Board / 2015 / 7 / Paper x

National Lacrosse Committee Meeting

21st April 2016, 6:00-9:00 PM

Warwick Hilton, M40 A429 Stratford Road, Warwick, CV34 6RE


1.  Attendees: Sallie Barker (Chair), Mark Coups (CEO), Dave Coldwell (EL Staff), Tracy Averies, John Sharples, Chris Dale, Peter Rawsthorne, Kate Nelson-Lee. Regional Chair Attendee: Richard Gartside

Apologies: Dani Skelly, Clare Smoothy, Helen Murray, Trevor Rogers, David Marsden (Board), Bella Kiddle

2.  Disciplinary Process: John Sharples presented the final draft of the document which he had been working on. JS was thanked by the chair and committee for all his hard work on the document and agreed that it was now to be signed off as a final version. It was agreed that we would review again in 12 months to see if any amendments needed to be made, following one year of implementation.

ACTION: DC to make small amendments discussed and circulate final version by 31st May. DC to liaise with Sam for news story with Respect Code. Safeguarding Officers to also receive as well as Officials at meeting. JS to produce flow chart and standardised incident form for all regions by 31st May.

3.  Respect Code: the final draft version of the documentation was presented. There were minor changes suggested with photos. A discussion was also held with regards to the launch and promotion of the Code.

Action: DC to confirm changes with Sam and to also work with him to produce hard copy materials for clubs to download through Irongate portal - which was used for National Lacrosse Day. DC to also speak to Participant UK to include the Code in new registration system. DC to also send to Denise so it is in library of strategies and policies.

4.  Volunteer Awards- SB led a discussion on volunteer awards and the programme that had run previously. The group agreed that this was a key area requiring improvement and Mark proposed a small working group which SB and Pete volunteered to participate on.

ACTION: DC to circulate SRA awards to committee. SB to form working group.

5.  Officials- Richard provided an update on the lack of courses being run due to cancellation. The level 1 umpires course will be available online from 1st September. The group were most concerned about the conversion of course attendees to qualified level 2 umpires and the lack of assessors in the system. A programme of identifying and fast tracking assessors is required to support the club, university and school games.

ACTION: RG to produce a list of assessors per region and also guidance on what is required to become an assessor.

6.  Calendar- The draft calendar was discussed and the following changes/updates were made:

·  Home Internationals to be moved to 8-10 April

·  BUCS 8s to be 6/7 May

·  National Lacrosse Day 17th September

ACTION: DC to contact DK with changes. Further dates required from: SW League; Yorkshire; BNC; and Academy Regional Tournament

7.  Men’s Competitive Review- KNL informed the group of progress on establishing working groups to develop the recommendations. Mark challenged the group to look at “radical” changes as well as improving the areas that have been suggested.

8.  Individual Registration- an update on the implementation was presented and a discussion on the initial communications that were sent from the office was held. Chris highlighted the tone of the emails could have been better and that the info provided wasn’t reflective of the benefits/reasons discussed at the November meeting.

A discussion was also held on what would occur if rules were broken once the registration system went live. The group concluded that a range of penalties could be imposed such as fines, forfeit of fixture and deduction of points. It was agreed that the Regions would be responsible for imposition of any ineligible participation.

The group also endorsed recommendations for alterations to armed services and school registrations. JS requested that the position on registrations for U12 junior lacrosse to be reviewed.

ACTION: Next round of communications to take on board feedback with a possible video Q&A with Mark. DC to follow up with Carolyn Royle. MC/DC to review U12 registration position as outlined above.

9.  Budgets- SB informed the group that all proposed budgets have been approved for 16-17. A discussion was held on drawing down the money and reporting for each region.

ACTION- DC to produce a payment schedule for each region. DC to produce a reporting sheet with TA for each region.

10. NLC Aims & Objectives- SB introduced the draft business plan that is being developed and the associated KPIs and especially the focus for NLC - “expanding the lacrosse community.” Further work needs to be done on KPI development and how Regions will contribute but the following Aims & Objectives were agreed for the committee for 2016-17.

Aim – to expand the lacrosse community


·  Continue to embed NLC as the lead body for the recreational game

·  Implement recommendations from the Men’s Competitive Review and Women’s Review

·  Implement the Respect Code and Disciplinary Process

·  Increase the amount of registered teams and clubs participating in EL leagues

·  Increase the amount of trained coaches and officials

·  Oversee the delivery of key National Events

11. Date and Time of Next meeting- TBC for end of June

Dave Coldwell 29.04.2016 / Page 2