Porterville Unified School District

Sequoia Middle School

1450 West Castle Avenue

Porterville, CA 93257

(559) 788-0925

Web Site


Student- Parent Handbook


Porterville Unified School District

Porterville, CA

Sequoia Middle School

Administrative Staff

Dr. Joseph Santos - Principal

Mrs. Marilyn Hernandez - Dean of Instruction

Mrs. Elsie Alvarado - Secretary

PUSD Administrative & District Staff

Dr. John Snavely, Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Valene Staley, Assistant Supt. - Educational Services

Dr. Ken Gibbs, Assistant Supt. - Business Services

Mr. Dennis Martinez, Assistant Supt. - Personnel Services

Mrs. Martha Stuemky, Director of Programs & Assessment

Mrs. Kris Wilson, Director of Special Education

Mr. Nate Nelson, Director of Information Services

Mr. Manuel Rodriguez, Director of Nutritional Services

Mr. Owen Fish, Director of Facilities

Mr. Dan Newman, Director of Maintenance & Operations

Mr. Dan Betry, Director of Custodial Services

Mr. Brian Burgdorf, Transportation Liaison

Ms. Lily Hernandez, Y.E.S. Program Coordinator

PUSD Board of Education

Mr. Pete Lara – President

Mrs. Haley Buettner – Vice President

Mr. Richard Morris – Board Clerk

Mrs. Pat Contreras – Member

Mr. David Itzenhauser – Member

Mrs. Sharon Gill – Member

Mr. Greg Gillett – Member

Distrito Escolar Porterville Unified

Porterville, CA

Sequoia Middle School

Personal Administrativo

Sr. Joe Santos, Director

Sra. Marilyn Hernandez, Decano de Instruccion

Sra.Elsie Alvarado, Secretario

Sra. Palimino, Empleado de oficina

Personal Administrativo del Distrito Escolar

Dr. John Snavely, Superintendente

Dr. Valene Staley, Asistente Superintendente, Servicios Educativos

Dr. Ken Gibbs, Asistente Superintendente, Departamento de Negocios

Sr. Dennis Martinez, Asistente Superintendente, Departamento de Personal

Sr. Martha Stuemky, Director de Proyectos Especiales

Sra. Kris Wilson, Directora de la Educación Especial

Junta Educativa del Distrito Escolar

Sr. Pete Lara, Presidente

Sra. Haley Buettner, Vicepresidente

Sra. Pat Contreras. Miembro

Sr. Richard Morris, Miembro

Sr. David Itzenhauser, Miembro

Sra. Sharon Gill – Miembro

Sr. Greg Gillett, Miembro

Dear Parents and Students:

It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that I offer to everyone a Sequoia Hawk welcome. By attending our school you are beginning an incredible adventure in education. Our staff is working hard to bring our students the latest in computer technology development and also the “Best Educational Practices” in the classroom. We have high expectations and goals for all of our students. We believe that student success is strongly based upon parent support and involvement in the Sequoia community. This handbook familiarizes you with our policies, rules, programs and schedules. I encourage everyone to take time and read through this handbook in order to help make your experience at Sequoia Middle School a successful one.

Parents, please carefully review the dress code policy with your child before school starts. School safety begins and ends with everyone following the rules.

I truly hope that everyone has a successful year, as we are committed to providing our students with the very best learning environment possible. I urge everyone to make the most of their Sequoia Middle School experience and seize the opportunity to reach a new level of academic achievement.

The Porterville Unified School District Policies and guidelines will be enforced.


Dr. Joseph Santos, Principal


Sequoia Middle School believes in a holistic philosophy of education that:

·  Meets the unique needs of young people at a time when they are going through profound physical, social, and emotional changes.

·  Believes in a strong well-planned instructional program that promotes students academic achievement, self esteem and social development.

·  Believes that every staff member understands and is responsive to the needs of early adolescence and strives to help set and accomplish goals.

·  Believes that parents and members of the community should be actively involved with and support students in academic and extra-curricular activities.

·  Believes that students need to take an active and responsible role in all aspects of their education and preparation for their future.

Sequoia Middle School believes that, in meeting these needs, our students will be better prepared to face the challenges of a changing, culturally diverse, social, political and economic society.

