Cossington C of E Primary School Parents & Friends Association

Cossington C of E Primary School

Main Street, Cossington.Leics. LE7 4UU

Registered Charity No. EW37351

Cossington Primary PFA

Dear ParentsDate:20th February 2018

PFA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

I hereby give notice of the AGM of the Cossington C of E Primary School PFA, to be held on Thursday 1st March 2018.Free refreshments will be served from 3.15pm prior to the meeting, which will commence at 3.25pm. We anticipate that the AGM should last approximately 20 minutes. The agenda for the meeting is attached for your information.

The PFA plays a vital part in the school community and all parents/carers, as members of the PFA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to hear and see how the funds you have helped to raise have been used for the benefit of the children at our school. Please come along and show your support.

The AGM is also an opportunity for you to elect the PFA Committee, to represent the association throughout the forthcoming year. Nominations should be sent in advance of the AGM, for existing committee members willing to stand for re-election and for anyone wishing to stand as an Officer or Ordinary Committee Member, for the first time.

Please note that, as advised at last years AGM, both myself as Chair and Helen Collis as Treasurer will be standing down at this years AGM. Both of these roles are vital to the PFA and will need filling at the AGM in order for the PFA to continue. It is important to note that these roles can be taken on by any parent/carer, grandparent, teacher or friend of Cossington C of E Primary School. Please note that you may simply commit to one year in a role if you wish (i.e. until the next AGM).

If you would like any further information about what is involved in being the Chair, Treasurer or Committee Member, please speak to myself or alternatively you can email me at . Full details of all the roles are also available on the schools website under the PFA section.

As our PFA is a registered charity, all committee members automatically become Trustees of the Charity. Before submitting your nomination form, please read the Charity Commission publication ‘The Essential Trustee – What you need to know’. A copy of the booklet is available at

Please return the slip/nomination form below as soon as possible, or by Wednesday 28th February 2018 at the latest.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM.


Alison Gallagher



I/We shall/shall not be attending the AGM on Thursday 1st March 2018

Signed ………………………………………………….…… Print Name……………………………………………………………..……..……………..

Cossington C of E Primary School PFA – Having fun, raising money


Nominee ………………………………………………………………………………

For position of: Chair/Vice Chair/Secretary/Treasurer /Ordinary Committee Member [please circle position]

Proposer …………………………………………………… Seconder ……………………………………………………….


[please sign on dotted line and print name below][please sign on dotted line and print name below]

I …………………………………………………………………. agree to my nomination for the position of ……………………………………………

Signed ………………………………………….Dated…………………………….


Nominee –The person who is being nominated to join the committee

Proposer –The person who is nominating you

Seconder –The second person who is nominating you

The nominee must also sign the form to show that they agree to being nominated

Forms should be returned as soon as possible and by Wednesday 28th February 2018

Forms to be handed in to a committee member or the school office

Thank you