North Carolina Honors Chorus 2012

Information Sheet

Purpose of NC Honors Chorus: To honor the most capable choral musicians of North Carolina’s high schools by giving them the opportunity to perform at the very highest level of achievement and to provide a superior educational experience for these students and directors.

RCHS can take up to 10% of our total choral enrollment to the audition (4).

Audition Piece: “Insanae et vanae curae” by Franz Joseph Haydn

Print the music from (Bernard West version)

Rehearsal tracks can be found at

Please note that you must prepare the entire selection.

The actual audition section (cut) will be posted on Sunday, Sept. 23.

You might have to decide on a voice part – Sop. 1, Sop. 2, Alto 1, Alto 2,

Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass 1/Baritone, Bass 2 – if chosen for the Honors Choir

Conductor: Dr. Elena Sharkova – Silicon Valley Chorale, San Jose, California

Audition Costs: $15 per student, make checks payable to RCHS, notated to NC Choral Honors Audition (please note the audition cost for 2012 has not been publicized, the $15 per student was the 2011 cost)

Audition Date: Saturday, September 29 at Meredith College

The audition will include:

Vocal warm ups

Audition Piece “Insanae et vanae curae” with accompaniment track


Sightreading Resource:

$24.95 for this great sightreading book

RCHS Initial Meeting: Tuesday, August 21, Lunch Music Room – you must be present in order to be considered for this event

RCHS Audition: TBA, Music Room

You will audition with the accompaniment track and sightread.

Workshop Opportunities and Dates:

August 25 - UNCG - Registration 8:15-8:55/Clinic 9:00-12:15 - no fee Carole Ottt -

Sept. 8 - Methodist University - 9:00-12:00 - no fee - Michael Martin - or Jason Britt -

Sept. 15 - ECU - Andrew Crane -

Sept. 22 - ASU - Stephen Hopkins - Registration at

North Carolina Honors Choir Performance:

Theperformance will be at the North Carolina Music Educator's conference on November 10-11 in Winston-Salem. Cost requirements include: audition registration fee (around $20),purchasing the music for the performance (costs vary each year but no more than $45), hotel costs in Winston-Salem for one night and food money. I will need your parent(s) to be available to"chaperone"for the Friday-Saturday event in Winston Salem.