Butler County

High School

Student Handbook


1852 South Main Street

Morgantown, KY 42261

(270) 526-2204


The faculty and staff of Butler County High School wish to take this opportunity to welcome each of you to what we hope will be an exciting, fulfilling, and beneficial year for you!

This is yourhandbook. Read it carefully. It will help you to know what is expected and to make the process of becoming an active part of the school easier. In this agenda are the answers to questions which students and their parents ask, and many items of informationwhich help students and parents to develop a better understanding of the operation of the school.

We urge each student to become involved in the total school program this year. We would hope that you would actively participate in some extracurricular activity during this school year and lend your support to the development of the school unity. In whatever you do, give it your best and make this a most memorable and worthwhile year.

Patrick O’Driscoll, Principal

Michael Gruber, Assistant Principal

Duane Curry,Dean of Students

Hanna Southerland,

Stacy Rice, Media Specialist

Tammy Dotson,Guidance

Gina Givens,Finance

Norma Proctor, Attendance Clerk

Ryan Emmick, Athletic

Brandon Embry,Athletic

Table of Contents for the Student Handbook

Addendum to Suspension...... 15

Attendance Policy...... 11

BCHS Calendar and Bell Schedule...... 4

BCHS Dress Code...... 9

Birth Certificate...... 11

Cafeteria...... 18

Care of Building and Grounds...... 17

Carnegie Units-AP Courses Policy...... 7

Commencement Program...... 5

Correspondence Courses...... 6

Detention Hall...... 15

Driver’s Tardy and Absence Policy...... 12

Early Graduation Policies...... 5

English Classes/Early Graduation Policy...... 6

Exemptions from Finals...... 12

FERPA Rights...... 23

General Graduation Requirements...... 5

General Rules and Regulations...... 20

Grievances………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22Guidance Program 19

Hall Passes...... 17

Harassment & Bullying ...... 15

Health Certificate...... 11

Homework Policy...... 7

In-School Corrective Education (ICE)...... 15

Immunization and TB Record...... 11

Loading and Unloading Busses...... 19

Make-up Work...... 12

Media Center Regulations...... 19

No Open Container Policy...... 11

No Pass/No Drive Policy...... 14

Off Limit Areas...... 17

Participation in After School Activities Assigned to the Learning Center or Day Treatment Program...... 15

Permit Violations...... 14

Pesticide Notification...... 17

Physical Education Participation Policy...... 7

Plagiarism Policy...... 8

Progress Reports and grade cards...... 5

Public Display of Affection...... 9

Residence Defined...... 11

School Assemblies...... 18

School Layout...... 24

Search and Seizure Policy...... 17

Sexual Harassment...... 20

Signing In and Signing Out...... 13

Smoking, Tobacco Possession and E-cigarettes...... 18

Student Drivers…...... 14

Student Insurance...... 19

Student Valuables...... 18

Suspension...... 15

Tardiness...... 9

Twitter...... 20

Transfer from Non-Accredited and Home School...... 11

Use of Profanity Policy...... 16

Use of Proxies and Utilities to Bypass Network Security and/or Accessing Inappropriate Sites...... 16

