Holbeach Parish Council Minutes of 11 June 2012

Holbeach Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Holbeach Parish Council held on Monday 11 June 2012 at Coubro Chambers, 11, West End, Holbeach commencing at 7.00 p.m.


As per the register.

Five members of the public were in attendance together with County Councillor Nick Worth, one Police Officer, PCSO Ian Cripps and the Press.

1. Apologies:

Mrs. Joan Woolard as a newly elected Town Ward member had offered apologies in advance of the meeting and prior to her signing her declaration of office.

2. Vacancies Town and St. Johns Wards

The Clerk reported that one nomination had been received and as an uncontested election Mrs. Joan Woolard had been co-opted as a Town Ward member.

The one vacant seat on the St. Johns Ward remains vacant at present.

3. Declarations of interest:

As follows:

Councillor John Spencer – reporting on behalf of matters relating to Holbeach Football Club

Councillor Terry Harrington – Holbeach Town Band

4. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 May 2012 as circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.

Councillor Harrington advised on matters arising that in response to Councillor Jayne Cornwell’s request for consideration to be given to the earlier trimming of the boundary hedge at Holbeach Bank Playing Field this was not able to be undertaken between 1 April to 31 August. Highways can sanction trimming during these dates if they are duly notified and grant approval as a safety issue.

Councillor Cornwell duly noted this and will report back further.

5. Representatives on outside bodies:

A list had been previously circulated for appointments to be made.

There were some additions during the course of this agenda item.

The following representatives were duly appointed:

Holbeach Business Forum – Councillor Isobel Hutchinson

Holbeach Neighbourhood Plan Group – Councillors Jenny Worth and Isobel Hutchinson

Holbeach United Charities – Councillor Jenny Worth to join Councillor Terry Harrington already appointed

Holbeach Farmer Education Foundation – Councillor Isobel Hutchinson to join Councillors Paul Brighton, Terry Harrington and Jenny Worth already appointed.

Holbeach Nature Reserve – Councillor Jayne Cornwell

Grants Co-ordinator (new appointment) – Councillor Isobel Hutchinson with Councillor Maureen Male

Holbeach Youth Club – Councillors Jayne Cornwell and Arthur Male

Holbeach and District Community Association – Councillor Arthur Male

Footpaths – Councillor Jenny Worth

First Contact – Councillor John Spencer

Flood Wardens – Councillors Paul Brighton and Jayne Cornwell

L.A.L.C. – Councillor Maureen Male

Holbeach St. Marks Village Hall – Councillor Maureen Male

Holbeach Hurn Village Hall – Councillors Jenny Worth and Jayne Cornwell

6. Police and County matters including report by County Councillor Nick Worth re Olympic Torch:

Police matters:

PCSO Ian Cripps advised the meeting he had no matters to report and no issues had been reported relating to the Jubilee celebrations.

There were no other issues raised

Report by County Councillor Nick Worth:

Proposed Bus Shelter, High Street, Holbeach

County Councillor Nick Worth advised that progress was developing with regard to the proposed new bus shelter in the High Street of Holbeach.

He had met with LCC officers on site and the Manager of Budgeons supermarket following the owners of the Horse and Groom public house not welcoming the idea of siting the shelter outside their premises.

He advised Budgens are welcoming the proposal and designs will be presented to the Parish Council.

Olympic Torch:

A programme of events had been circulated.

County Councillor Nick Worth advised that preparations were well in hand.

There was to be press coverage including reports in Holbeach magazines.

Programmes were available.

Councillor Worth had personally visited several of the town’s shops and notified them of road closure details.

Road closure details were available and these included the main route through the town from Wignals Gate/ Spalding Road on the A151 through to the Fleet Road Industrial Estate.

Timings of closure are to be as follows:

Main route – 9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. to accommodate events before and after the Torch relay

Church Street -8.30 a.m – 1.00 p.m. to accommodate food stalls

Boston Road and Park Road - 9.45 a.m. approx closure re-opening after the Torch has passed through

Thanks were expressed to Councillor Worth for all his efforts in organising this event.

