August 17th meeting is set at Mesa Community College

Newsletter of the Arizona Section (55)

Aldo Perazzone, Chairman

Newsletter-Dec Page 1

Larry Baldasare, First Vice Chairman-S AZ

Brent Boling, Second Vice Chairman-N AZ

Gary Gardner, Secretary

Joe Fitzpatrick, Treasurer

Ralph Long, Publicist

Cory Brown, SENSE & Student Affairs

How Do You Describe FABTECH?

I have been to Manufacturing Trade Shows in Portland, OR and Phoenix, AZ and there was much to see. It has been about 12 years since I was at my last show. Going to FabTech in Chicago has been a ‘Dream’ for me for several years especially when the show is in the Chicago part of its cycle. This year, 2011, I was privileged to be able to make that dream trip and come to Chicago to be a part of the largest Manufacturing Trade Show in North America.

I went to Chicago for many reasons. The primary one was because there were some AWS sponsored seminars I wanted to attend to further my CWI credentials by expanding my understanding and application of written Welding Procedure Specifications.

Secondly, I wanted to see as much new equipment and technology as I could possibly take in during the four days of the show. Thirdly, the opportunity came up to represent the AZ Section of AWS as one of our officers and take part in some of the various AWS yearly meeting activities.

WPS Presenter Dr. Scott Helzer

There were several Professional Presentations and Code Committee meetings that helped my understanding of Society functions and gave the opportunity to hear research presentations that expanded my knowledge of the science of welding.

Our section chairman, Rob Jozwiak, asked if I would write a report on the show for you, our section members. So, here are some of my thoughts on FabTech:

To view the rest of this article, please go to our website at:

I would like to remind each of our members to update their contact information with AWS at the main website at- . This information will help us in keeping you informed about AZ Section activities. It will also assist AWS in keeping you updated on upcoming events, new documents, and make sure you get your monthly copy of ‘The Welding Journal’.

Remember as well that we are ending our mailing of our newsletter in printed format and going to an all email newsletter. You can view our Section Website anytime at: for updates, pictures, articles, and other information.

Section News

Probably the biggest news in the Section is that our Chairman, Rob Jozwiak is leaving the Section! This was a real shock to me when I opened my e-mail last week. He has shown real leadership to the Section and he will truly be missed. As of now we are trying to function without a Chairman, but this will have to be remedied soon.

December Meetings

There will be a meeting at Cochise College in Sierra Vista on December 14 with ESAB giving a demonstration of Submerged Arc Welding. People not familiar with the process regard it as new, but it has been used since the 1930’s. This is a chance to see an actual live demonstration of the process. Secondary items will be the equipment covered in a poster at FABTECH.

We will have the unit presented in this Poster on display at Cochise College on December 14, 2022, along with the “Tri-Tool” and Commercial clamps used.

A demonstration of Submerged Arc Welding will be held in the Phoenix area. The place and time are still to be determined.

A tour of the Tucson Electric Power Company’s generation station during a boiler shutdown is planned, but details are not available now.

The AZ Section of AWS will host two CWI Seminars and Exams in 2012.The first will be March 11-16 with the exam on the 17th. The second will be July 8-13 with the exam on the 14th.
Both will be held at the FourPoints (Innplace) by Sheraton Phoenix North; 10220 N. Metro Parkway East; Phoenix, AZ 85051.
For those attending the seminar and registering through the AWS the hotel cost per night is $108. It appears the July cost will be considerably cheaper (possibly $79/night).
The instructor for the March seminar is Lynn Sturgill.
The instructor for the July seminar is Ed Bohnart.
Don't forget to register by six weeks ahead of the seminars.
Remember, you can take ANY of the Code Endorsement exams, CWS, CWEng, Bolting, BluePrint Reading, as well as D1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 15.1, API 1104, ASME, etc. at any Exam location. Just fill out the appropriate application and enter the proper numbers for your choice.
Phoenix in March is pretty nice. We hope you choose our Section's seminars and exams to expand your credentials, knowledge, and skills.

If any members have an idea for a meeting, especially plant tours, please

Contact Brent Boling or Ralph Long.

We want to thank our President John Mendoza for coming to Arizona and speaking at our October Meeting. Thank you to President & Mrs. Mendoza from all of Arizona.

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