Use of School Telephones and Cell Phones...... 17

Valedictorian/Salutatorian Selection Criteria...... 5

Withdrawal from School...... 14

Zero Tolerance to Alcohol and Drugs...... 10

Page 1

2015-2016 Bell Schedule / Butler County School Calendar
August 5, 2015 Opening Day
August 6, 2015First Day for Students
September 7, 2015Labor Day (Holiday) – No School
October 5 – 9, 2015 Fall Break
October 5 – 7, 2015Prof Development (Flexible)-Teachers Only
November 2, 2015No School–Prof Development-Teachers Only
November 3, 2015Election Day – No School
November 25, 2015No School - (Make-up Day)
November 26, 2015Thanksgiving Day (Holiday) – No School
November 27, 2015No School
December 18, 2015Last Day of Fall Term
December 21, 2015Winter Break Begins
December 25, 2016Holiday
January 1, 2016Holiday
January 4, 2016First Day of Spring Semester
January 18, 2016No School - (Required by law)
February 15, 2016No School -(Make-up Day)
March 25, 2016No School -(Make-up Day)
April 4 - 8, 2016Spring Break – (April 4 - 6, 2015 Make-up Days)
May 17, 2016Election Day – No School
May 19, 2016Last Day for Students
May 20, 2016Closing Day - Teachers only
Instructional Days: Fall Term: 86 Days. Spring Term: 90 Days
Make-up Plan: If days are missed, November 25, 2015, February 15, 2016, and March 25, 2016 will be used as make-up days. If additional days are needed, April 4 - 6, 2016 may be used and the year may be extended as necessary.
Approved: December 9, 2014
7:55-9:20 / 1stBlock
9:20-9:30 / Break
9:30-9:58 / Bear Block
10:00-11:25 / 2nd Block
11:30-1:15 / 3rd Block
1:20-2:45 / 4th Block
Lunch Schedule
11:30-11:55 / 1st Shift
11:55-12:20 / 2nd Shift
12:20-12:45 / 3rd Shift

Page 1

General Graduation Requirements

Butler County High School requires that all students complete all components of the state assessments to receive a diploma. This includes students who have graduated early with the permission from the SBDM Council and Board of Education.

Commencement Program

A commencement program is provided by the Butler County Board of Education each spring in honor of graduating seniors. Only those seniors who have fulfilled the requirements for graduation set forth by the State Department of Education, the Butler County Board of Education, and ButlerCountyHigh School are allowed to take part in this program. No student may participate in commencement exercises unless he/she has earned twenty-six (26) units of credit by graduation date. The diploma will be held until graduation requirements have been met. Students must have returned all textbooks, school property (this includes sports uniforms, library books and classroom resource materials, etc.), and paid all debts before graduation night or they will not walk the graduation line.

Progress Reports and Grade Cards

Grade Cards will be issued every 9 weeks and Progress Reports will be issued in the middle of each nine weeks.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian Selection Criteria

Selection of Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be based on the following:

  1. Students who have a 4.0 will be recognized as valedictorians.
  2. The student who has the highest numerical GPA based on 5 significant digits after the decimal point will be the student who delivers the valedictorian speech. If the student with the highest numerical GPA does not want to give the speech, they may descent and the next student who has the highest numerical GPA will give the speech.
  3. Students who have the 2nd highest GPA based on a 4.0 scale using 2 significant digits after the decimal point will be recognized as the salutatorian(s).
  4. Candidates must take 3 college courses in 2 different areas outlined below:
  5. Science-Chemistry 105/106, Chemistry 107/108 and/or Physics 2
  6. Social Studies-US History 241 and/or Western Civilization 119
  7. Mathematics—AP Calculus
  8. English- English 100
  9. Agriculture—Advanced Animal Science
  10. Technology—Cisco Systems
  11. Education 250
  12. Arts Appreciation 100
  13. Music Appreciation 120
  14. Students taking the above classes will receive a 5 point curve.
  15. Candidates are required to take Pre-Calculus to be eligible.

Early Graduation Polices

A student may ask the SBDM Council to write a letter requesting early graduation consideration to the Butler County Board of Education, if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The student is on track to graduate during the current year, but because of circumstances beyond his/her control they are left with no choice, but to ask for early graduation.
  2. The student must get approval from a counselor and the principal at the high school before asking the SBDM Council for a letter requesting early graduation from the board.
  3. The student must write a letter explaining their circumstances to the SBDM Council asking for approval of early graduation.
  4. The student must be able to complete graduation requirements at the ButlerCountyLearningCenter in the fall semester.
  5. The student must be enrolled in a post-secondary institution or be employed by the end of the fall semester.

Early Graduation Polices continued

If a student is approved by the SBDM Council for early graduation, the council will write a letter to the Butler County Board of Education supporting the student’s request. If the board approves the request, the student will receive their diploma during commencement exercises at the end of the school year, but will be given a final transcript showing the actual graduation date.