Councillor Jayne Cornwell raised the issue of street cleaning and sweeping in preparation for the judging of the Best Kept Village / Small Towns Competition

and asked if LCC have any plans which would assist us.

Councillor Worth agreed to note this.

7. Highways:

(a) Maintenance schemes:

The Clerk advised copies of LCC.highway maintenance schemes planned for 2012-13 had been circulated and copies were available for any other interested parties.

(b) Parking in Holbeach

The Clerk reported that having checked with LCC Highways Department they had advised that following a review of parking in Holbeach undertaken as part of the preparation process for the introduction of Civilian Parking Enforcement there were no changes proposed to on street parking availability in the town.

Councillor Jayne Cornwell expressed concern about parking issues in Holbeach and time limits and the impact the introduction of the proposed changes may have.

The Clerk advised that she had been informed the effective date for introduction of Civilian Parking Enforcement which transfers the responsibilities of on street parking is 1st October 2012.

County Councillor Nick Worth advised that there would be thirty spaces becoming available in the Youth Club premises in Boston Road which would be managed by the Youth Club and they would be charging a nominal fee of £25 per year.

8. Allotments:

(a) Councillor Arthur Male’s report

Councillor Male gave a verbal report and advised a letter had been received concerning Battlefields Lane allotments which gave useful advice on various issues concerning these allotments.

Councillor Male thanked Mrs. Carol Rudkin for submitting this letter.

Agreed: To look into the details suggested and if possible take on board the points raised in the letter.

Following a complaint from a neighbouring tenant an estimate had been received to clear one vacant and particularly overgrown site on Northons Lane allotments to the value of £150 which would include comprehensive spraying of the weeds and then ploughing.

It was confirmed provision is available in the allotment budget.

Agreed; To ask Mr. Hank Watson to undertake this work on behalf of the Parish Council to the sum of £150.

Councillor Male advised that he would arrange for some measuring and marking out of allotments in conjunction with Councillor Harrington as there were issues regarding people identifying plots.

Councillor Male then asked for one item of a financial matter to be taken into the “in Committee” section of the meeting.

(b) Clerks report

The Clerk reported that there were three current outstanding rent amounts; reminders had been issued .

It was also reported that notice to quit had been received in respect of No. 46 Battlefields.

Agreed: To check the allotments waiting list and allocate if possible.

One member of the public briefly left the meeting

9. Carters Park:

(a) Councillor John Spencer gave a verbal report to the meeting.

He reported that the Scouts had recently undertaken voluntary work in the Park and requested a letter of thanks be sent to them.

Work is being arranged to secure poles supporting the swings (as per the Wicksteed inspection report).

Councillor Spencer had recorded a declared interest in this next item

(b) Councillor Spencer reported on a letter received on behalf of Holbeach United Football Club who were seeking permission to use the changing rooms in the old Cricket Pavilion for the new season in 2012 for a new youth team.

Councillor Spencer advised he had undertaken an inspection with Councillor Isobel Hutchinson as Deputy Chairman of Parks.

Use of the changing rooms would be limited as it would be Saturdays only for a few hours subject to match fixtures.

Any works required on the changing rooms with regards to reinstalling plumbing fixtures, electrical work and decorating would be undertaken at no cost to the Parish Council.

Councillor Terry Harrington expressed concern that any work undertaken must be to a professional and adequate standard and Councillor Spencer agreed this must be noted but stated there were no major works to be undertaken and in the main they were of a reinstatement nature.

Councillor Spencer advised that there is insurance cover in place for use of the changing rooms.

Councillor Spencer advised that although this facility is currently used by staff for storage, a dry work area and for comfort facilities during lunch breaks this arrangement should not infringe on their normal everyday use of the changing rooms as the request for use was for Saturdays only and if it did then alternative arrangements such as providing a shed for storage could be looked at.

Councillor Arthur Male commented that any youth project should be supported and encouraged.

Councillor Jayne Cornwell agreed we should give support to it as a youth project but expressed concern that if a Cricket team should be reinstated then the facility should be available for their use.

Councillor Spencer informed the meeting that provision is available for cricket to be played at the University Academy field.