Estimados Padres/Estudiantes:

Con gran entusiasmo y emoción le doy la bienvenida a cada Hawk de Sequoia. Al asistir a nuestra escuela están comenzando una aventura increíble en la educación. Nuestro personal está trabajando muy duro para traer a nuestros estudiantes lo último en el desarrollo tecnológico en computadoras y también “las Mejores Prácticas Educativas” en el salón. Tenemos altas metas y expectativas para todos nuestros estudiantes. El éxito de nuestros estudiantes está basado en el apoyo y participación de los padres en la comunidad de Sequoia. Este manual es para que se familiaricé con nuestras normas, reglas, programas y horarios. Le animamos para que tome su tiempo y lea este manual completo para poder ayudarle a que su experiencia en Sequoia sea un éxito.

Padres, favor revise cuidadosamente la norma del uniforme con sus hijos antes de que comience la escuela. La seguridad escolar comienza y termina cuando cada uno sigue las reglas. Espero sinceramente que cada uno tenga un exitoso año, mientras nos dedicaremos a facilitar a nuestros estudiantes con el mejor ambiente de aprendizaje posible. Animo a cada uno para que tenga la mejor experiencia en Sequoia y tome la oportunidad de alcanzar un nuevo nivel de aprovechamiento académico.

La pólizas del Distrito será aplicado.


Dr. Joseph Santos, Director


Sequoia cree en una filosofía de educación completa que:

·  Reúne las necesidades únicas de los jóvenes durante la época en que están pasando por algunos cambios físicos, sociales y emocionales.

·  Cree en un programa educativo fuerte y bien planeado que promueva el logro académico, auto estimación, y desarrollo social del estudiante.

·  Cree que cada miembro del personal docente comprende y responde a las necesidades de la adolescencia y se esfuerza por ayudar a fijar y lograr metas.

·  Cree que los padres y miembros de la comunidad deben estar activamente involucrados en apoyar a los estudiantes, no solo académicamente, sino también en las actividades extras del plan de estudios.

·  Cree que los estudiantes deben participar activa y responsablemente en todos los aspectos de su educación y preparación futura.

La Escuela de Sequoia cree que al cumplir con estas necesidades, nuestros estudiantes estarán mejor preparados para afrontar los desafíos de un ambiente cultural, social, político y económico tan diverso.

Office Information

Office Hours: 7:45 am. – 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday.

Students should not be on school grounds before 7:30 am. or after 3:15 pm. unless requested by a teacher or administrator, or for participation in a supervised activity.

All students must have up-to-date emergency information on file in the office. Please notify the office at once if there are any changes in address, phone number (home or work), and/or change of guardian. Students can only be released to those named on the emergency card.

Sequoia Middle School has a Closed Campus Policy. Once a student arrives on the school grounds, he/she is not permitted to leave unless signed out by a parent/guardian.

When visiting Sequoia Middle School, state law requires that all persons visiting our campus must sign in at the office. Guests will be given a visitor’s badge. Students should come into the office for school business only, when called by an administrator, or in an emergency situation. Students need a pass from a teacher to be in the office during class time. Students are not to use the office phones, except in an emergency. If a student wishes to stay for after-school activities, he/she must make arrangements with parent/guardian BEFORE coming to school.

Counseling Services

The school-site psychologist will accept teacher referrals for any student who has concerns/problems in any area of school, with friends or peers, or at home.

Parents and other staff members may also submit referrals. Students may also self-refer by completing a request for counseling form available from a teacher or the office. This form can be returned to the box in the office. All referrals and counseling are confidential. The psychologist will only see students on an appointment or emergency basis.

Información de la Oficina

Horario de Oficina: 7:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes.

Los estudiantes no deben de estar en la escuela antes de las 7:30 a.m. o después de las 3:15 p.m. al menos que sea requerido por el maestro o personal administrativo, o para participar en alguna actividad supervisada después de clases. Todo estudiante debe mantener su tarjeta de emergencia actualizada en la oficina. Favor de notificar a la oficina de cualquier cambio de dirección, número de teléfono (casa o trabajo), y/o cambios en custodia del estudiante. Los estudiantes podrán salir de escuela solamente con las personas indicadas en la tarjeta de emergencia.

La Escuela de Sequoia tiene una Norma de Campo Cerrado. Una vez que el estudiante llegue a la escuela, no se le permitirá salir al menos que sea recogido por sus padres o tutor legal.