Promotions Requirements Policy

Sophomore – 5.5 credits

Junior – 12 credits

Senior – 18.5 credits

English Classes Early Graduation Policy

A student who requests early graduation from the SBDM at the end of seven semesters may not simultaneously take English III and IV. This includes any student who has been granted early graduation by the SBDM and Board of Education.

Correspondence Courses

Correspondence school credit may be used toward graduation in unusual cases, such as:

  1. A senior who has failed a course that is necessary for graduation and who otherwise needs the course to graduate.
  2. A student who must withdraw from school for medical or maternity reason.
  3. A student who would need consideration due to age, financial problems, or other unusual situations.
  4. A student who wishes to take courses not offered by the school or which the student cannot work into his/ her schedule.

Any courses offered through universities and colleges approved by the State Board of Education may be taken for high school credit. Request for a correspondence course must be approved in writing by the principal, or a person designated by him, before enrolling in a course. Three units of correspondence is the maximum the school can accept toward graduation. Courses taken for credit toward graduation must be completed and the final grade received at the school before a diploma can be issued to the student. (Students are required to have a parent’s signature before the application is complete. The forms for correspondence are available in the Guidance Office.)

Carnegie Units-AP Courses

AP courses run two nine weeks. Students who take AP Calculus will receive one credit for AP Calculus and a five points will be added to their average score.

Physical Education Participation Policy

In order to receive credit for Physical Education class, a student has to dress out daily at least 75% of the time. Students who have excused absences due to injury or illness and do not meet the minimum dressing requirements will be withdrawn from the class without penalty. These students will be allowed to obtain a replacement credit working as a teacher’s aide. Students who have unexcused absences and do not meet the minimum dressing requirements will fail the class.

BCHS Grading Scale:





F=59 and below

Homework Policy

We all want the same thing…students to learn!”

Homework is often given to help students understand and review content that has been covered in class. It is a way to see if students understand a lesson and can provide opportunities to practice new skills. Though at times, it can represent preparation for an upcoming lesson such as reading or research. Homework is also a link between school and home that shows what is being studied.

I. It is the responsibility of the principal to:

  1. Provide the homework policy guidelines to teachers, students and parents.
  2. Include teacher’s compliance with homework guidelines as part of the evaluative process.
  3. Offer guidance that can assist teachers to improve homework assignments when needed.

II. It is the responsibility of the teacher to:

  1. Assign homework and provide feedback on a regular basis.
  2. Clearly define work assigned to be completed at home, insure that each student understands what is to be done, the form in which the assignment is to be completed, what materials are required to do the assignment and the date & time for the completion of the assignment.
  3. Include on the class syllabus what percentage homework assignments will contribute toward the final grade in the course.

III. It is the responsibility of the student to:

  1. Expect some type of homework on a regular basis.
  2. Clarify any instructions or homework assignments not understood.
  3. Turn in homework correctly, neatly and on time.

IV. It is the responsibility of the parent(s)’ or guardian(s)’ to:

A. Expect some type of homework on a regular basis and check to see

that it is completed before it is turned in.

B. Help students develop good study habits by providing a comfortable,

well-lit area free from distractions.

C. Maintain a line of communication between the school and home.

*Research has shown that at the high school level, for every 30 additional minutes of homework completed daily, a student’s GPA can increase up to a ½ point.

*Freshmen (only in their math class) who receive the 4th zero on homework will be assigned 60 minutes of detention. In detention he/she should complete the missed homework. If detention is not served, the student will receive a day of ICE wherethe normal daily work will be assigned as well as, the missed homework assignment(s).

Plagiarism Policy

The faculty at Butler County High School is committed to teaching students how to become ethical users of information and ideas. It is our responsibility not only to educate students in the research process and mechanics of writing and proper documentation, but also to hold these students accountable for honest work. Whether an assigned project is in a visual, written or spoken format, students are expected to accurately reference all sources of information consulted for the project. Plagiarism is regarded as a serious offense and will not be tolerated by BCHS or any other institution of higher learning. It is an expectation that all departments and students adhere to and enforce this policy.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as:
• Copying of another person’s ideas and/or works, whether intentional or not, in whole or in part, from a print or non-print source, and using those ideas or works as one’s own.
• Deliberate and/or consistent lack of proper documentation and citation in the project or paper.
• In-text documentation that is not reflected in the Works Cited page.

