Professional Learning Forms and their purpose:

Explanations of purpose are in italics and underlined. These can be found at or in Academic Coach’s office in the wall files. Notice that you can go straight to these links by holding down Ctrl key and click on the blue form name.

PL Form 1hot! Professional Learning Form 1 - Request for Individual Professional Learning Funding and/or Leave Funding Reimbursement of Registration Fee(s).

“This MUST be filled out for every type of training you attend for prior approval. It must be signed by the Principal. It will be turned in to Central Office. I will provide these at all PLC opportunities offered at RHS. If you are attending a “series of workshops” related to one topic, only 1 form filled out is necessary with all of the dates included in the information.”

PL Form 1ahot! Professional Learning Form 1a - Estimated Reimbursement for Travel Expenses.

“This is an estimate of the travel expenses that you will incur while attending training out of town. It MUST be approved by your Administrator then It MUST be turned in prior to your conference. “

PL Form 2hot! Professional Learning Form 2 - Attendance Verification Form.

“Due to sign-ins getting lost (except at RHS), take this to all training events for a signature by the presenter. This will be included in your Final pack to Central Office.”

PL Form 3hot! Professional Learning Form 3 - On-the-job Assessment of an Individual Activity.

“This form is rarely used and only necessary to verify attendance by an administrator of a conference attended out of town.”

PL Form 6phot! Professional Learning Form 6p - Activity Log for Paraprofessionals.

“This is for parapros only. It MUST be copied on BLUE PAPER. It is a Log of all Professional Learning activities and must be signed by an Administrator before it is turned in.”

PL Form 6hot! Professional Learning Form 6 - Individual Learning Log

“This is for certified staff to log and reflect on all types of professional development which individually total less than 10 hours and are accomplished in a school year. The Log can include several types of training and each type (not item on the log) will have a PL6 Top sheet filled out explaining the training and benefit, such as:

o  Dept Mtg dates - they mustinclude a professional learning opportunity of some variety. Dept Mtgs which only involve “Planning” is not considered Professional Learning. You will fill out one PL 6 Top sheet to explain what Professional Learning you did during all of the Dept Meetings.

Professional Learning such as a Series which involves several workshops (such as the Adolescent Brain Series), fill out one PL6 Top sheet will explain the entire series.

Attendance at Faculty Meetings or Inservice where Professional Learning opportunities are offered, such as “Common Assessment” and followed by a session in which Common Assessments are developed with your team, is an example of one PL6 Top Sheet.

There are “writeable versions” of the PL6 Form and Log for you. Just send Judy Solovey, Academic Coach, an email for a copy to save.

How to count Department Meetings as PLU time?

If you have had training, read a Professional book, or visited a webinar that has been archived etc. from which information related to your content area can be conveyed to your Dept colleagues or other colleagues that teach your content (EX: all US History folks, or all Math 2 people), you may:

·  be put on the Dept Chairs’ Agenda (Chairs should have one for every meeting they conduct)

·  always have a sign in with the date and time (Chair people keep)

·  always have a reflection sheet ready (PL6 sheet) for all participants to respond immediately on the official sheet. This will eliminate a major headache at the end of the year.

·  discuss it with your colleagues

·  as the presenter, you can only count this time once (you can’t be the learner and the presenter)

·  only the participants can count that training time

IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND….Dept Planning meetings are NOT accepted as PLUs unless they include a Professional Learning component. This can be presented by your Dept chair, a member of the Dept, or the Academic or Graduation Coach, or others who are in a training capacity.

IF this is training is about an instructional strategy and you would allow a colleague to come in and observe you implementing the strategy, they will receive more PLUs for that observation time.

IF you attend a Professional Training outside of the school and counts 10 hours or more towards a PLU

·  You should first have it approved by your administrator, using PL1, requesting approval for participation and the expense.

·  IF there is an expected reimbursement for travel, food, and lodging, a PL1A form must be filled out and approved by Administration and sent to Central Office (Susan Hutcheson) prior to participation.

·  Always take a PL 2 form just in case a training that doesn’t have an attendance record. The Instructor or Program Official will sign verifying your attendance.

·  If you attend anything offered by RESA, Central Office, Dalton State, that equals 10 hours or more,those Professional Learning Providers should automatically send these to Central Office who will then log them in your Employee Self Service "My Training" site. You don't have to fill out a PL6 if the event was 10 hours or more.

ALL PL Activities less than 10 hours each must be logged on the PL 6 Attendance Log and include the Reflection sheet (top PL6 sheet) for each “TYPE” of learning.

·  If you attend an outside training which equal for example: 24 hours – you will receive credit for 20 hours sent straight to Central Office (or in which you received verification of attendance) but you will be left with “dangling 4 hours”. Those “dangling 4” would be indicated on a PL6 log form. If you don’t do this, you will lose the 4 hours.

How to access your PLUs on Employee Self Serve?

Go to Catoosa's Website, then click on Employee. Find Employee Self Service on the drop down screen then:

1) Once logged in to ESS, on left click "Employee Self Service"

2) On left, click "Training Opportunities"

3) On right, blue link, click "View My Training"