Stuart Baxter, ELC chaired the first meeting of the Community Council and welcomed everyone.

  1. The Chair issued everyone with a copy of the Balance Sheet for year ending 31 March 2013, a copy of the Chair’s Annual Report for 2013 and the Treasurer’s report for the same period.
  1. Election of new Office Bearers

Nominations were invited for the position of Chair:

Irene Tait was nominated by R Bush and seconded by B Harkins.

Stuart confirmed that Irene Tait was duly elected as Chair.

Nominations were invited for the position of Vice Chair:

Anne Morrison was nominated by B Harkins and seconded by E Ramsden.

Stuart confirmed that Anne Morrison was duly electedas Vice Chair

Nominations were invited for the position of Secretary:

Margaret Stewart was nominated by J Burr and seconded by R Bush.

Stuart confirmed that Margaret Stewart was duly electedas Secretary.

Nominations were invited for the position of Treasurer:

Janice Burr was nominated by A Morrison and seconded by R Bush.

Stuart confirmed that Janice Burr was duly electedas Treasurer.

The re-elected Chair thanked Stuart Baxter for chairing the first part of the meeting and after inviting him to stay for the full meeting, proceeded with the full Agenda.



Present: I Tait (Chair), M Stewart (Secretary), J Burr (Treasurer), A Morrison (Vice Chair), E Ramsden, R Bush, B Harkins, C McArthur, R Montgomery,

C McAlpine

In Attendance: Cllr. J Williamson, Cllr. S Currie, Cllr. F McAlister, Cllr. J McNeil,

Mr S Baxter,Mr & Mrs B Russell, J Douglas(Musselburgh News),

E Hutchison (East Lothian Courier)

  1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. A Forrest.
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8 October 2013:These were approved as a true record, proposed by R Montgomeryand seconded by J Burr.

3.Matters Arising from the Minutes

a) Tesco monies for Art

In response to an enquiry by Cllr. Currie, Lesley Smith replied stating she was still waiting for Tesco to send the funds through and that Keith Dingwall, ELC Planning Department was chasing this up.

b) Handrail at the steps near the War Memorial


c) Lights at Eskview Terrace

Cllr. McNeil told the meeting thatalthough work had begun around this area, the main works will start after Christmas.

d) Windsor Park Terrace

Cathie McArthur ask Stuart Baxter if he could throw any light on the roads at

Windsor Park Terrace as only one side had been repaired. Stuart told the meeting

that the worst section had been repaired first and the remainder would be completed

in the New Year.

d)Pathway at Lagoons

S Baxter will contact S Pryde, Landscape & Countryside and get him to visit the area.

e) Inveresk Church Wall

The delay has been caused by Historic Scotland wishing to examine the planning application. No objection has been raised and work is due to start next week and last for approximately 5 weeks. Cllr. McNeill told the meeting that the lane would be open for the Remembrance Sunday Service.

f) B & M Store, High Street

No further information as there was no police presence. S Baxter told the meeting that there was no easy answer to this problem and it was being closely monitored. He also said that the lease only applied to the upper floor of the building.

g) Christmas Lights/Torchlight Parade

Irene told the meeting that the lights at the Brunton (Santa/sledge) will be lit again this year. Also, that Venue 1 had been provisionally booked in case of severe weather on the night. It was also looking more promising that the tree behind the War Memorial may also be lit. Irene will update at the next meeting.

h) Railings at Eskview

There are a couple of areas still to be finished. Irene will contact Mark McGrath.

i) Paving in High Street

Cllr. Currie informed the meeting that work on repairing the paving was to start this week or next.

j) Community Council feedback from Chief Executive

In response to correspondence sent to Angela Leitch, Chief Executive regarding feedback on some points raised during her visitback in February, a paper was circulated on Community Use of the Brunton. A response on the other two items is still outstanding.

4. Police Report

No police report.

5.Chairman’s Business

1. Remembrance Service

The Chair informed members of the arrangements for the Remembrance Service on Sunday 10 November. Anyone wishing to take part in the parade should be at the Town Hall at 10.15am or alternatively meet up at Inveresk Church for the service which starts at 10.45am. Music for the service at the War Memorial will again be provided by pupils from Musselburgh Grammar School’s brass section. Following the short service tea and hot pies will as usual be served in the Hollies.

6. Planning Issues

1. The weekly list of registered applications dated 17 October 2013 were tabled for information

2. Musselburgh Arms

Work has now started on the property, skips are in place and the premises are being cleared.

R Montgomery commented that the pend next to and property was poorly lit.

3. Musselburgh Joint Race Committee The proposal to erect a marquee for a temporary period of 10 years has been removed from planning.

7. Correspondence

a) Parade Orders for Remembrance Sunday - tabled for information.

b) East Lothian Health Network Newsletter tabled for information.

c) Forth Estuary Forum AGM & Conference being held inNMS, Chambers Street, Edinburgh on Thursday 28th November at 9.30.

d) Garden Party Nomination 2014Nominations to be placed with the Lieutenancy Office by the end of the year. This item will be discussed more fully at the next meeting.

e) Housebreak-ins – Request for information A recent spate of house break-ins in remote areas of East Lothian has prompted a request for information and vigilance from both the police and Gifford Community Council.
f) Friends of Musselburgh Links – AGM Minutes circulated.

g) East Lothian Community Care Forum – AGM to be held Tuesday 22 October, John Gray Centre, Haddington. (ELCCF sent apologies for short notice)

h) ELTRP – Learning & Business Review Day –Tuesday 19 November 2013, Esk Rooms 1 and 2, Brunton.Places limited so booking is in advance.

i) Notice of Meeting of East Lothian Council - Agenda of Business, Tuesday 22 October 13 - tabled for information

j) Notice of Meeting of Local Review Body - Agenda of Business, Thursday 24 October 13 - tabled for information

9. Any Other Competent Business

1. Poppies

The poppies, cans, crosses, wreaths etc. have all been delivered and labelled and ready to be delivered to the shops in the town. CC members were asked to stay behind to collect cans for distribution and put names on the rota.

10. Date of next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 November 2013 at 7.30pm. Please note that this will be the Committee Meeting

The next FULL meeting will be held on Tuesday 26 November 2013.