon” in Year 7. Currently his attendance is 90%. This is the equivalent of half a day per week missed from lessons. Over one year Simon will miss four weeks. If he stays at 90% attendance for 5 years, by the end of Year 11 he will miss half a year.
Princes Risborough School seeks to recognise good attendance by awarding “Gold”, “Silver” or “Bronze” Attendance Certificates on a termly basis. A growing number of students are now receiving these awards on a regular basis.
Parents/carers are asked to contact the school office by telephone on the first day of absence (and each day absent thereafter). This will help us to know that the absence is genuine and we can, therefore, make the necessary arrangements. Please leave a message on the absence voice mail if the office is unstaffed. However, an absence note must be given to the Form Tutor on the first day of returning.
Absence should only be for illness or medical treatment. The school will not authorise absence for family holidays, to look after other children or for shopping. Absences such as these are unacceptable and may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer. Where a student’s attendance is a cause for concern the school will refer individuals to the Education Welfare Officer.