Honors Algebra 2

Course Expectations

Course Description:

The Honors Algebra 2 course examines the concepts and techniques of advanced algebra and elementary functions. The emphasis in the course’s development is on the logic and structure of algebraic operations and manipulations, and on the concept of a function. Linear, polynomial, quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions are examined with regard to their relationship to algebraic operations, manipulative skills, problem solving and applications. Included in the course are discussions of inequalities, matrices, radicals, sequences and series, probability and statistics, parametric equations, discrete mathematics, data analysis and conic sections. Students are expected to demonstrate individual initiative in investigating course material and mathematical topics. The goal of Honors Algebra 2 is the development of committed mathematics students and competent algebraic thinkers, communicators, technicians and problem solvers.


Upon completion of Honors Algebra 2, the student will have demonstrated the ability to:

·  Solve first degree equations and inequalities in one variable

·  Graph linear functions and identify slope and intercepts

·  Write equations of linear functions

·  Solve systems of equations in two and three variables

·  Solve linear programming application problems

·  Evaluate and operate with matrices

·  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide monomial, polynomial and rational functions

·  Simplify and perform basic operations with exponent and radical expressions

·  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers

·  Solve quadratic equations in one variable by factoring, completing the square, the quadratic formula

·  Solve and graph quadratic functions and inequalities

·  Identify, state important information and sketch polynomial functions

·  Identify, state important information and sketch exponential and logarithmic functions

·  Find terms and sums of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series

·  Use scientific and graphing calculators as tools for learning and doing mathematics

·  Use algebraic concepts as problem solving tools

·  Investigate applications and make connections of algebraic concepts to specific fields.



Unit Outlines/Assignments: My webpage will be updated each week with an outline of what will be done for the coming week. If you miss a class, you can keep up by reading the next section on the outline, studying the examples and trying the assigned problems. Note that many of the answers to the assigned problems are given at the back of the text.

CAUTION: This outline is a guide, it will be updated on my webpage as necessary. Check the webpage frequently for updated information of all kinds.

Homework: You can expect each lesson to be followed with a homework assignment to help you practice and test your understanding of the material. Homework will be collected “randomly” and checked for completion. If it is not done or attempted you will receive a zero. Homework will be evaluated on completeness, quality of work and in-class corrections. Please understand that ANSWERS ONLY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE as homework assignments. You must SHOW YOUR WORK. Remember, homework, as well as class notes are your resources for preparing for tests

Grades: Your grade will be calculated each quarter based on points. Tests will weight approximately double a quiz. Your final grade for this course is the weighted average of the quarter grades (20% each) and the Departmental Mid-Year exam and Final Exam (10% each).

Student Responsibility: The responsibilities of each student include but are not limited to:

o  Prompt and regular attendance

o  Timely completion of assignments and make up work

o  Positive and active classroom participation

o  Notifying the teacher in advance of anticipated absences when possible

o  Checking the website during an absence when possible

o  Checking with classmates and the teacher after an absence and making arrangements for missed assignments.

o  An unexcused absence on the day of a graded activity will result in a grade of ZERO for that activity.

Extra Help/Teacher Availability: Extra Help is always available before, during and after school. Please see me or any math teacher in the Math Office (E-11) for help. Schedule extra help as soon as you have a problem. There are NO Office hours on the day of an announced TEST!!!!! The schedules for all math teachers are posted in the math classrooms and the Math Office.

AM Office Hours: 7:10-7:40 no appointment necessary

PM Office Hours: 2:30-?? (by appointment)

During your instructor’s unassigned periods: Periods______
Materials/Preparation: This is an HONORS course; my expectations of your preparation and efforts are as high as yours should be of mine. The following is an outline of what is necessary on a daily basis these are the components that go into the preparation/participation component of your grade also.

·  Arriving to class on time.

·  Having all of your materials out and ready for use PRIOR to the beginning of class. This includes:

o  Your notebook

o  Your graphing calculator

o  A pen or pencil

o  A list of any questions you have from homework or prior class notes

Notebooks: You will need to keep careful notes of class discussions and examples to help you in doing the homework assignments and preparing for tests. I recommend that you use a 3 ring binder dedicated to this class alone, as it will allow you to keep organized your material. Remember that while organization is important in any field of study, it is critical to your study of mathematics.

Calculators: Graphing calculators will be used on a daily basis.