Councillor Terry Harrington advised that it is in Parish Council minutes that if a cricket team wishes to reform then we have a reservation for them to have facilities in Carters Park.

Councillor Spencer agreed that this is so and that with football only being played in winter months then arrangements can be made to reinstate the cricket pitch.

Councillor Isobel Hutchinson proposed that the arrangement be introduced for a set period of time and then be reviewed after say twelve months.

Agreed: To agree to the request subject to a set time period of twelve months after which it is reviewed and in the meanwhile if a Cricket Club is reinstated then provision be made for them to be able to return to Carters Park with the facilities of the changing rooms.

With regard to planned events forthcoming in Carters Park Councillor Isobel Hutchinson advised that she had been approached by Helen Scott of Rotary with regard to the provision of early access to the parks grounds on the morning of Sunday 24th June 2012 for their Mid Summer Fayre.

The Clerk undertook to look into this and make arrangements with Park staff.

PCSO Ian Cripps advised that the mobile Police Station will be in attendance for the Music in the Park event planned for 29 July and undertook to liaise with Councillor Spencer prior to this event.

10. Parish Playing Field and Stukeley Grounds:

(a) Councillor Spencer gave a verbal report on the Netherfield/Hallgate playing field and advised that following the issue of letters to residents of Harwood Avenue regarding dumping of rubbish and garden waste in the dyke one edge of the field there had been positive response. A site inspection had showed considerable improvement.

One resident of Harwood Avenue had responded positively to the letter but had asked that the matter of dog walkers using the field but allowing their dogs to be off leads be raised.

Agreed: To monitor the situation with regard to dogs not being kept on leads in the Parish playing field.

(b) Councillor Spencer reported receipt of a letter of request from Holbeach United Ladies Football team to use the playing field on Thursday evenings from 7.00 – 8.30 p.m. for training sessions. This was due to there being goal posts in situ. In the winter months training sessions would revert to the Community Centre site in Fishpond Lane/Damgate due to the benefit of floodlighting.

It was pointed out there are no facilities at the Parish Playing field but Councillor Spencer advised this was not required.

11. Park Road and Hallgate Cemeteries:

(a) Councillor Jenny Worth’s report

Councillor Jenny Worth gave a verbal report to the meeting.

Site inspections had taken place with the Cemetery Keeper and Councillor Worth reported that she considered the sites to be in relatively good condition in spite of recent adverse weather conditions.

Councillor Worth advised there was an issue with subsidence in some graves in Park Road Cemetery and with few new graves now being dug there there was a lack of fill up soil. This would have to be looked into to source a further supply.

Councillor Worth had undertaken a site inspection regarding a particular grave which had been surrounded by picket fencing. The fencing is encroaching upon a neighbouring grave and causing some maintenance issues.

Agreed: The Clerk to write to the family of the grave in question and seek their co-operation in removing the picket fencing.

PCSO Ian Cripps left the meeting at this point

Councillor Terry Harrington advised that the monumental masons are aware of the width restrictions applying to Holbeach cemeteries but Councillor Jenny Worth advised she believed the issue in this case was not the width of the memorial itself but the fencing having been erected afterwards had increased the size of the plot and caused the encroachment.

Agreed: The Clerk to check with the mason responsible and for reminders to be issued to all masons of current restrictions and size permissions.

With regard to the Hallgate Cemetery Councillor Jenny Worth advised there was nothing further to report.

(b) The Burial grants and inscription requests were duly signed as approved as follows:

Lincolnshire Co-Op – memorial to the late Ernest Frederick Thomas Fleet – Hallgate Cemetery

Lincolnshire Co-Op – additional inscription to the late John Finnigan– Park Road Cemetery

Holbeach Memorial Co. – memorial to the late Douglas Arthur Harrison – Park Road Cemetery

Holbeach Memorial Co. – memorial to the late Donald Quincey – Cremation area – Park Road Cemetery

Councillor Jenny Worth informed the meeting that since the increase in Cemetery fees approved at the last meeting on 14 May 2012 notification had been received of an increase in the grave diggers fee from £160 to £180 per grave.

One member of the public left the meeting at this point