Abdomen: The posterior part of the spiders body.

Anal Tubercle: a small lobe below the spinnerets that has the anal opening

Anterior Eye Row (AER): Anterior row of eyes

Anterior Lateral Eyes (ALE): Anterior eyes that are in the lateral position in the eye group.

Anterior Lateral Spinnerets (ALS): Anterior spinnerets in the lateral position in the spinneret group

Anterior Median Eyes (AME): Eyes in the anterior row in the median position in the eye group

Anterior Median Spinnerets (AMS): Anterior spinnerets in the median position in the spinneret group

Anterior: Towards the front, opposite of posterior

Calamistrum: A row of setae located along the metatarsus of cribellate spiders

Carapace: dorsal part of the cephalothorax

Cephalothorax: Anterior part of a spiders body

Chelicerae: The 'jaws' of a spider that are composed of a larger segment and fangs attached to the tip of the larger segment

Claw Tufts: Thick setae around the claw

Colonus: A non-functional spinning plate (cribellum) that is normally significantly reduced from a plate to a lobe or setae

Conical: Cone shaped

Coxa: The first segment (closest to the body) of a spider leg

Cribellete: Having a cribellum

Cribellum: A flat spinning plate anterior to the spinnerets of cribellate spiders

Dorsal: Towards the top, opposite of ventral

Ecribellete: Not having a cribellum

Endites: the lobe of the palpal coxa

Fang: Pointy bits on the end of the chelicera that contain the opening of the venom gland

Femur: The third segment of the leg when going away from the body

Labium: The median section anterior to the sternum

Lateral: To the side of the middle of the body

Macrosetae: A rigid enlarged hair

Median: Towards the middle of the body

Metatarsus: The sixth segment of the leg from the body

Palp: The anterior leg like appendage near the chelicerae

Patella: The fourth segment of the leg from the body

Pedicel: The thin connective section between the cephalothorax and the abdomen

Posterior Eye Row (PER): Posterior row of eyes

Posterior Lateral Eyes (PLE): Posterior eyes in the lateral position in the eye group

Posterior Lateral Spinnerets (PLS): Posterior spinnerets in the lateral position

Posterior medial spinnerets (PMS): Posterior spinnerets in the medial position

Posterior Median Row (PMR): Posterior eyes in the median position in the eye group

Posterior: Towards the back

Precoxal: Sclerotized triangle from the sternum to the coxae.

Prograde: Most common leg orientation with the two anterior pairs of legs pointing in the anterior direction and the and the two posterior pairs pointed in the posterior direction

Sclerotized: thickened or hardened

Setae: Hair

Spinnerets: Finger like organs that spin thread that are at the posterior of the abdomen

Sternum: The ventral median bit of the cephalothorax

Tarsal Claws: Claws at the end of the tarsi

Tarsal comb: Comb of seti on the tarsi

Tarsi: The seventh segment of the leg farthest from the body

Tergites: Sclerotized bit on the dorsal section of the abdomen

Tibia: The fifth segment of the leg from the body

Tracheal spiracle: The opening to the respiratory system

Trochanter: Second segment of the leg from the body

Tubercles: knob like growths

Ventral: Towards the bottom