Source Water Collaborative Meeting

Conference Call 1-866-299-3188 Code: 2025643889

2123 EPA East, 1201 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

12:45 – 4:30PM Eastern

Meeting Objectives

Identify ways SWC members can support development and implementationof state nutrient reduction strategies (see Action Item #2)

Learn how pilot states aligned drinking water, clean water, and land useand conservation programs to support source water protection efforts (see Action Item #2#3)

Review and collect feedback on draft SWC toolkit, which encourages collaboration between source water stakeholders and NRCS State Conservationists (see Action Item #1 & #4)

Share member updates that have a bearing on source water protection


12:45 – 1:20PMWelcome & Introductions

Pamela Barr, Acting Director OGWDW

ASDWA & GWPC,SWC Steering Committee Co-Chairs

Safe Drinking Water Act/Clean Water Act Collaboration Opportunities: Presentations & Focused Discussion

1:20 – 1:40PMPart One:

Presentation: Perspectives from EPA – Opportunities in Implementing the Nutrient Framework

Denise Keehner, Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds

A key EPA cross office priority is to address nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. This presentation will provide background on key EPA efforts relevant to source water nutrients issues, note source water protection opportunities as states continue to develop and implement their nutrient reduction frameworks, and solicit thoughts on additional clean water/safe drinking water program collaboration opportunities from the SWC.

1:40 – 2:05PMPart Two:

Presentation: Perspectives from the States - Nutrient Priorities and Plans

Alexandra Dunn, Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA)

Nutrient management is a front and center issue for states. This presentation will discuss ACWA’s recent work to study how states are using a variety of methodologies to reduce nutrients, challenges and opportunities, and issues associated with bioassessment. This presentation also will touch on new partnerships, which are helping states see some success, including with USDA, the US Forest Service, state associations, and the permitted community.

2:05 – 2:30PMPart Three:

Presentation: Clean Water/Drinking Water Connections - Lessons Learned from the Enabling Drinking Water Source Protection Initiative

Elizabeth Schilling, Smart Growth Leadership Institute

This presentation will provide a brief overview of the Land Use and Source
Water project (, highlighting specific actions state
agencies can take to coordinate CWA and SDWA activities in ways that support and promote local source water protection actions.

2:30 – 2:45PMPart Four:

SWC Member Feedback on SDWA/CWA Collaboration Opportunities

Facilitated Group Discussion

2:45 – 3:00PMBreak

3:00 – 4:00PM Presentation & Member Review of Draft SWC How-To Toolkit

Presentation by Christene Jennings, with input from SWC Steering Committee

4:00 – 4:20PM Member Sharing of New Projects, Conferences & Research

Facilitated by Christene Jennings, Salter Mitchell

Member roundtable sharing pertinent resources and updates related to source water protection.

4:20 – 4:30PMReview Action Items/Wrap-up