5 Senses Book Directions

Directions: You will work in groups of 2 or 3 to create a book that has detailed information about each of the following

5 senses. The book must include a cover and table of contents. Each sense must have its own page(s) and give all of the following information:


1.  Diagram and label a tongue. Be sure to include the specific areas of the 5 taste sensations.

2.  Diagram and label the structure of individual taste papillae (bud).

3.  Describe in detail how taste is detected.

4.  Describe each of the 5 taste sensations. Be sure to include examples of foods for each category.

5.  List and name the cranial nerve(s) that control/detect your sense of taste.


1.  Diagram and label an olfactory bulb and its surrounding structures.

2.  Describe in detail how smell is detected.

3.  Describe how taste and smell are related.

4.  Describe the possible role of the vomeronasal gland in humans.

5.  List and name the cranial nerve(s) that control/detect your sense of smell.


1.  Diagram and label the external features of the eye.

2.  Diagram and label the internal features of the eye.

3.  List and name the cranial nerve(s) that control/detect your sense of sight.

4.  Compare and contrast the rods and cones found on the retina.

5.  Describe how an image is transmitted through the eye and to the brain.


1.  Diagram and label the external, middle and inner ear.

2.  Diagram and label detailed structure of the internal ear.

3.  List and describe the main structures found in the external, middle and inner ear.

4.  Describe how a sound would travel through the ear, beginning at the external ear and finishing in the cochlea. (use figure 9.17 on page 354 to help with your explanation)

5.  List and name the cranial nerve(s) that control/detect your sense of hearing.


1.  Diagram and label the semicircular canals and the vestibule.

2.  List and name the cranial nerve(s) that control/detect your sense of balance.

3.  List the three semicircular canals and describe the type of motion it detects.

4.  Describe how the semicircular canal gives a person their sense of balance (equilibrium).