Improving the effectiveness of EU policies for SMEs

9 May 2018,9.30 - 13.00,European House,

Gedimino ave. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania



9 - 9.30 / Registration
9.30 -9.35 / Introduction, Linas Lasiauskas,member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
9.35 - 9.50 / Welcome address, Arnoldas Pranckevičius, Head ofthe European CommissionRepresentation in Lithuania
9.50 - 10.50 / Panel discussion on the European approach to promoting SMEs, moderated byGintaras Morkis, EESC member, with the following speakers:
  • Keynote speech: Milena Angelova, EESC member, rapporteur for the opinion on Improving the effectiveness of EU policies for SMEs
  • Dimitris Dimitriadis, EESC member, rapporteur for the opinion on The potential of small family and traditional businesses to boost development and economic growth in the regions
  • Ronny Lanoo,EESC member
  • Valia Aranitou, General Director of INEMY (Institute of Commerce & Services), research and development observatory in Greece about SMEs
  • Linas Lasiauskas,EESC member
  • Kęstutis Lukoševičius, Director, UAB Baltled

10.50 - 11.10 / Open discussion moderated by Gintaras Morkis, EESC member
11.10 - 11.30 / Coffee break
11.30- 12.30 / Panel discussion on How Lithuaniaendeavours to improve the effectiveness of SMEs, moderated by Daiva Kvedaraitė, EESC member, with the following speakers:
  • Keynote speech: Gintaras Vilda, Vice-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Dalia Matukienė,Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Small and Medium-sized Business Council
  • Danukas Arlauskas,Director of the Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation
  • Eglė Radišauskienč,Vice-Minister of Social Affairs and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania:If and howlabour relations and social dialogue will strengthen SMEs in Lithuania?
  • Dalius Serafinas, Vilnius University, President of the Lithuanian Quality Management and Inoovations Association: How to implement socially oriented green economy in Lithuania?

12.30 - 12.45 / Open discussion moderated by Daiva Kvedaraitė, Lithuanian member of the EESC
12.45- 12.55 / Closing remarks by Stefano Palmieri, EESC member
13.00 / End of the hearing
Interpretingprovided fromLithuanian, English, French, ItalianintoLithuanian, English, French

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