Teacher Responsibilities

Butler County High School teachers are to provide the following at the beginning of the paper
or project:
• An assignment sheet with detailed instructions;
• A rubric outlining final product;
• Clear guidelines regarding acceptable amounts of help from peers or other adults.

In addition, teachers are responsible for:
• Assisting students who are having difficulty in the location and evaluation of information;
• Assisting students in how to manage time and deadlines throughout the research process;
• Explaining to students on formatting and composing the project or paper.
Student Responsibilities
• Submit authentic work;
• Follow the project instructions and deadlines assigned by the teacher;
• Ask questions and seek help from appropriate persons (teachers, the librarian, peers);
• Follow the Butler County High School Research and MLA Style Guide per teacher direction;
• Cite in-text or in-project sources correctly and accurately;
• Format Works Cited pages correctly and accurately.

Plagiarism Violations

If a teacher has sufficient reason to believe that a student has plagiarized, the teacher must determine the level of plagiarism according to the criteria below. A committee comprised of the principal, guidance counselor, department chair, library media specialist and teacher involved then has the option to meet to determine what actions, if any, will be taken.


I. A first-degree violation may occur due to ignorance or inexperience on the part of the student. An example of plagiarism at this level may involve a student’s using a paragraph or a few lines of text without citing the material properly; however, most of the paper is the student’s own work.

Recommended procedures for first-degree violations are outlined below; any one or more procedures may be chosen:
1. Re-do the assignment at the discretion of the teacher.
2. A grade reduction on the original assignment.

II. A second degree violation is a severe case of plagiarism and indicates the majority of a student’s work has been taken from another source or sources and not referenced. An example may be the use of a purchased term paper or other materials as one’s own. Also, this violation may involve improperly acquiring information and/or intentionally altering it, i.e. citing sources that are not actually sources

Recommended procedures for 2nd degree violations are outlined below; any one or more procedures may be chosen:

1. A recommendation that no credit be given for the original assignment and

2. Student will be give ICE by the administration and parent will be notified.

Hats Off Procedure

Hats (baseball caps, toboggans etc.) are not to be worn during the school day at Butler County High School. If a hat is worn during the day, the administration will take the hat and it will be returned at the end of the week.


A student will be considered tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned room when the tardy bell stopsringing. Students dismissed early will fall under the same disciplinary rules as tardiness. Students who are tardy will have the following disciplinary actions:


2nd Warning

3rd30 minutes of detention

4th45 minutes of detention

5th60 minutes of detention

6thICE and parent contact (by phone)

7thICE and parent contact (by phone)

8th+ICE and parent contact in the form of a meeting

Absence or tardiness without valid reason for more than three days constitutes truancy. Six days constitutes habitual and constitutes cause for court action. KRS 159.150

If a student who drives is tardy to school they will have the following consequences:

1st & 2nd Warning

3rd 30 Minutes Detention (Parents Contacted 3rd – 8th Time by mail or phone call)

4th 45 Minute Detention

5th 1 Hour Detention and Loss of Driving Privileges for 5 School Days*

6th 1 Day ICE and Loss of Driving Privileges for 10 School Days*

7th 1 Day ICE and Loss of Driving Privileges for 20 School Days*

8th 1 Day of ICE and Loss of Driving Privileges for the Rest of the Semester*

*If A Student Drives During Loss Of Privileges, Car Will Towed And A $50.00 Charge To Release Vehicle.

Public Display of Affection

Public Display of Affection is not permitted at Butler County High School. Public Display of Affection is defined as no kissing or inappropriate contact for example: sitting in laps, hugging in a corner, etc. regardless of gender.

If a student is in PDA violation they will be given the following discipline:

1st – 30 minutes detention

2nd – 45 minutes detention & parent conference