YEW TEE PRIMARY SCHOOL – New Order Form for 2015


(Please note: Mail your order form to below address. We do not accept walk-in order at all times.)

Mail To: Charlie Chan Pte Ltd

31 Jalan Keli,

#01-02, Keliville,

Singapore 577931

Fax: 6483 2033


Attention: Mr. Anthony Chan 9789 2308

Ms Irene Yeo 9638 9566


(For use on school uniform and PE attire)

Please  the quantity you want to order in the boxes provided. *You can order additional quantity of name tags.

I wish to order: 1 set S$5.00 (per set consists of 5 pieces) inclusive of GST.

English Name of Pupil (in FULL BLOCK LETTERS)

Note: Please write or print your child’s English name neatly andclearly.

**IMPORTANT (注意填写)
Please indicate his/her school level and year below:
Level: PRIMARY ______YEAR: ______

The child will use the same colour name tag throughout their 6 years of education.

*Important notes to all parents:

  1. Please use the child’s official name as indicated on his/her birth cert or citizenship cert.
  2. When the name exceeds 22 characters (inclusive of spaces), please shorten accordingly.
  3. Name tags will be delivered to your home address via normal mail in 2 – 4 weeks upon receipt of your payment.

PAYMENT: Please mail your order form together with your cheque payment.

付款条件: Made payable to “CHARLIE CHAN PTE LTD” (*Please write your cheque correctly before issuing to us)

Terms:When a cheque is returned due to discrepancy, parents are liable to pay a penalty fee of $10 to the bank.

Your bank:/ Cheque No.: Amount: S$

Name of Parent/Guardian: Dr / Mr / Mrs / Mdm

Contact No: (Home)Mobile No.Email:


Postal Code

Signature of Parent/Guardian:Order Date:

Colour coding for 2015:

P1 - Orange / P2 – Red / P3 - Green / P4 - Brown / P5 - Dark Blue / P6 – Purple