Cuando visite la Escuela de Sequoia, la ley estatal requiere que todo visitante se registre en la oficina. A todo visitante se le dará un gafete de visitante.

Los estudiantes deben de ir a la oficina solo para negocios escolares, cuando sean llamados por algún administrador, o en casos de emergencia. Los estudiantes deben traer un permiso del maestro para ir a la oficina durante las horas de clase.

No se le permitirá el teléfono de la oficina a los estudiantes, excepto en una emergencia. Si algún estudiante desea quedarse después de clases para alguna actividad, debe hacer arreglos con sus padres ANTES de venir a la escuela.

Servicios de Consejero

El psicólogo de la escuela aceptará referencias del maestro para todo estudiante que tenga preocupaciones / problemas en cualquier área de la escuela, con amigos o compañeros, o en su casa. Padres, y otros miembros del personal también pueden hacer las referencias. El estudiante también puede solicitar una entrevista con el consejero llenando la forma indicada que esta disponible en la oficina o del maestro. Esta forma se entrega en la oficina. Todas las referencias y servicios del

consejero son confidenciales. El psicólogo solamente verá a los estudiantes con una cita o por una emergencia.


Dress Code/Guidelines

The Porterville Unified School District has a dress code policy in place. We expect all students to follow this policy. We feel that this policy promotes a positive school climate as well as improved academic focus.

El Distrito Escolar Porterville Unified tiene un plan para la póliza. Esperamos que todos los

estudiantes sigan esta póliza. Sentimos que esta póliza promueve un ambiente escolar positivo como también el mejoramiento del enfoque académico.


The Board believes that pupils should be neatly and cleanly dressed. This dress code applies to both genders and will be enforced at school sites, at school functions, and on school buses. The dress code is adopted to promote standards of dress and grooming that promote a safe school setting conducive to a positive learning environment.

1. Pupils must dress safely.

2. Pupils must dress appropriately for activities in which they will participate so as not to endanger their health, safety, or welfare.

3. Clothing, hats, tattoos, and jewelry shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia, which are crude, vulgar, profane, obscene, libelous, or sexually suggestive. Clothing or jewelry that advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice, or other unlawful acts, or the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol is prohibited.

4. Dark glasses shall not be worn indoors unless a documented health related problem exists.

5. Clothes shall be clean so as not to promote unhealthy or unsanitary conditions. Underwear-type sleeveless shirts, see-through, fishnet fabrics, or other attire which expose the body in a sexually suggestive manner, bare midriffs, tube tops, halter tops, tank tops, tops with spaghetti straps, etc., are not acceptable.

6. Bandannas, "do" rags, and hair nets are not allowed.

7. Clothing will be worn as its design was traditionally intended. For example, pants must be worn with the top around the wearer's waist (NO SAGGING OR STACKING PANTS).

8. Earrings and other body piercing items are to be worn in ears only.

9. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Haircuts or hairstyles that draw undue attention to the wearer or detract from the educational process are not acceptable.

10. Attire that may be used as a weapon may not be worn (e.g., steel-toed boots, chains, items with spikes or studs, etc.).

11. Pupils shall not display any material or paraphernalia which incites a disruption of the school process or creates a clear and present danger of either the commission of unlawful acts on school premises or the violation of district or school-site policies or rules.

12. Gang-related apparel or paraphernalia, including symbols, emblems, insignia, or other gang identifiers, may not be worn or displayed. This rule prohibits the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute, denotes membership in or affiliation with gangs. In case of doubt as to whether an item is gang related, the principal or designee will consult with local law enforcement or other school personnel with expertise in gangs.*

*Such items confiscated may be turned over to the local law enforcement agencies for appropriate action. Confiscated items will not be returned to the student. Parents may request return of items from the appropriate agency. Items will be kept for one month and then soon thereafter will be discarded.

13. Any apparel, hairstyle, cosmetic, accessory, or jewelry, even if not specifically mentioned above, that creates a safety or health concern, draws undue attention to the wearer, or tends to detract from the educational process, is prohibited.

Discipline Policies

Automatic school detention for unexcused tardies. (Students may periodically be assigned lunch detention for first period tardies). Students will receive a phone call

home and school detention. Student failure to serve after school detention will result in mandatory in-school suspension. After the fifth tardy, a parent conference meeting will be scheduled.